Why do women act like whores even in times of a global Pandemic

Why do women act like whores even in times of a global Pandemic

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cause they seriously take all these pictures weeks/months prior, even the holiday ones

Because women are whores.

Because we're not allowed to slap the shit out of them anymore

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Because you low-test faggots enable them to by posting about it, paying for it and giving them attention.

The survival strategy of all leech classes is to find a niche to take advantage of the productive output of the white man

The background looks nicer than that whore.

Because it's the closest thing they have to a personality.

Looks like a deer foot with a sock on it

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Absolutely based. Nice digits


because they need to be RAPED

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a friend of mine slapped a bitch for acting like a total hysterical retard. she wanted to marry him after that. some women are fucking weird lol

Because they wouldn't have sex with you and they never will faggot spamming incel

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This, a woman should have a slight hint of fear when she is with you. Otherwise she will turn on you. Once married and with children, it should be clear to her that NOBODY is getting out of a divorce alive, so dont try it.

you thought a pandemic or anything will transform the whores into something human :-)

cute idea


Based and definitelymarriedpilled

She's just attracting a rich provider. She'll get fat once she does. Like all of them.

Look at the comments lmao

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The low IQ ones are still smart enough to know their only true value.

Why does this image fill me with such anger.
A stupid woman acting immature. You bet your ass she thinks of herself as more enlightened than all of us here.
No decency, absolutely depraved— the antithesis of honor, of dignity.
I hope some shit skin rapes her to death. I hate whores so god damn much.

Weak men created this problem

solipsism doesn't allow women to believe anything outside themselves to exist.

Well it really is just another working day.

does she like brown manlets by any chance?

>why is water wet even in times of a global pandemic

This, slapping women is based

Occams razor

Jewish men?

Attention is like currency to women.

>not slapping her anyway

hope she sees this bro. maybe she'll give you a crumb of her used up roast beef

nobody does, not even themselves

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As the poison flowed through him, the frog asked, "Why would you sting me? Now we're both going to die" Before the scorpion sank, he answered, "Because I am a scorpion".

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Wow so this is attractive to niggers huh?

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