What's the reason USA became such a degenerate filthy shithole?

Hard more: Dont blame jews.

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Because the same ancestors who built great civilizations also stood by and let this shit unfold

Because of jews

Good going Goldberg

Funny israeli comment, finally jews are jewing jews.

Don't let white Americans into Europe. They don't deserve a lifeboat. Let them burn in the hellfire they have created.

Seems like he may need a hand

Party animal indeed

It's Jews. It's the fucking Jews. It has always been the Jews. Everyone is pissed. Everyone is waking up. Every culture in every civilization that has ever hosted these parasites eventually woke up. American has waken up, and the fallout will be uglier and more bloody than anything ever seen.

Low IQ whites let loose and without a leader..

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>Dont blame jews.


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well yes it is jews but, to be more specific I feel like it all started with the great society program, then its just a domino effect, hippies-feminists-civil rights-black supremacists- so on and so forth until we have the shithole which is now muttland


desu I would say there are too many low iq whites which is why it's so easy to subvert such country which consists of proles.

if you talk to a random american on the street and latvian you would immediately assume the european is smarter.

No fucks given.



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So shocking i kno

its because of slavery
living with niggers for centuries turns white Europeans into amerimutts

what's this bullshit?

Behold A Pale Horse - 1991 - ISBN: 9780929385228
Time to wake up.

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Jews and living in a liberal and individualist society. Reminder you don't see this shit happening in societies under totalitarian regimes.

Jews, nigger

>Animal Shirt
>cig hanging from mouth
>missing a hand
>fucking a falling down drunk fat slut at a bus stop
This webm has it all

Area code 631 on the billboard = central/eastern Long Island, NY.

american culture webm

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And people say it's not the jews. Even Jews admit it.

Americans are mutts. The end.

But speaking of degenerate how's sweden

Thank you, goyim. Give us the respect we deserve. I mean you've got to admit, we fucked up your society pretty good.

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Looks like some “modern art”

People have no confidence or trust in each other. It's expected when citizens have absolutely nothing in common with each other. But it is true that Jews like it that way and they own the US puppet government, complete with sham elections.

More like impossible mode.

It's a real tragedy

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