Approaching no nights and eternal sunshine, how you all doing Lapland bros, this is the last white frontier!
Lapland unite!
Oh and FUCK the Sami, welfare niggers deluxe
Fuck off swede you are a mongolid finn-mutt
How do you even live up there, don't you freeze your dick off every time you go outside?
Alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol, slam a glass of vodka and go out and piss in -35c it builds character. No but seriously the winters are harsh and eternal darkness for 8 months of the year fuck with you, but the summers IF they are good are fuckin magical!
Mystery meat american is talking
Norwegian and finland posters confirmed Osly and Helsingfors cucks.
Yeah propaganda is reality!
Mitä vittua!
>white frontier
I heard of niggers in Kiruna. Wtf?
No faggot, that's a myth. The sami-shits are the mongoloids
>Believes the kikes
I'm sure you believe roman England was full of niggers as well then, like BBC claims
repeated enough, propaganda becomes reality.
that's why your country's so fucked up and why your elites have been able to brainwash your whole population into committing a collective suicide.
Laplander here. Fuck the southies
I was about to flip out thinking Lapland was a whole ass country I had never heard of up there, but it's just a region. Fucking timeline shifts have me on edge
>born in Västernorrland
>mfw not born further north
I remember reading an interesting article a couple years ago about lapland getting 1-2 extra harvest month by 2100, climate is changing, might buy some land up there soon
It's a good thing we agree on one thing for once.
Nunnuka nunnuka!
What's happening to the peoples of european descent is tragic... The most tragic thing to happen in the known Universe. The kikes will get global control over the mixed race of the world. To stupid to reflect, smart enough to work. We're a dying kind, and they're trying to silence us, the only ones who try to enlighten people of this vile conspiracy. Good Night and good luck in your local fights againsst globalism brothers...
Sames truly are the niggers of the north
Lapland is comfy place, but fuck the mosquitoes.
well said.
and Corona-chan is gonna help.
how do we warn aliens about jews
corona is helping the jews
You know snow is like over the rooftops, it's like crazy, luckily its warm today, maybe the climate scientists were right, warm weather, increased snow.
I live in Umeå where snow is almost gone but got a pic from brothers wife in Kiruna and its still 1-2 meters.
You live in the wrong side of Sweden, maybe it's time to move by yourself to Skåne so we don't have to send you back.
You know we got 4 pubs in Kiruna now, when i grew up there was only one pub. So a bar-round meant going around the pub one lap and then in again :D
No i train a lot, run up up Luossavaara, but i was passed by a girl last time, i tried and tried but i could not catch up.
To myself i explain it as she is half my weight but truly she was just more fit than i believe i am.
Toughest person i ever met was in the mining districts of Kiruna.
I immediately felt this one is way over my capability so i backed off.
Västernorrland gang reporting in
No extra harvests (got a small farm up there) but maybe by the year 2100, i am only 50 now so 2100 is not an impossibility.
Where are you from? Sundsvall? Hoppas för fan att du inte kommer från Kramfors....
I think you live in dream world or maybe an internet world.
Just back off, take it easy, the north is the north and will always be the north.
I think when all civilizations are gone, they will start the world allover again.
A fellow laplander, living in Tornedalen myself :D
Fuck my wife
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