Michael Moore has just produced a movie called Planet of the humans, supporting the idea that green energy can't top fossil fuels--and essentially calling Al Gore a FRAUD and a WHORE for profit.

Moore's release tweet


Are they seeing the light?

>To summarize: the left is EATING ITSELF on the most unifying point they had. The left you knew is dead and gone.

At this point, Trump could play fart noises in the coming debates against Biden and he'd still win.

Also, ever noticed that "Moore" is the ancient word for nigger, therefore Michael Moore's names actually means Michael Nigger?

>The moore you know

Attached: mmoore.jpg (1440x756, 246.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It’s not enough. I want to see the Democrat party dissolve like the Whigs and leave a big molten crater where the commies ruined everything for them.

Your comment makes me realize that the left should hate the commies even more than the rest of us. What could incite them to do so faster and precipitate this inevitability?

If you're interested in the subject of the Green New Deal being a corporate lobbying scheme, Cory Morningstar wrote an extremely detailed book on how it and the entire Greta Thunberg phenomenon is astroturfed by multi-millionaires like Al Gore.

Forgot my link

Yeah these people are so far up their asses they are literally unable to conceive they were wrong. These types never admit they were wrong, not really, they blame others and claim that's the reason it when wrong, not because they, themselves were wrong. Fuck Moore and fuck Hollywood.

It's up to their leaders. There is no more free thought remaining in the Leftist camp and it is doomed to poor leadership until destruction due to that. Like a Jeffersonian Army.

>shilling Michael Moore "movies"

Climate change and coronavirus are just the excuses the control freaks use

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What the fuck do these people want, a dictatorship? If that’s the case then why do they complain about Trump “acting like a dictator”?

Interesting, thanks. If you're Corey, congrats. It's well written too, I just wish there were summaries at the end of each part, cause it's a pretty long read. But man, the climate hoax is quite a hoax. Weaponizing guilt seems to work ever since we've killed God.


Holy shit, I was wondering why Moore was so glaringly ignoring Nuclear in this movie.

That might actually be it. Nuclear is too clean, by its nature it doesn't subdue the sheeple into blind subservience.

>why do they complain about Trump “acting like a dictator”?
Projection, pure and simple. Tucker is right: what they accuse others of doing, they do themselves. It's chaos strategy.

>What the fuck do these people want, a dictatorship?
Basically yeah. Their rhetoric is intended to shame and bully people into letting somebody else make their decisions.

> If that’s the case then why do they complain about Trump “acting like a dictator”?
"Accuse your enemy of what you're doing" is a quote that's been attributed to Alinsky and Goebbels. It's a media psychology tactic called "priming". Basically, it's understood that people make decisions based on information that is most readily available in their mind, whether they're conscious of it or not. In practice, this means that they constantly accuse Trump of being a dictator, a fascist, or literally Hitler so that at a subconscious level an association between those things is formed. The result being that fascism/Nazis become the standard by which all leadership and government is evaluated.

I'm not Cory, but I shill her shit whenever I get the opportunity because I fucking hate Greta Thunberg. I want everyone to know that she's corporate tool using the same fucking bolshevik tactics as the rest.

>At this point, Trump could play fart noises in the coming debates against Biden and he'd still win

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I thought i completely hated this retard, he can have this one, maybe not completely worthless but i'll never be thrilled about this guy, he's fat and insane 99% of the time.

They want a dictatorship that serves their interests, obviously. Their interests are destroying Western civilization, European cultures, and traditional values. Trump's not exactly Caesar Augustus but he's not Elagabalus either. They want ruination of the West and they're going to keep bitching 'til they get it.

I’m amazed that someone like Moore, who obviously sees himself as a ‘good guy’ who supports the ‘people’ can ally himself with the current left. It’s just so baldly elitist and evil. I understand why Jews do’s in their ethnic interests,I suppose... but it makes no sense how a thoughtful goyim (who is not a venal psychopath) can go along with this. They MUST see what is going on. At a certain point, the stupidity becomes almost criminal.

The planet is kill

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Had the exact same reflection. I really liked his old stuff, roger and me and Bowling for Columbine obviously, but the Obama era made him smug and Trump made him downright unbearable. Just like Maher.

BUT to be fair, they both can call bullshit on their own side, which is something that no other leftist can do or has done, to my knowledge. So props to them for that.

I'm 3 minutes in and its taking forever
>set to 1.5 X speed
Edit: I'm 12 minutes in and its taking forever
anyone have a tl;dr for me?

Weird, this sounds like the opposite of something Moore would do. I thought all lefties play on the same team

>Their interests are destroying Western civilization, European cultures, and traditional values
yeah but to what end? I mean, what is it about Western culture that they are so threatened with that they need to destroy it? Why not do an Anglo, i.e. peacefully annex it and end up winning without a single shot fired? Really can't figure that one out.

Green energy doesn't work, we've been played, we fugg'd [also, completely ignores nuclear energy]

It's unusual indeed. That's why it's significant. The left has definitely split and the commies are ruining it for them. The split is going to be hard to ignore now that the old guard (Moore) is essentially disavowing AOC and her loser crew.

Because they are violent third worldist primitives. Who must destroy what they are incapable of recreating in order to justify their tyranny. If they took charge before destroying Western Civilization there would be too much for the proles to compare their lives against and their regime would inevitably fail. The want a worldwide iron curtain.

wait, who's "they" in your argument

Heh he's gone full black pilled. The cult of extinction. if the left goes this way, more and more people will go to the right.

>yeah but to what end? I mean, what is it about Western culture that they are so threatened with that they need to destroy it?
It's because westerners (aka white people) are generally intelligent enough, that they're most likely to catch on to the scam and organize effectively enough to revolt. Look at how fast Germany recovered from being ravaged by WWI and hyperinflation after Germany started printing their own money to pay citizens rather than taking out loans from Rothschild banks.

Their goal is to demoralize the browbeat whites into not having kids or racemixing until there's nothing in the world but 80-95 IQ mystery meat and brown people who can be controlled almost entirely by propaganda. Check out Practical Idealism by Kalergi.


they're done. After Trump, they'll have to make a choice between globalist PC culture or locally defending the proles of their respective countries.

Dig this: The left's choice for the future will be national socialism or global communism.

even a broken clock is right twice a day.
still would not even pirate his shit or give him clicks

Holy shit. This is surprisingly based. He’s saying everything we’ve said for years that environmentalism is one big scam

Oh ok, it's the idea that democracy is the puppet of capitalism, right? Makes sense, but at the same time if money-people rule the world, why would they want to destroy it?

This. High IQ.