Tell us how you REALLY feel about homosexuals.
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they're alright
>1 Post by this ID
I hate trannies.They're are demented losers. Regular Faggots are fucking disgusting with all the aids and the unprotected sex with literally hundreds of randos cause their is no such thing as a gay love or a gay relationship just gay sex.
I like making you's scream
Rather negatively, in general.
Yeah because all gay people are randomly hooking up and going to those gay bdsm dungeons .. the normal ones totally don't feel the need for love and commitment. I unironically feel like the rights homophobia is the easiest thing for the left to use against them in support of their own agenda. There's a reason they shill white males being evil so much.
look at me
I am sexier then any girl
you are attracted, right?
then stop hating gays
>that disgustingly weak body larping as a male
not attracted
didnt ask
If I saw you I would punch you
you like an emo femboy
the worst combo
I live in a civilized country.
I thankfully don't need to waste time getting big muscles and learning kungfu in order to fight off uncivilized barbarians.
I pity those that do.
>i'm mad because other people fuck
ok incel
>i'm mad because i want my butt fucked
ok groomer
seem pretty focused on butt fucking user is there something you'd like to share with the class
Come out dressed like that outside of the rich parts of Belgrade and tell me how that works out for you
I feel nothing. I don't care for the typical activist of any sort really. And sexually addicted degenerates of any orientation will have their own reward.
LGB was fine but T and Q (and in the near future, P) have changes my default acceptance level to zero with few exceptions.
I just want them all to shut the fuck up and leave kids alone. Do your weird shit at home with the doors closed. Leave the kids alone. Stop just stop
why would I choose to spend time among violent people like that?
it is sad that some people can't control themselves and will resort to such behavior and in their mind they think it is morally justified or necessary behavior or they just don't care, like animal.
I don't want to be around such people.
Yes, I'd like to share the fact that you're a faggot.
Jonny boy , you won't get to choose to be an obnoxious cunt much longer.
I am nice.
You would like me as your friend.
One day I come back to Serbia and you show me around.
All of you disgusting brain damaged faggots should be hanged, period.
They suck dick.
A sensible man on Yas Forums for a change.
I don't care about most of them as long as they keep their dumbfuck politics out of their mouth. Gay marriage should be banned though and so adoption. It is unnatural for a child to be raise by homosexuals
The hell would you want to come to this subhuman infested shithole for? If youre act actual fag and aren't larping, all you have to do is not be an arrogant spoiled brat, that's 90% of the reason why they get beaten in back alleys. Don't ask don't tell. And maybe avoid looking like a satan worshipper
>I should be able to kill groups of people I dislike
>there is no non-violent solution
>we can't just go our separate ways and live separately, nope, all the land belongs to me and people I approve of
>Hitler was right to kill the meddlesome Jews
Literally don't care. Never think about them
sinning degenerate demons.
the whole point of life biologically speaking is to reproduce and if you wanna fuck the same gender you are not helping the human race so therefore being gay is a sexual disorder imo
Honestly I don’t give a shit about homosexuals. Them being gay doesn’t bother or affect me. However their behavior patterns and in your face attitude should be dialed WAY back if they want to gain actual acceptance by normies.
I'm gay but have never even been in a gay relationship.
So I guess I don't care others exist, but if they stopped doing embarrassing shit in their street parades I would be happier
Bundle of sticks here. I hate these parade cunts
I dunno.
I thought Serbia was an ok place.
Plus I know someone from Romania who I really care about and would like to visit one day.
What a couple of fags want to do behind closed doors is their own business, not mine. But when they come out en masse and start flaunting their faggotry and trying to force it down other people's throats, they are making it my business and should be brutally beaten before being forcefully sodomized with a rusty iron pipe. Then again they'd probably enjoy that, so best to just hang them and be done with it
Stop being a degenerate in public. Act civilized, stay away from kids.
Through the lens of an atheist.
Your parents combined their DNA into a sequence that would unravel into a whole human bean.
For the most part,The unfolding went well.Except, something went wrong with the brain, and its a re-occurring "Bug" in our design. Not everyone is gay, but gay is a thing. Its a flaw, and people don't want to correct it.
Embrace your hell if you want.