I will not vote for any politician that won't legalize weed, and you shouldn't either
I will not vote for any politician that won't legalize weed, and you shouldn't either
it's legal in Michigan brah
Why even vote if you are going to be a slug for life anyway?
>I will not vote for any politician that won't legalize weed, and you shouldn't either
The herbal jew.
lmao weed
El barsinso jajajajaj
t. hates freedom
Drug user Master Race!
Legalizing weed will literally make zero difference.
The state is in charge and they decide whether they want to sell weed or not. The only difference it will make is if feds can raid dispensaries or not.
Smoking weed makes you stupid, just like OP.
Don't be like OP.
Weed is for niggers. Have some self-respect
>I don't like it, so make it as illegal as heroin and meth!
fuck off glowniggers
Makes zero difference if you live somewhere cucked like Canada, but still miles better than having it schedule I. God I hate amerishart conservatards
The founding fathers grew it and smoked it, confederate generals smoked it, maybe it should be legal, i dunno. Too much consumption is bad for you.
weed is a democrat drug
fuck weed and fuck democrats. for me it's opioids
go and fuck hemp plant or something dude weed bro
Smoking weed scientifically makes you more stupid.
We don't need more stupid people like OP is suggesting we should be.
Don't be like OP.
need more boomers to die off so weed is legal. literally only reason its not is because they might lose some conservaturd votes. meanwhile these boomers are all on 800 different psychotropic drugs and are basically asleep behind the wheel zombified out of their gourds. Hey boomboom, DROP DEAD! Take a few more ambien and sleep walk off a bridge!
I'll vote for week legalization the moment I meet a person pushing for it IRL who isn't just some loser who plans his entire day and life around when he's going to get his next fix.
So far its been a pretty safe fucking bet.
Ya know, adding "Jew" to anything you dislike is not a way to create arguments.
Says fucking who? I constantly hear you faggots say this but history makes no mention of it. They did cocaine like real Caucasians.
as a smoker who started young, i think a THC limit of about 15% should be enforced, man has modified the plant over time to boost its THC content, so its not exactly natural.
If that's a deal breaker for you, then you're a degenrate. Stop being a man child faggot drugs are for niggers and teenagers
Have sex
Chile Jew
George Washington said in his diary "some of my finest days were on my porch, smoking hemp" lol
And General Lee wanted to give his men hash because "it boosts the spirits and morale"
My family owns stock in Wackenhut (now known as Geo-group). They are a private prison corporation. So much of their money comes from the fact that weed is illegal. These prisons pay my family 16% dividends and my family makes over a million dollars a year off these dividends alone.
If you legalize weed these stocks will crash and my family, a white aryan family, will lose TONS of money. I won't be able to afford a house after i graduate.
You realize if they legalized weed my family would go bankrupt right? Most of my families net worth is in private prison stocks.
If it really was the herbal jew then it would've never been made illegal in the first place, you fucking neanderthal
Hey pal how's it feel being a worthless degenerate?
I too only vote to enhance my own freedom, sir. Please have a good day.
>italians were bred over time to become dark skinned, and have a tendency for organized crime
>so it's not really natural
>. Too much consumption is bad for you.
just like with alcohol/tobacco/fast food/soda etc. etc., doesn't mean it should be illegal.
t. brainwashed by Republicans
show studies faggot
>the moment I meet a person pushing for it IRL who isn't just some loser who plans his entire day and life around when he's going to get his next fix.
I have a 3.92 gpa and have a well paying job lined up. I also know other successful people who also smoke. Stop being a dumb faggot
>They did cocaine like real Caucasians.
which is also illegal you stupid brainlet
Anybody who is against the legalization of weed is a freedom hating corporate shill. Rather have a retarded neolib that'll legalize weed than a retarded conservatard that wants to arrest me for it
is this bait? if not fuck you and your family, I hope you all rot in hell for running private prisons. Literal demonspawn
I don't know, you tell me faggot
>I won't be able to afford a house after i graduate
Welcome to the club you dense nigger.
Shut up Lil Texas Jew.
It's funny, the medicinal benefits of weed are hardly in the THC yet stoners self diagnosing shit lead to all sorts of memes. I'll admit thc does have some medical potential though..
How the hell is my family bad for owning private prisons? You do realize if prisons didn't exist we would have pure chaos right?
My family works hard to own these prison stocks, I help them out a lot, I deserve this.
Yeah but its easy to abuse because its nice, and there is little to no side effects of short term use. That's why i think a thc limit is a good idea
I believe drugs should be illegal but I do coke often and like popping MDMA every now and again too because I like feeling naughty.
So you're saying you'd really base all of your voting choice down to one single benefit of a particular candidate?