Jesus Christ these people are fucking retarded
Jesus Christ these people are fucking retarded
go there and engage in rational discourse with them
lmao so much for that i got banned
it's reddit literally who the fuck cares
What do you expect from a media platform owned by tencent?
>actively participating on reddit
you are the problem
as if Yas Forums isn’t the same
*Gets banned.*
>dumpf is bad
Do they ever get tired of repeating this?
They are a fringe group of like-minded people who see the world through a lens which throws the blame on one group of people. Sounds familiar.
this board is not far-right, it's moderate right, reddit is just absolutely insanely leftist
Why so surprised? It’s known that redeet is owned by the chinese
You should fuck off back there, nigger.
You posted on Yas Forums. You are Yas Forums
>he thinks reddit is people
>>dumpf is bad
>Do they ever get tired of repeating this?
does dumpf ever get tired of DOING it?
It's less they're retarded and more they're actively malevolent and WILL NEVER stop spouting their agit-prop until they get a noose tied around their neck and feel the drop.
Reddit is so cucked. I got banned from the Fire Emblem Heroes sub because I said the bad guys do win wars, just look at World War 2. Somehow that's antisemetism and the jannies banned me.
Well they're right on this one too. The retard kept the borders open and denied the crisis until it was too late.
this guy gets it.
Maybe Trump should have spent less time crying about how it's a hoax and more time actually fucking doing something about it.
I unironically agree with this. Dismantle early warning teams, don't staff pandemic teams, defund response stockpiles, pretend it isn't a big deal, close travel form China and do nothing for a month. Of course Trump's policies made this much worse than it should have been?
China crashed their economy with lock downs and who announced on Jan 3rd it would be a pandemic and shared data across the world.
It honestly doesn't even matter what China did or didn't do, it's about this could have been a relatively trivial matter had a more competent president been in place with all of the prep of the last 12 years, but instead we've added another trillion to the debt, 6 million unemployed, already nearing 50k dead, months of social distancing measures.
Retards are even pretending the number dead isn't real, or pretending its a weapons being used against the west, or even illuminati conspiracy to lose rights
its just incompotence
They posted a video where a black staffer assaulted a cameraman and white college student.
I told them it was a nigga moment and got banned for a month.
They aren't people. They are bugs in people suits.
*gets banned immediately*
>Thanks for the gold, kind stranger
>Orange man bad, amirite?
>muh horseshoe theory
reddit is chinese propaganda, there isnt even a single right wing sub on there.
why is average reddit user so naive and thinks world works as it is shown on tv?
Horseshoe theory has got to be the smoothest brained theory in the history of politics
it's a chink botnet.
kill yourself