If only our government focuses on jobs instead of bailing out the super rich

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can't have jobs if the job enablers can't run their businesses
save the few enablers to save the jobs of the many workers

Fuck your Jobs.

ching chong tiny pee pee

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The enablers who enabled the pandemic in the first place? Fuck their globohomo MBA cost cutting country destroying habits. Bust em up.

no, everyday small-businessmen are not chinese officials and the corrupt WHO

Jews hate small and medium businesses. It's the same reaction nigger dictators or medieval hook nosed elites have/had when a middle class begins to appear.

i won't comment on the anti-semitism, but i agree with your post's point

working for someone elses profit is not a job, it is exploitation.
the only legitimate job is working for the people, the state.

>meanwhile chinks eat rats and have to use gutter oil, get sold chemical trash as babyformula, plasic eggs veggies and meat and get crippled by or die from "vaccines"
yeah but now china a gud one cuz muhh jobs
fuck disgusting bug people
kill all chinks and gooks on sight

than build your own shit you useless nigger, even in a commie world you'd be just as useless just bitching about your next "grand idea" to make everything better because you know in a competative setting trash like you has no chance to build anything

people like you are trash and need to understand this, you'll never be a bill gates, trump, or musk
you're trash and your life is only worth the amount you can make that fucker on the top of the corporate ladder because you'll never have the ambition drive or greed to achieve shit faggot

China is the only country fortunate enough to have a true People's Government:

While Americans line up for kilometers for old moldy bread, China's communist government ensured that everyone was well fed during the crisis.

The government immediately cracked down on traitors trying to make a quick buck out of this entire situation over the backs of their suffering countrymen, like some local supermarkets in Wuhan tried to do.

But such evil dictatorship, those people deserve freedom to cheat and abuse the market. Am I right?
In America, demanding 500 USD for a roll of TP is totally in line with AnCap morals and Atlas simply Shrugs if you fall over dead LMAO.

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humans are not individuals, but members of the group.

>China is the only country fortunate enough to have a true People's Government:
so fortunate that they build houses out of paper and hollow blocks of "concret" you can't even call that chink paste that

>While Americans line up for kilometers for old moldy bread, China's communist government ensured that everyone was well fed during the crisis.
to be fair you scum feed on rats and rodents all the and even eat your children for shits and giggles, can't even shit on moldy bread if you eat insects and piss eggs or shit made in gutter oil, plastic food, poison sold as baby formula etc

>The government immediately cracked down on traitors trying to make a quick buck out of this entire situation over the backs of their suffering countrymen, like some local supermarkets in Wuhan tried to do.
lmao they "cracked down" on those that are not in power because only you corrupt nigger institution is allowed to make a profit on the suffering of your useless bugs
>But such evil dictatorship, those people deserve freedom to cheat and abuse the market. Am I right?
lmao chinks are cheating the market for decades now, those disgusting bugs are in a huge defizit and all companys in china have to give shares to tenzen or how your commie spy factory is called

>In America, demanding 500 USD for a roll of TP is totally in line with AnCap morals and Atlas simply Shrugs if you fall over dead LMAO.
not true tho you lying chink faggot, people get fucked for price gouging all the time
stop being a chink
stop being so inferior to us glorious westerners and accept that you're nothing more than our slaves and breed more for we desire cheaper products you filthy beast

no it's just because you're an insect that couldn't understand what it's like to think for yourself to have a unique idea or be different because you bugs are all the same
souless minimum wage bastards we grind in our factorys and pay you barely enough for you to hunt rats and for that you celebrate us and want to become like us but you're the bottom of the world, you'll never be able to even rise to the status a dog has in the west

You are truly mad, Hans.
I hope for you that you have begged Xi enough to get your "12 billion masks a year" that you need to end your lockdown. Because sure as hell you will never be able to do it alone with that capitalist system of yours that cant even get their own people to harvest your soi aspargus.

ahahahah what lockdown little chink?
life is going on as normal, you're trash eating disease ain't doing shit over here
>Because sure as hell you will never be able to do it alone with that capitalist system of yours that cant even get their own people to harvest your soi aspargus.
literally happening right now tho and lesser trash is still out and about on the fields faggot
better fact check before you try to voice your frustration of being an inferior servant beast of us superior westeners ;^)

>calling slavery jobs and still making up the numbers.

This. China will not have a 30% unemployment rate like America will after this.

Back to Plebbit.

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>Cantillon Effect
it only appears that way because the governments have not figured out a way to balkanize central banks without causing more problems.

German companies are dying by the throves. And soon, we will not buy any Volkswagen anymore from you. Enjoy getting even more unemployed Hartzer who will vote for some neonazi meme party who dont know how to run a country.

Your grandma is dying and we hold your lives in our hands, Hans. You will suffer and you will die in pain. Kaiser Willhelm's hun-speech was actually the speech Xi Jinping has delivered before the Corona Wars: Even in a thousand years, no Germ will even dare to look at a Chinese anymore.

meant for

is it only me? or it looks like all these threads have the same first 15 replies as if they were scrypted or something?

it's just like those random threads in youtube videos about totally unrelated things.

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Bad at larking

The post

>German companies are dying by the throves. And soon, we will not buy any Volkswagen anymore from you. Enjoy getting even more unemployed Hartzer who will vote for some neonazi meme party who dont know how to run a country.
stay mad faggot you're buying and begging for shit loads of produkts from germany, you can't produce anything of value on your own
look up Henkel, Lanxes, Evonic etc and tell me how bad they're crashing
other than you we don't have just one product we sell to the world

>Your grandma is dying and we hold your lives in our hands, Hans. You will suffer and you will die in pain. Kaiser Willhelm's hun-speech was actually the speech Xi Jinping has delivered before the Corona Wars: Even in a thousand years, no Germ will even dare to look at a Chinese anymore.
yeah because you bug people will have each other killed end eaten by than, you plebians seriously think you have some magical leverage over the west because you glue two pices of paper together
LMA fucking O nigger keep up the cope little chink boi, you and your country are just a joke and only good for gore gifs when you idiots beat each other to death with a hammer again

You just contradicted yourself dipshit

>job enablers
imaging being this cucked

They end up firing employees and giving themselves bonuses while driving the company into the ground until next handout regardless. Why not let the people decide where to spend it?

They took our jerbs

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>Rich people create jobs

Woah what the fuck

Lol is this what public sector workers tell themselves? Protip: you work for the government because you're shit and the private sector won't hire you

OK, joomer.
Are you screwed for real this time or is it just for show again?

Jobs done to survive are slavery.