I need advice Yas Forums

A good friend of mine lost his job and his house due to coronachan, so I let him move in with me. All he does is sit in his room and listen to Alex Jones and when he comes out he’s just miserable. He’s 100% convinced that Alex Jones is the gods honest truth.
>what do???

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Listen to him faggot

Start listening to Alex

Not the reply I was expecting...

Alex is based, don't listen to the shills. Better to listen to that than to veg out on normie media. It will take a little time to get over what happened and everyone deals with stuff differently.

Inspire him to lift weights and read the New Testament.

Alex is right about everything. I advise you listen in on him with your friend so he doesn't lose hope.

Because you're a fucking normie.
He might be a bit special, but a lot of what he says is true, he just has a rather unique way of putting it, so it scares a lot lf people away.
Also, some of it is shit, and he coule easily be controlled oposition.

Buy him a hooker.

I gota admit - I've listend to alex off and on for years.

The guy has been right about a massive amount. way more than anyone else really.

Based alex.

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he could apply for unemployment, and I don't believe your larp, also AJ is right.
I forgive you for your fucking iphone pic only cause it's funny. God bless Alex.

Fucking I phone hating faggot elitist.
Muh puder purist an sheeit.

I was in the military, and they give you lots of shots in bootcamp. I read my medical records, and one of them is HIV vaccine. really makes you think.
yea eat shit, you are mad about the covid-19? Iphones are made in china, foxcom

You sound like a reddit fag who came to /pol as the one place where people can actually understand your dilemma. But did you finish your 2 year required lurking b4 posting?

Alex is about 60 % right, 40 % wrong if I had to guess.

If this post is about 60 % right, 40 % wrong, where does that leave us?

He's more accurate than mainstream media, but he's still a kike lover

It's up to you to red pill him on the JQ. Alex won't touch that.

land of confusion, that's why we're here, for the truth

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I only buy Chinese-made products. Fuck amerizog

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Dude is fighting enough battles and has enough problems as it is

Really wish I had a friend like you bro. I lost my job due to a snowboarding injury and got no help from anyone. Had to hole up in my car in the freezing mountains barely recovering and stinking to high heaven until I recovered. Hard to have friends now I just want to be alone with my gf

If you listen to the 1st joe rogan alex jones podcast, the first person alex names after joe asked who are (((they))) aj says jews, and then names other countries to cover himeself.
I'll find the timestamp.

>He’s 100% convinced that Alex Jones is the gods honest truth.
tell him the truth about Hitler. He might be more miserable but at least he'll see how dumb Alex Jonestein is.

kick him out, he is clearly deranged

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Make him listen to based David icke instead.

He’s ALWAYS named the zionists and occasionally just says Jews.
But he has always been anti Zionism.

Same with icke, but based icke is slipping blaming Jews more and more, then covering with “oh uh, some of them are good people being exploited by the bad Jews”

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Work out with him bro. Use your Trumpbux and buy some practice swords.
Run through the forest taking out tree branches and practice some HEMA

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It's from the 2nd podcast, not the 1st, here.
you may think it's out of context, and determine it for what it is, you can rewind if needed

Fucking fagg , come in the room with me.