Italian newspaper Affari Italiani: >Coronavirus, Belgium changes death count, Maggie decides: minister of 140 kg. ... >Health Minister Maggie De Block [...] certainly doesn't go unnoticed. >One hundred and forty kilograms of health. >In Brussels, health is clearly taken in massive doses.
Lmao BASED. Our media are seething but the Italian newspaper did nothing wrong. (though they deleted the article)
>Belgian media calls this "body shaming". She should be ashamed. It 2020 for God's sake. Corona-chan doesn't care about your feelings and neither does anyone else.
Of course the Belgians would appoint a waddling lard beast to be their health minister. The rest of the government and police are pedophiles and human traffickers.
Connor Anderson
>Foreign minister speaks only native language and never travelled from her hometown >Defence minister is pacifist fundamentalist Bahai'i >Finance minister can't balance a checkbook and filed for bankrupcy >Cultural minister is a cheap beer drinking redneck >Environment minister runs a factory accused of dumping toxic waste into the water supply >Communications minister is deaf and dumb
Its pathetic enough that shes fat. Stop fucking reaching with this gay shit.
Easton Williams
Viva Italia. Kek
Noah Martin
>For once Italy does something right. they do a pretty good job when it comes to pizza and pasta. Never trust them if it comes to war related stuff....
we fucked up on purpose. You're a mad, dangerous, autistic people.
Kranken Volk.
Ian Robinson
Kek >How can cakebois even compete
Tyler Bailey
Nah it's a densely populated area with lots of retards that don't give a shit about a thieving nanny state that's only good at making up new laws to make more money.
Adam Clark
I weigh 150kg ...
Jordan Price
B*lgoids (the government and the people) are literal subhumans