Yas Forums it is time to admit it, you are getting BTFO at memes, you are really a laughing stock of the internet
>Normalfags think fucking or getting fucked changes their ideologies
Left CAN meme, and Yas Forumscels will ignore this
What does sex have to do with anything? That's rather apolitical desu
Yas Forums is not capitalist retard
You really suck at this ya know?
You jus dont get it do u? It is mostly the unfuckables that spout the ideas of christianity and white state, never met a chad who aint leftist and NONONO, those ex-incels on stereoids aint chad.
Wow, another shit thread by a meme flag to sage
says the memeflag tranny jew
Well doesn't that banter kind of admit that men need to be provided pussy in order to not be dangerous to society? Ironically this is like allowing a disease to run unchecked
>Personal experiences don't change your thinking
The bait is awful but the part about the laughing stock of the intern is true
that guy is an absolute retard. probably never studied any philosophy or even read a book in his life. fucking idiot.
>memeflaggot. YALL. Yas Forums
Kek, these are lukewarm at best
What does that have to do with anything? Are you so butthurt about anonymity that you yet persist in this fruitless ridicule? Knowing that ad hominem has no effect on those without identity, you continue with it anyway, hoping in vain that someone, somewhere, will have a visceral reaction to it? Well, consider any effect this post had null and void as other anons read and internalize the following message:
Pay no heed to witless personal attacks such as OP. You are all superior, because you are user, no blogposters! Ignore these plainly provocative threads, and instead bring insight and goodwill to all the board, improving it immeasurably.
3/10, gotta work on the delivery, otherwise you only get easy faggots like
The jeep is the best. Pic related.
I don’t think you have any idea how fucking gay you sound, top kek
>have sex
We are not related to that fag
I knew that this post was indeed bait, but why not implore anons to improve themselves, and thus the board? I can't find any fault in that. Seasoned, of course.
>niggers have such little self control the introduction of a life ruining substance is enough to get them addicted
Pretty sad. You could just have self control and morals.
So much text. You guys are pretty smart, maybe I’ll abandon all my hopes and ideas and come and have cheese pizza and anal sex at your place.
>the laughing stock of people who wear masks when their risk of getting sick hasn’t changed
Lol, k
More technology in that car than governments has in the 60s
I'm married but am Long Distance with my wife until I get out of basic training. Leaving in May and should be in tech school around July-August. I was a full blown Nazi before we met. She rolled with it and occasionally tries to change my beliefs but has mostly accepted the fact it isn't gonna happen.
Getting laid changes NOTHING ideologically and if it did to you then you had no real convictions to begin with.
They look like that because of government regulations
>le incel insult
It’s odd how women always use insults based on in group/out group dynamics. If anyone is bored and wants some background noise I’ve been listening to videos of r/nicegirls posts. It’s amazing how women immediately insult your manhood just because you don’t want to fuck them.
>market socialism
Yugoslavia 2.0 can't come soon enough
Busting blacks for cocaine use has been a thing Democrat’s have done since the 1920s. Yet one Republicon -who was originally a Dem when he was CA governor- does it and you lose your minds.
It’s more that if a single sexual experience can morph your opinions to such an extent, yours aren’t worth anything either way
Ok groomer
>US prisons
>slave labor
another commie retardation
they look the same because safety standards
This is just niggers creating their own fear porn. When the Jews lose and black people are no longer portrayed as exotic sex toys for social climbing white women in the Jewish media, they won't be getting any pussy either.
No, need to be attractive when I can just rape them at gunpoint when the system collapses.
Too much text faggot l2 meme
Haha yea niggers and their lack of self cont-
Talk about based, no wonder old boomers love 80’s conservatives.
>in group / out group dynamics
so like racism, xenophobia, bullying, etc.
this is why the political left has no legitimacy. their language might be different but their tactics are fundamentally identical to those on the authoritarian right.
>being a faggot bootlicker punching down instead of carrying about the CIA running drugs into the country and then arresting people
Have you considered suicide yet?
But on there opposite end of the spectrum niggers get laid all the time and they'll still hoop and holler for black supremacy every minute of every day on every platform and in real life.
Market Socialism, huh? What does that mean? Is that connected to the other categories listed?
Yeah, nothing more based than running narcotics and creating the main core data base and REX-84!
>dude the CIA le GLOWIES are holding people down and forcing drugs in their mouth
Yeah, cringe. You're a loser who doesn't have any proof the CIA is actively running drugs other than schizo infographics and dont hold people accountable for their actions. Take your meds, and go outside.