
>Easing social distancing rules 'risks second peak'

>Armed police arrest Chatham 'balcony gunman'

Attached: we_will_be_back_shortly.png (1916x1080, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

Attached: mozzgra.jpg (1140x840, 222.17K)

Pensioners are taking the pillow fucker pill

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-173652_Facebook.jpg (720x1084, 467.77K)

thread theme

Attached: ode to cokeposter.png (792x213, 36.19K)

Why does Pube go quiet when you rightly mention he's a Jew?
Why does Pube LARP as a woman and like to talk about dicks?
Why does Pube LARP as a man of action and spend 16+ hours a day on brit/pol/?
Why does Pube project him being a virgin and incel on everyone?
Why has Pube never shown up for a fight?
Why when fronted to fight does he give a road with no houses or give a house number?
Why does he come here day and night to spam?
Why does anyone even bother with him any more?
Why do you get sucked in by his weak bait?
Why the fuck do you reply to him?
Whats his end game? ( pic related )

Attached: end game.png (1091x381, 68.65K)

Eddie please stream.

Not drinking, nope.

Attached: 1501454797329.jpg (1438x1435, 732.43K)

just want my arse filled with piss

Are you trying to resist the urge as well

You just know.

>WHO warns coronavirus 'will be with us for a long time' and says most of the world’s population remains at risk from catching the disease
by "most", they mean "all". immunity is impossible.

don't care
why do 190 bpm bangers upset you?

>China after a month of really strict lockdown
20 million dead guise!!!!!!!!!!! I calculated the phone numbers
>A month of half arsed lockdown in Europe with an older more vunreable population
Not even 100,000 dead(should be around 10 million for the same level of deaths in Europe)

Cvg is fucking retard

It's called strategic bombardment, you drink so much your body just tells you to fuck off. ,


i get this every 4th day

you've never had a drink in your life you LARPcel

>Not even 100,000 dead
the real death count in europe is probably somewhere in the region of 300,000-400,000 by now. the uk is hiding around 25,000 deaths.


My cheeks are so soft

i despise you.

Fuck off Doommong


You lads are amazing :)

Attached: Buckingham Palace.jpg (900x650, 128.59K)

Bit gay mate

In what alternate universe have we passed any peak? NOT ON ANY MATHEMATICAL BASIS THAT I CAN SEE.

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let me clap 'em

I started replying with boring to doommong first, glad someone else has picked it up

Just a cough lads. Greggs will soon reopen


It really is that easy

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Would you mind filling my butt with pee?

Even if that is true, which it isn't, your China claim has been exposed as utter bullshit, Europe with its much looser lockdown should have millions dead by your logic

user here who's been fucked over by CAPTCHA. Any other tips to sort my shit out? Clearing my cache hasn't worked and I have no ad blocker installed. I have no idea how to fix this.

Attached: Fuck CAPTCHA.png (1230x435, 51.07K)

The Germans are making fun of us

he's just seething because pubs will reopen soon and he won't have a legitimate excuse for never going to one lmao

too busy filling my nostrils with flake t b h
you actually use anti-bullying software? lmfao

But then again all statistics are lies and the worst liars are collecting the data. It can say whatever they like.
NO OLD PEOPLE WERE INCLUDED IN UK STATISTICS - they were not allowed into hospitals at all until a couple of days ago after people complaining that the NHS was committing mass murder and had huge empty wards being kept empty in case more important people needed beds. That is people more important than those that had paid for an nhs bed all their lives

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The ones on the face I meant

We've passed the peak in hospital load



Attached: HX1SQvtz.jpg (512x512, 56.95K)

Have you made any changes to your browser recently?
Proxy, assigning a static IP etc?

Care homes are safer than a hospital

Attached: mosley hospital.jpg (828x480, 94.08K)

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Nope. People are going back to work in London already. Nobody is stopping them. More shops are opening. Corona is a big nothing burger.

>called george
sounds sketchy to me m8

lmao captcha's absolutely decimated you

For fuck sakes

hahah nice edit

But eh, not in number of infections
And not in deaths.

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Pastabro how many people that you know have got chinky flu?

where've you been chubby?

I think you might be a little on the queer side t b h lad, nothing wrong with that ofc, either that or slight autism

>i-it's just a flu

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