Right on cue

Just as I predicted yesterday, the openly homosexual sycophant Trump installed at the ODNI continues to push forward on Trump’s globohomo agenda. Kusher, Ivanka, Grennel, and a cabal of pro-homo and pro-pedo degenerates continue their fag crusade and Trump gives them cover with his outlandish and childish distractions. Trump has been a democrat jew plant from the very fucking start.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nah Mossad you're angry because he's cleaning house and declassifying documents. Cope.

hello darkness my old friend

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>Trump has been a democrat jew plant from the very fucking start
Obviously, le no arrests man. “People” like the Clintons and Strozk should be behind bars or in the ground. Nothing else is acceptable and proof of treason

The 'pedes always ignore threads like this. The cognitive dissonance is too strong

So a anti gay country knows where a nuke is and we wont ask where?

Fuck off ppl who kill homos are degenerate

trump supporters are homos

If a country criminalizes homosexuality it means that their intel agents are all comped faggots, that’s how intel works.

Hey we got a fag lover here. And it what Western nation was this happening? Even in the 1950s when socialism didn't take root here, nobody was killing fags. What, do you want to push the western degeneracy of fag marriage and trannies on to other nations? Just marry achmed when he comes to Canada you fucking leaf

Even Saudi Arabia?

You support trump and you call me a Jew? The self-proclaimed King of Israel is about to attack Iran on behalf of your Greatest Ally. Amerimutts are fucking dense.

>hire a faggot for ODNI
>this happens

Trump installed Grennel in part to destroy evidence of the sex crimes and pedophilia committed by Trump, the Clintons, their mutual friend Epstein, et al. They are all satanic child fuckers.

>Trump cuts ties with (((the eternal saud)))
>(((ackshually goy, you should be really mad about this because of the ostensible pretense)))

Same faggot helped arrest Assange after WikiLeaks released evidence of pedophilia rings in the highest echelons of government. Grennel should get the M. Sheppard Treatment.

Unbelievable. Pic very related.

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Stop. Look down at your crotch. Open your pants. Do you have a foreskin? Since you’re an American man, I’m going to bet that you don’t. You are JEW CATTLE and you’ve been robbed of your masculinity by a satanic death cult practicing ritualistic sacrifice of American genitalia.


When Trump said he was going to drain the swamp and get rid of the nasty leakers and dirty intel people, what he meant was that he was going to get rid of straights and pozz it the fuck up with a fag ODNI tasked with fulfilling Kushner’s globohomo agenda.

>he thinks he's going to cut ties with his pimp

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why don't you become my little cumslut?
i'll feed you lots for yummi cummie you can fill your tummy and or cunny

Why can't you admity that both the right and left are pro globohomo? they're both pro Israel, pro NWO. What do you expect from these people? They aren't conservative, they're anything but conservative unless conservatism means bombing brown people and handing money to Israel.

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How more cucked american can get? i cannot even imagine what horros will be unleashed when the demos take over
This is why i support china as a super power


Trump’s “transgender ban” in the military was designed to PROTECT fags from the war he will wage on behalf of America’s GREATEST ALLY. Kushner and Ivanka will not allow schizophrenic homosexuals to perish. Only straight white all-American men can fight Iran!

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What a fucking joke. Imagine abandoning intelligence data because of homos.

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Imagine considering voting for Trump in 2020. A democrat would be right of him.

Trump loves fags and trannies, its true, not deniable. Still better than every demonrat, but still a false choice in Gog and Magog.

Try 2021

Amerimutts trump cultists would willingly infect themselves with SARS-Cov-2 if Trump told them to. These faggot bug chasers would still support him if he sucked a man off on 5th Avenue.

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2d checkers!

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Does it mean - Saudi Arabia ?

Foreskin mutilation isn't popular in Britain.


Saudicucks would rather cave in and hold a gay pride.

Might as well be the RNC at this point.

>This is why i support china as a super power
Thank God China has 5G before Amerilards.

pedes mad

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>Foreskin mutilation isn't popular in Britain.
>Foreskin mutilation isn't popular in Britain.
>Foreskin mutilation isn't popular in Britain.


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I weep for men who have been raped of their manhood by blood-thirsty jews. The modern burger-man is sexually traumatized and rendered incomplete at birth because they’re chattel to their overlords. How distressing.

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>This is why i support china as a super power

Same. Tired of this warmongering gay orgy that protects isreal and pedophiles above all else.

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This should be considered a war crime. They mutilate infant boys to make them broken and sexually dysfunctional. Mutilating male genitalia is the first step in converting young boys into fags or cross dressing fags.

for Kushner
we didn't elect Trump to compromise or security for faggots.

I don't like this very much but it's something I can compromise with given the alternatives... I'm going to network a bit at RNC conventions and try to pierce the veil. There's a lot I like about Trump and a lot I don't. He plays a character (or two), I don't know the actual person. I'm as apprehensive as any other user that this is Zionist NWO theatre faggotry. If I'm to die a martyr for God then so be it. But I'm hoping God provides a world better than what we can do. If Trump sides against God, I'm with God. And this may be one of those cases, Idk. But one might argue that no nation is righteous enough to judge things like adultery or homosexuality, and thus they should be left legal so that God may judge people for their choices. You ever met a happy and stable adulterer? I have not.

I agree. Plus elites literally use foreskins for youth formula. I bet rabbis get high when they suck the tortured blood of the infant's penis.