Why are we seeing more blacks in favor of segregation recently than whites?

Why are we seeing more blacks in favor of segregation recently than whites?

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I need some answers nigga. Bump

Because white people are cringe, and they realized that you never treat us as equals, so it's better to leave us alone

monkey masculinity

Many of us have finally realized that integration was a rushed and terrible mistake that contributed heavily to the destruction of the black community.

Also, this. Blacks were decent in the 50s/60s. We wore suits, made respectable music and still got lynched.

>We wore suits, made respectable music and still got lynched.
No actually you didn't. You played baseball and made jazz music and people put up with you, but then you decided to play basketball and make niggerrap and we decided the lynchings needed to happen again

Are you even surprised? we have been treated like shit ever since we came in contact with white people at least now we have the choice to avoid them

They realize white people are the problem honestly... As a white I see so much more hatred and shilling amongst whites. Blacks can just keep on being blacks, whether they're criminiggers or successful black men, they usually stay out of all this goofy propaganda and bullshit that's bringing us down as a whole aside from those verified check marks on Twitter that we all magically think speak for all of the black community, I'd say blacks are doing the right things as of late.

See, this is why we want segregation, you whitoids are cringe

because they realize that they are better off staying away from them crazy white folk, i mean whites a crazy as fuck. all this feminism and faggot acceptance bullshit.

whites are self destructive as fuck, so its no wonder kangz wanna stay away.

protip: gay acceptance etc. is a thing because whites see gays, transexuals, and the like as generalized versions of blacks

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Undeserved feeling of superiority despite committing the Most crime while also being a minority in America. They only want to segregate to pretend they’re better than white people but would probably go burining down in flames within months of not days due to “SHEIT NIGGA WE FINNA GET LIT” and general nigger attitudes towards actually bettering themselves.

Personally it would be smart to segregate white peope from black people in current society so blacks could deal with there own issues and the left could stop using them for there own purposes but again the niggers out weigh the blacks if you get what I mean

Because the jewish propaganda applies to a finer nerve system.

I beg your pardon? You have some explaining to do young man


Its like when your at work, and everyone is slacking and then the boss shows up and everyone is trying to look like they n a hurry getting things done. Niggers just wanna talk and act like niggers all of the time with there nigger freinds, and when white people around they gotta act white, or the whites will notice they are subhumans.

I don't see why you'd have a problem with this thread

They think they can escape mexicans that way. If only they knew mexicans are their replacements, just like ours.

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Because they know they just can't compete

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Whites see the rest of the world as being in a relation of victimhood to them. Their whole moral universe is centered around "protect the victim" post-Holocaust. Blacks start as the central victim but the moral imperative evolves into seeing all kinds of bizarre types as a victim. It's the inverse of "The White Man's Burden".

Because they want to break the law in peace among their own kind. I say we allow it.

>See, this is why we want segregation, you whitoids are cringe
Isnt mozambique segregated enough for you? You realize as soon as white people lose all power, the jews and chinese will enslave your people enmasse, right? Pic related is harming black people more than white people - but it is harming ALL OF US. We need solidarity among the working class, not idiotic engineered racial animosity.

Can you kindly point out the white european countries currently taking part in slavery?

1. An estimated 29.8 million people live in modern slavery today

2. Slavery generates $32 billion for traffickers globally each year

3. Approximately 78% of victims are enslaved for labor, 22% of victims are enslaved for sex

4. 55% of slavery victims are women and girls

5. 26% of slaves today are children under the age of 18

6. The country with the highest percentage of of its population in slavery is Mauritania with approximately 4% of the total population enslaved. This amounts to roughly 140,000 to 160,000 people enslaved — Mauritania’s total population is only a mere 3.8 million.

7. India has the largest number of slavery victims at a horrifying 14 million.

8. The top 10 per-capita slavery hot spots are:

Cote d’Ivoire

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Pic related.

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Your own kind treated you as shit too. Don't delude yourself, this has got nothing to do with black or white, but with humans treating humans like shit.
Especially the rich, not because they are more "evil" than the poor, but simply because they have the power to do so, and don't think or avoid thinking about the consequences for those they treat like shit, because they're benefitting to much to give a shit.
Also niggers be niggering.

white are too jealous that it

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Real honest black and not some shilling larp: Blacks realize jews control society and whites are merely here to prop it up. Theres no real reason we should take what whites have to say seriously. Too easily controlled, stuck in a "trust the plan" housenigger mindset. 3rd place goes to all the browns pretending to be white(80% of the american posters here are spics or insecure halflings with something to prove, guaranteed.)
The entire board is kike controlled, and this is merely a census gauge thread with a cute reverse psychology spin to sedate the browns(hardly any blacks come here)

Destruction of the black community. Wat?


She woke up to a nightmare..

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I'm Asian and I think white people are fake as hell. I prefer the racists who speak their mind.

Oh and the majority of these posts are bullshit, wish you faggots stuck with the finland proxies

Lmao you're average black doesn't wanna segregate from white society. They get too many goodies from the white man.