What was he like?
Tell me about Hitler, Yas Forums
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Just finished a book written by his one and only childhood friend called 'The Young Hitler I Knew'. Very revealing of who he was from the start. Seems like he never changed even as Fuhrer.
You can download the book free online
>What was he like?
>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think.
Some jews died in WW2. Some jews were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.
The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.
The full truth about jews and WW2:
Thanks, I'll read it
Also you can read Hitlers Table Talks to understand his real private opinions on almost every subject under the sun. Also available free online.
He was kinda weird in person but he meant well.
Do not trust anyone here, there is only Jewish scum here trying to misinform about the figure of Hitler.
Watch this documentary, it will clarify many doubts:
People always wanna murder Hitler with their time machines right?
But then I feel like if I got back there I'd be afraid of falling under the spell of his beautiful eyes, and then I'd join the fucking party.
>Hitlers Table Talks
Dont read that shit, is all false.
No one here has posted any anti-Hitler stuff, so who the fuck are you talking about? Yes, that video series is a good start, but he asked to understand what he was like. Not a broad overview of the war.
Hitler was like strawberry icecream...with all the sprinkles that you could manage. In fact, you practically had to get a shovel to find the ice cream because of all the fucking sprinkles on that shit. Then we got to the ice cream, here comes another fucking employee with a Lowes bucket of sprinkles. Eventually you get all excited a ready to fight because of your sugar high, and the jews at the other table are all eyeing your sprinkles, because they're the only ones that got sprinkles before you came and they're curling their lips aggresively like they're going to steal some of your sprinkles. BUT THEN HERE COMES THAT SWEET EMPLOYEE AGAIN WITH THE TINY MUSTACHE to give you EVEN MORE Sprinkles, and then when we walks away, he walks next to the jews and knocks off their tiny jew-hats and mutters "Nein, niche heute Schlomo and Murray."
That's Hitler in a nutshell.
No it isn’t you sperg. They are literally a documentation of things he said in private from PEOPLE IN THE ROOM. Just cause you may dislike things he said (like disparaging Christianity), doesn’t mean it’s fabricated.
He'd probably be diagnosed somewhere on the autism specter today - and such a (((diagnosis))) would probably sink his confidence and end his political career before it even began.
How many Hitlers has the Jewish psychology golem strangled in their cribs so far, I wonder?
Oh, and when he comes back WITH EVEN MORE SPRINKLES, he's doing it in a fucking bad-ass tank that can't be harmed by other tanks - but does break down every five miles.
I’ve read about the table talks. It was Martin Bormann (Hitlers personal secretary and trusted friend) who cobbled them together. Unless you don’t trust Bormann as a source, then yes they are indeed authentic.
>that comic
unironically what happened to every single time traveler that tried to off Hitler
they went in to shoot him
they left as true believers
that's how charismatic and RIGHT he actually was, to be able to break through the conditioning of decades in a single speech
Didn’t most of that stuff get debunked?
Says who? David Irving recommends it.
Bormann the guy who worked with the american intelligence after the ww2...
No i dont believe him.
When? By who? David Irving recommends it
You uneducated tard. Bormann died in Berlin in 45.
>David Irving
And? who is this guys? another paid shill like alex jones, milo, shapiro...?
That proves nothing.
He was pretty cool, so good that even after full allied occupation denazification failed in Germany because the workers, who always feel the hatefuck from government the hardest, still loved him dearly.
>Doesn't even know who David fucking Irving is
He's the most famous author on WW2. Known for his denial of gas chambers and huge court trial against Jews.
It proves this Spaniard is a moron. Bormann died in 1945, he was never working with America after the war, he was dead.
Karl Doenitz was my high school science teacher who created a time machine to kill Hitler. You can see what happened...
He said that his only regret was that it was hard to kill jews on a submarine. The crew would dress up the lowest ranking officer in a skullcap and give currency to run around shouting "Oy Vey" while the crew took turns throwing wrenches and other moderately-weighted metal items at him. It kept up morale.
He didn't even know who David Irving was.
those fucking digits CHECKED
>we will never have this again
fuck this timeline
Indeed. Denial of the authenticity of table talks is just COPE for those pushing a certain narrative about Hitler because Hitler said something in them that they don’t like (such as him disparaging Christianity). Or just ignorance like our Spaniard friend here.
*before* the ww2 sorry
here cia.gov
Socionist here. There you have a good description of his most possible sociotype (personality type)
And there you have the second most probable sociotype for Hitler
People were rounded up and put into the camps.
It was a tragic event. Many died.
It may have been 6 million.
Jews should fuck off though.
The way it is continuously used as propaganda is ridiculous.
see this is the vol.1
>because Hitler said something in them that they don’t like (such as him disparaging Christianity)
This big time. I've noticed that.
Im not christian but ok, and i i dont like christianity.
a German empath
No, you're just ignorant. We get it.
Mmm, why?
>Didn't know who David Irving was
>Thought Bormann lived past 1945
>Can't give a reason why Table Talks is fake
He wanted a perfect world
but the Earth is too gay to allow that
>>Thought Bormann lived past 1945
I said after instead before
Here is the vol1.
>Didn't know who David Irving was
Yes i dont know who is this guy, and?
Do you know who was Gottfried Feder, Karl Harrer, Anton Drexler...?
Who is the ignorant here? i think you
Nigga that is the CIAs profile on Bormann, just like intelligence had profiles on every high ranking Nazi. They talked to his brother about him and where they thought he might be. You played yourself bud.
Short description of the EIE (Hitler's type)
EIE, ENFj (Ethical-Intuitive Extrovert): MENTOR
Appearance: This is the most varied and contradictory of all the types, both internally and externally. EIE most frequently has a variable gaze, not roaming, but somewhat scattered. His eyes are expressive; they show his inner emotional glow and at times melancholy. Usually these emotions do not as much mirror the present state of affairs, as they reflect EIE's heightened impressionability. His mimicry is also very diverse, but most often in accord with the situation and the role that he has been designated. Such fine-tuning of emotions and expressions for him occurs naturally and not always intentionally. Some representatives of this type have an alarmed, nervous smile, but majority smiles rarely, preferring to keep a serious expression on their faces. EIE's gait, as a rule, is elegant, definitive, smooth, although there is a certain noticeable fixedness in his movements. His manners and pose are often impressive, effective, aristocratic; he frequently lacks in naturalness.
Character: prudent and farsighted. Emotiona. he knows how to captivate people with your idea. Romantic feelings. Attentive to people willing to participate in solving their problems. Artists and responsible. It may take up intractable problem, going through their failures hard. Inclined to doubt, hesitation, sometimes overly dramatize events, he needs moral support. Hypochondriac, proud and vulnerable. Long remember the resentment, even if it does not show. Sensitive to criticism, is suspicious of compliments. He tries to understand everyone, but not inclined to change their opinions or habits. It gives the impression of a man with a complex nature and unpredictable character. The hard compromises. Poor carries the expectation and uncertainty. Well mobilized in extreme situations without its vitality decreases. Interested in subjects related to mysterious and and esoteric knowledge.
the one true based user. not a shill, yet not a retard