
Why are there so many Western converts to Buddhism?

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Jews and their puppets begin to push it during the 60's together with New Age (Kabbalah and Theosophy) bullshit.
It was used to either pacify the normies or slowly push judaism into them.

Because Christianity causes atheism but Man's natural state is religious. There are a lot worse religions than Buddhism though so it is probably ultimately a good thing.

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anglo american here. my mother converted to buddhism in the early 80s and raised me buddhist. the interesting thing that I find for many western buddhists is they generally like the trappings of the religion and thats it. they don't have legitimate faith. they don't actually practiced the religion. they almost never give up normalfag hedonist nihilism for faith. I know that had I been born in a previous generation I would have been a roman catholic like my ancestors have been for almost 1700 years. There are alot of overlays between buddhism and christianity but the primary sutras that get promoted today are similar to the type of christian doctrine that gets promoted today. its almost always pro feminist life despising hedonist memes. globalist we are all one bullshit memes. there is alot of buddhist writings that are very much against modern globalist thought. I really do wish that I had been raised roman catholic though. however its quite interesting to observe western converts flexing their mysticism bullshit when to most asians its simply religion and the basis of religion is practice.

>There are a lot worse religions than Buddhism
Can't argue that. Also, the core values of Buddhism and Christianity are surprisingly compatible.

zen buddhism is really basically just a vehicle for lollard christian ideas that got ruined by protestant captialist crap

They like the whole suicide cult thing because they have really shit lives.

Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and
believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks--those who write
new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and
fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the

I'm currently looking at houses online and you will not believe how many people have a buddha in home.
It's fucking crazy

I like some Buddhism, especially Zen and Theravada have good ideas. But ultimately the Bhagavad Gita is better.
I believe in Christ but I see him as compatible with being an avatar of Krishna, rather than the Jew God.

its safe middle class cringy bullshit. they generally don't even understand pure land ideas. its just a safe decontextualized version of the catholic cross in the room by middle class women.

Also Buddha was Aryan, and Krishna was the God of an Aryan tribe. So it makes sense for Westerners to turn to those values.

Free soya

Based. Xtians end up seeing themselves as Jeebus

yeah many of the originals who spread teachings to china had blue eyes and were central asians (pre turko-mongoloid) types. don't delude yourself to thinking they were germanics though

>the core values of Buddhism and Christianity are surprisingly compatible.
Dunno why people keep saying this but whatever.


You see them in combination with the LOVE letters made out of wood.
Why are people so god damned generic

I think Bodhidharma, who was said to transfer Zen from India to China, was originally from Persia. He was supposed to have a red beard.

The holy spirit connects us to Jesus and God. So it's not wrong to feel participating with Jesus the Opus Dei, Gods work. To think we are the new Messiah is blasphemous.

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Agree. Buddhism and Catholicism are not at all compatible and to say they are shows ignorance of both.

>slowly push judaism into them
They already managed to do that with christcuckery

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yeah bodhidharma has alot of character similarites to diogenes of sinope and many cynics who later went on to influence alot of christian thought. I think bodhidharma also started shaolin kung fu and chinese boxing

both are commie religions

because they dont understand it as with most religion

Ask him. He's right here ITT

Commie propaganda in 1970-1980’s.

typical doctrine worshipper, the practice of both religions is similar in most ways. people who still obsess about catholic doctrine are why its irrelevant in the west. they should have learned this when 1/10th of the british isles murdered itself over transubstantiation arguements

Because the world is becoming unbelievably cold and soulless and Buddhism helps grow some equanimity

Jesus, Siddhartha, Lao Tzu, Hermes Trismegistus
are all interpreters of the same thing.

literal zen master user here. Mahayana is gay as fuck.

haha krauts are always into zen. its because of meister eckhart and the 30 years war poisoning the the well of mysticism so they have to play dress up