Karen is basically the new "nigger" for white women...

Karen is basically the new "nigger" for white women, blacks on Twitter love using it and dumb liberal white girls use it all the time thinking it's just for "white girls NOT like them"

From now on, start responding to all liberal white women on Twitter with "OK, Karen".

The funny things, blacks are ready to "Karen" any white women at the drop of a hat, it's just a matter of time, let's just accelerate this

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>trying to take from the magic well of the word nigger
Kikes simply wont allow this user.

MFW white women have themselves legally renamed to "Shaniqua", "Tanisha", "LaRhonda" to cope

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isnt karen that one women that is anti vax because her kids died from it? if thats her then she is based, no idea why you would call her "nigger"

niggers are using a normal name to try and shame white women so lets join the niggers and use it too fuck off retard

>blacks are ready to
no one cares what blacks think want or do

Ok karen


The goal is to this to redpill white women that minorities HATE them, not just some of them, all of them. They hate whiteness.

OK, Jamal.

>niggers are using a normal name to try and shame white women so lets join the niggers and use it too
White women deserve to be shamed for the next ten thousand years for what they've done to civilization.

Even woman and leftist hate woman. Why do you think they find retarded excuses to hate other woman (karen, terfs, etc)

They do this to incite us to anger. Truly, Karen is a very hurtful word. It is demeaning, arrogant, ignorant, and stupid to refer to someone as Karen. I really believe this, not LARPing.

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Based post, we truly have to accelerate black welfare, therefore have a hanged Leo Frank of Bnai Brith.

The most influential and rich and precious jew to ever be hanged instead of two master race black men.


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Agreed. No one from this moment on will ever name their daughter Karen.

So basically, OP is right, and this is a fantastic idea. This re-subversion has been steadily getting going but needs our help.

Ok tyquan leshwn demarkus III

Do you fuckers really not get this?

LIBERAL WHITE WOMEN ON TWITTER being called "Karen" on Twitter will wake them up that their liberal beliefs don't matter, they are not welcomed in a (((progressive))) world

The only way to convert these women is from within. Crime stats, infographs, etc. don't work. Women only respond to social repercussions/isolation/taunting

>implying anything will wake up a woman other than immediate and extreme physical violence
Women are grandmasters of delusion. They will NEVER admit to being wrong about anything even if it kills them. They might at best state "perhaps mistakes were made" (note the passive) if they found themselves chained to the wall and forced to be sex slaves of a raider nigger in the rubble of the collapsed civilization

Karen is softer than roastie, isn't it?

You almost make it sound like you want white women to get raped to make them see the light.
You sicko

roastie is chanspeak though, and normies will never adopt chanspeak en masse, else they'd stop being normies

White women need to be kicked around for awhile. they have had it way to fucking good.

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

OK Ladasha.


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As in it's pronounced ladasha. Even though buts a hyphen but I don't expect them to know that



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Yas Forums already has their word for white women


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As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as okay Karen is used a phrase for people of color to frame me as a tranny to defraud my omniscience as white people are authorized to shoot to kill people of color for trying to destroy the United States Government

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