"Joe Biden is kinda hot - Billie Eilish's Instagram Live"

Billie says vote for Biden, you cucks.

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Do people fall for this?

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its a tranny.

>Joe Biden is kinda hot - Billie Eilish
Of course.

Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide:


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Stupid women fall for this kind of shit all the time.

is joe biden good for you?

Imagine the smell


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Really I hated her so much up to now
I guess I’m in the Billie train now

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Is it cool to look retarded in every picture now?

Typical, reducing everything to sexual attractiveness

Fuck WILLIAM EYELASH stupid zog puppet sounds like they're mumbling on Xanax in all their songs

Jesus Christ her standards are low. I wonder if Biden gave her special treatment.

No way, girl with obvious daddy rape issues likes old pervert

um, your pic related aren't the black girlfriends that Ridin with Biden promised us, are they?


What a repulsive creature.

>observes attractive female
>triggered because would never have a chance
its a tranny guise!!

>joe "bag o bones" biden is hot

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She is literally a globalist creation, she has to donwhat her masters say

Wtf I’m ridin with Biden now

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Haha that's a funny joke

Youre telling me this girl has serious daddy issues and wants to get molested by a boomer serial rapist?


Lel leftie bowl btfo

She also clearly has daddy issues

Built for big Biden cock

Mike Pence looks way better though.

they are

She probably sat on his lap as a child.

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>that link
It feels like this clip was taken out of context to make Biden look bad, but I can't think of a context in which he doesn't sound like an insane person.

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you really need to ask that family?

>Joe Biden is kinda hot tee hee
Why does she always fuck niggers?

>Vote for Biden

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Bitch don't know shit.

She's a dumb guy, duh.

Probably sat on something else of his as a child

well that's settled
>im ridin with Biden

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Someones looking to get sniffed


And to think she’s the face of edgy zoomer pop. Cuckservatives truly don’t stand a chance in the long run

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I love Billie. I get the feeling that she has a hairy butthole.

>Joe Biden is kinda hot


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I had to search this person because I had literally no idea whatsoever who she was. I know now she does music. I refuse to listen to it. Has she been raped by Jewish producers like 1000 times? Because almost every photo, she looks absolutely dead inside.


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>Billie says
Who the fuck cares?

literally who

Pair that video with the one of him saying “you don’t have to be a kike to be a zionist”

this changes everything

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So she burns coal AND is turned on by pedophile geriatrics? Based!

