When did you realised he was a fraud?
When did you realised he was a fraud?
Can you elaborate?
>shills are still shitting on the based and redpilled Dr. Peterson
lmao these eunuch kikes are seething
Oh looks these threads have started up again.
When did you realize that this board is full of shills and discord trannys
>gets vanned to russia in middle of night
>emerges clearly lobotomized
>everyone accepts this as normal
what the fuck is going on
>When did you realised he was a fraud?
>when did you realised he was a fraud?
When are YOU going to clean your room?
when he couldn't do it
when he appeared out of nowhere to be shilled as some leader of the so called alt right same as that lisping flaming homosexual rithard spenther and the dozens of other jew paid shills
when his daughter whored herself out and then flew him to russia to lobotomize him
i can forgive him for publicly sidestepping the jq
he cited solz constantly, practically begging people to delve into his work
was far more pissed at 'joos are successful and overrepresented in prominent positions because of jewish IQ'
he was a good cardboard cutout dad for a generation of men raised by single mothers and weak men, but he was ultimately a huckster and will be forgotten within a decade
fuck juden peterstein
The first time I saw this: youtube.com
It was obvious he was nothing but a shill for the kikes, a pied piper trying to lead young white men away from the truth.
When I saw his debate with Zizek and realized that he doesnt even understand what Marxism actually is and still criticizes it all the time
when our lord and saviour big bear owen benjamin smith told me
Anybody who has to take anxiolytics in order to reassure us “everything gonna be OK” needs help.
He seems like a smart man until he talks about da joos. His composure changes entirely. All of his careful arguments and devices fall apart at the mention of the JQ, because the answer he gives is a lie, and he knows it. Juden Pederstein KNOWS he is Juden Pederstein, and he doesn't like it, but he's too far gone to change and embrace "problematic" ideals. So he turned to drugs.
for a start he is smarter than you
secondly over thinking shit does drive you mad
thirdly clean your fuckin room faggot
"I can't do it"
When he called for Bret Kavanaugh to step down. Totally hypocritical
Anyone selling self help books/programs can be considered a scam artist
After I read his book
>"I Cant do it"
Blowme dog. JP is a fraud.
I don't understand how whitoids fell for him
from the first time I listen to him I was strongly disagree about his preach as a shrink and as a pollination... but major aha moment come when
Jews ask him on the stage about Jews and Peterson start sucking jew cock in the front of everyone ...
Owen Benjamin Exposes Jordan Peterson
>complete ignorant of race realism
he is literally just a pro-men lefty. as if this is even possible.he wants women in the workforce, rambles about those high profile female clients he had/has... dude he is a cuck believe me
I sow video where JP sucking Jew cock obviously
Jordan Peterson on the subject of anti-semitism
From the start, though I didn't really find him a fraud. Found him more like your basic self-help guru, preacher, or priest. He only talked through archetypes/allegory. There was very little substance to what he was saying, even if I agreed with most of it. It's hard to bring up tangible evidence in social psychology, as testing typically is biased to support your results and his views were largely contrary to the largely liberal views in his field.
I never understood why everyone thought what he was saying was so profound, as it has been basic common sense since the dawn of civilization. Perhaps people needed to be reminded of it. All in all, it is pointless to clean your room when the house is on fire. He served little more as a distraction that brought up points I generally agreed with.
Once he started charging money, even for the most mundane things. This was probably around late 2014 - early 2015
The moment I laid eyes on his ridiculous daughter.
When he was debating Sam Harris. Stupid arguments, no point.
(((Sam Harris))) used his jewish card too. So both are garbage
Day one, all intellectuals are kike sock puppets.
Saw a take down of him by Jay Dyer.
He's not a fraud. He's just mediocre.
When I saw him on Rogan I knew he was a druggie by his mannerisms and speech. He reminded me of my shy, quiet friend that would suddenly become a chatterbox when he took Vicodin.
When I found out about his weird diet and family medical history
Him telling ghost storied on the H3 podcast made me suspect he was a bit loony