Will they make the corona vaccine mandatory?

Probably will in my cuck country: God, why can't I live under the rule of based autist Tengele.


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Only mentally or physically destructive illnesses warrant mandatory vaccines

As if they care about that, c'mon.

I just read about Novak Djokovic saying he won't travel for tennis matches if they make the vaccine mandatory for players. He's being shamed for it by bugmen of course.

what mental illnesses did we get vaccinated for?

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>he thinks there will be a vaccine

You'll be lucky if they come up with a solution none the less a vaccine, the virus is reported to already mutated like 30 times since it appeared.
In few words, any work done to this point is useless

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Based motherfucker, we are actually witnessing the awakening where mandatory vaccination will be the marker for division and civil rights (r)evolution

Hope you're right. I'm not getting autism just to not be fired from my government job.

Well they should bc we are still in a timeline where agendas are affected by public opinion

Hungarians: The Masterrace

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It seems as though mandatory vaccination would be a pretty unpopular policy. There's already an anti-vax lobby up and running because autism. Forcing it through would have repercussions, surely.

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I know exactly what you mean by that remark.

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You ain't getting a vaccine, faggot
I'm tired of hearing about a non-existent vaccine because retards that pound their cocks in their jewbooks think it's the mark of the beast.

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They can try

The plan was 33 different vaccines

It won’t be mandatory. People that can’t afford it won’t get it. It’s a big opportunity for big pharma to get lots of cash.


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that's pretty based. i hope they don't try and that it goes away, but i suppose there's a good chance that it won't

It doesn't have to be a real vaccine, though. Just a pretext for chipping the masses. They could lie.

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>oh well no way to vaccine it
>guess we need to give up our rights for the "new normal"

I'd cum on her buttcheeks

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What rights?
I haven't seen a shot cop in the whole lockdown.
Fuck you zog worshiping wannabe kikes.

There will be no catch all vaccine.
This will be an annual flu shot type vaccine.

Only for Traps.
Mandatory trap baxinashuns.

God, that face AND tits and ass.

Disgusting chink in the background.

Literally nobody I know will take the vaccine. Nobody at all... work, friends, neighbors all agree this is one giant sham.

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Come home, white man.

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Here's your chip
and here's a dramatized example of how it's used in real life everyday

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>Yas Forums is always clammering for the next happening
>Yas Forums believed covid was a legit happening long before most people
>they were right
>now that it's no longer a fringe belief people need to pivot and believe the whole thing is fake because believing in objective reality is too boring

At first no the vaccine will be "optional" what will be mandatory is a microchip implant that carries your personal info and vaccine record to travel abroad. Naturally you won't be allowed to travel if you don't have been vaccinated.

Rumors are the microchip will be combined with microwires in the form of a smart tattoo that can be tracked via wifi signals akin to today's rfid but with significantly longer range.

No, a grown man wearing an animal-themed costume talking about technology with a negro is comedy.

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There will be annual vaccines just like influenza vaccines. Their effectiveness is dubious at best but still immensely profitable due to the fact that a vaccination loses its potential effectiveness with each mutation of the virus.

This isn't about combating a virus its about control and profit.

Covid is a real happening but it's not what we initially believed. It's not the super lethal virus that will kill hundreds of millions its just a pretext to a global population control program on a scale that makes china's social credit score program look like the work of bloody amateurs.

Forced vaccinations is an excellent way to provoke massive civil disorder and even outright popular revolutions. The normies, cattleish as they are, are still too intransigent when it comes to having their bodies violated by tech without consent.

If they try, they'll be making a collosal mistake.

>Disgusting chink
Imagine the smell.

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