What did you guys do to get enough money to survive without working during this quarantine shit?

What did you guys do to get enough money to survive without working during this quarantine shit?

I get the criticism but what is the alternative to working for money?

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Burn down my retirement account. What do you do?

I've had nothing but time to make kuskas and sell them on Etsy. Sold 3 today alone. Midwest housewives cannot get enough of them for some reason. Giada must have used one on her show.

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I work for the government so I get a steady paycheck and work from home. I'm riding easy to be honest but I'm curious about people who don't work for a bureaucracy that can't just go bankrupt.

>be college student
>work 15 hours maybe a week on campus
>get state unemployment $100/wk and $600/wk from feds
yea i'm enjoying my gibs like a negro

I'm so bored though. Hiking, reading, vidya, netflix don't cut it.

I buy heavily discounted lumber, make stuff out of it, and sell it for a reasonable price (because what's than being a Jew is acting like a Jew). Children's toys and interior decor are very popular right now during isolation.


I'm working from home, if I lost my paycheck I would probably do restaurant delivery. Lots of demand.


Reduce my needs

post tits or gtfo

I worked for a Senate campaign for my current war chest

Dress as minority tranny. Rob leftist Whites. No police called.

Still working. Mostly from home now though. Had to go in a few times for things that could only be done at work.

Cryptocurrency, user. Post up your eth address for some erc20 action. Only posters who PRAISE KEK get any coins, and the best memes receive most.

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making non-stop Yas Forums threads about OnlyFans

Do you mean kuksas?

Dave Ramsey,dog. boomer tier 6 months of expenses chillin in the bank.

Government handouts bruh

feels good man

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I did. Didn't even notice the typo since kuksa just gives my spellcheck a red line anyway.

Government welfare.

Just say you're suicidal and you get your rent, council tax, medication, dental paid for + living expenses.

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>what is the alternative to working for money
run for congress

>he didnt learn to code
They warned you user

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Anyone that was working should be getting taken care of by unemployment
If you weren't working before how did you survive before?

Thats not how that works here. You need two years of medical history.

I'm just lucky enough to have lived with my parents fir a while, so with the low rent I was able to save up enough money to live off of for a year or so.

I'm a trap

I grew up frugal and have a good career so I don't live at the edge of my means and save or invest the rest of my money. I could go for months because while you normies were going out and doing shit you can't now I was daytrading at home and getting my own business rolling. HVAC are heroes now don't you know?

Made enough money in Real Estate to get by....
But mostly my wife works from home and can support us.
T. Comfy

Work a well paying job and live well below my means. If you don't have enough saved up to live at least a year without working you're a moron.

I worked part time and lived at home with parents, put all my money away into bank account, and then on top of that got inheritance money from uncle

gamble on the stock market my man

I was already a neet beforehand, just staying comfy as always

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Does no one in the us have unemployment insurance?

When I watch my 600lb life I always wonder where the fucking money comes from. Is their self inflicted condition enough to get the money to pay for all that food?

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I made myself essential, outside of healthcare. If they fire me, people are using ammunition and canned goods as currency.

Systems are overloaded. Some friends of mine up in Michigan haven't been able to access the site to even apply.