Dumping all my hero nurse pictures. There are many, join in and add to the glory.
All hail the medical community.
May their reign last a thousand years!
Even Batman shows respects!
Blumpf btfo
Why is Dr Manhattan so tall?
to dick slap everyone easier
Have you not read or watched watchmen? he can change size.
Fuck them I know about the cutting board. Everyone of them deserves to face the axe man.
What DeviantArt account is this?
Rule 34 when???
>blue benis
wow this is some real freemason cringe nonsense
True heroes don't act this way.
No Police or Military on the hero's side doctors only now being called heros. Why are liberals such cucks.
Who the fuck is making these edits?
Cringe AF desu
>licking cop boots
You sir are more cucked then the entire DNC.
Over paid Faggs
dont worry I fixed it
Why does America love to claim people are hero's when they are literally doing their job? Nurses are going to become even more insufferable.
they're not heroes. do your fkn job and stfu
this^ guy gets it
Except your Nurse heroes are dying by the scores in hospitals that can't provide PPE. Imagine Batman going to fight the Joker without his damn Utility belt. Here is another thought, makeup a "China Virus Man" as the villain. I dare you. Except in this case, the heroes can't defeat the Chinese Bio Weapon and they all die a painful death as the deep state covers up the facts. Fucking Cape Shit worshipping man children.
They're more than heroes. Nurses are Gods.
Saw a thot nurse of Tik tok stating.
I'm a nurse, whats your super power..
They can lick my asshole. These people are so full of themselves and really think they are heroes now.
The word "hero" has been used so much now that it literally means nothing
much better
>I'm a nurse, whats your super power..
Her special power is wiping patients ass, and delivering pills
>Except your Nurse heroes are dying by the scores in hospitals
[citation needed]
>no black workers
Accurate and based.
I apologized to your Dad for stretching your Mom's pussy beyond use for him.
Kek what the fuck, are they Japanese all of a sudden, no Western nation bows like that to show respect. Fucking retarded.
As someone that used to work in a hospital, this shit has all been incredibly embarrassing.
lol capeshit
She still managed to catch their dad's load and birth that goblin, so you failed in that regard