Doctor here. Why does Yas Forums not respect me?
I am working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week at the moment saving lives.
I'm an opthalmologist so respiratory illnesses are not my specialism and I spend much of my free time catching up on the latest medical literature on the subject so increase my knowledge and effectiveness when dealing with patients in the ICU.
I just can't wrap my head around the hatred you seem to hold for doctos, nurses and other medical staff who are currently working our asses off to save lives.
Doctor here. Why does Yas Forums not respect me?
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You are just doing your job mate, just as everyone else normally does. And you're getting paid well for it. So what's the fucking problem? If you don't want to do it, then fucking don't.
Doctors that actually do their jobs I have no problems with. Doctors that act like the world owes them for doing their jobs I would argue most people have a problem with, especially since its the least humble doctors and nurses that seem prone to rampant attention whoring on social media yet barely do their job correctly.
>Stack shelves in a supermarket for 8 hours a day
>Get paid £8 an hour
>Hundreds of people with no gloves or masks walk past me every day
>Not allowed to see friends because of social distancing but see dozens of people standing on a bridge clapping for the nurses
>Get home and listen to neighbours clapping the NHS as well
>Nobody claps for me
>Have a little cry. Start to coof
>Coof gets worse
>Have to wait 7 days before I can call for an ambulance
>Arrive at the hospital and see the nurses dancing in the corridor. Confused, angry, hurt.
>Symptoms get worse. Die a few hours later.
>why does Yas Forums not respect me
it's just a natural part of life if YOU die of Wuhan-flu. I'll tell those words to a doctors face because a doctor told that to my family when they let my brother die. I have no sympathy for you.
You get thanked with a paycheque every two weeks.
Mailmen are the true heroes
Fuck over paid doctors (1/3rd of all deaths in hospitals are from medical malpractice)
Mailman don’t fuck up the mail 1/3rd the time. In fact it has the highest accuracy and on time delivery rates compared to their competitors
Not all heroes wear capes
Because you're spending time here. Don't get it wrong, we respect the professionals. Just not those pretending to be them and spending time shitposting.
This is why
Jesus Christ, the size of the egos these faggots have is enormous. The literal definition of a God complex
kys fagit
Then why have so many people died ?
Now that's some weapons grade hubris. What facebook boomer are you pretending to be?
Its "your money or your life". Pay shitloads for medical insurance or die. Employees of hospitals are just doing their job, but people with no medical insurance are just bounced at the door.
They kill 2.5 times as many americans than covid-19, if you are hiding from the flu then you should stop going to the doctor.
I think you're looking for the word specialization.
I doubt you're a real doctor.
You're probably some smelly shit skin that wants to "stick it to the internet nazis" like lmao good luck faggot.
Literally Heresy.
No one is Above or equal to god.
I genuinely dislike Doctors. They are highly paid to make educated guesses. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy. However I'm sure many people could of
been Doctors with the right connections and money to afford school.
I think the hate comes from them being pretentious as fuck while simultaneously peddling the idea that they are in it to save lives. In all seriousness that "helping people" has little to do with and now that's basically all you have left and want your asses kissed more now.
" Oh look at me " I'm saving lives " " I'm busting my ass "
Enjoy your money and clout.
Ofc I respect doctors, up untill they make stupid pics like the one you posted and spend their time making fucking tickcock videos in the middle of "the worst pandemic since the fucking bubonic plauge"
you sell jewish pills to people
you are a clipboard monkey who follows instructions from your jew overlords.
I don't respect you at all.
No, Quantum physicist are gods
I we don't respect (read: slavishly worship) you we must hate you? chances are you didn't go into your field because you wanted to nobly serve people, you went in for the money, job security and social cache. So you just got lucky in that you now happen to be in a situation where you're desperately needed and now expect us to treat you like a hero?
How about the men that build the hospitals, roads, ambulances, factories that make the medical equipment and so on. If one wants to play that game then certain construction workers and certain factory workers are heroes.
Is tesco ever gonna have rice in again?
Doctor here I do my job and go home knowing I’m better than 99.9% of all the people on this board. I don’t need their respect. Nor do I need to preach them on my work
No you arent. Shut up fagget
He's a hero faggot
T doctor.
I feel you user. Except it’s driving propane around. I don’t even have time to make tick tick videos or sacrilegiously compare my self to Jesus with my coworkers.
Better by which criteria?
>tfw have to queue outside the shop standing 2m apart
>shelves inside aren't even that far apart so everyone is walking past each other
This whole thing is dumb
nah fuck the working class, dictatorship of the pmc is much cooler.
Doctors and nurses kill more people through medical error than all guns and illegal drugs. Combined.
Disgusting. Doctor's, Nurses and the custodian at the hospital all knew full well what they signed up for. Just the same as all of us. We all do our jobs because of one reason or another. To compare these mortals to God? Disgusting. Sure, they're hopefully doing their jobs and not just sitting around making tiktok videos..
Stop with the "im more important than thou" shit.
transportation and logistical people are the real heroes, there would be unironically millions of deaths due to starvation and civil unrest without them
Massive kek
Drop dead
I wish we still burnt people alive for heresy....
Kek. Missed that. I can’t see an ophthalmology consultant using Yas Forums.
Doctors dont make that much specialists make a lot. Big misconception.
Mailmen are still working every day
neets are the real hero's, they have already dealt with crippling isolation
I bet my damn house the guy playing Jesus is a fucking Kike. Who's with me?
we are a lot of people who have been working around the clock to keep things going.
Reading the overhyped hysteria about a literal flu that's killing of 80+ year olds who would probably die if they sneezed, and watching hundred of tik toks of nurses and doctors dancing around while everyone is praising them is a bit offensive.
Medical malpractice is the third highest cause of death in the United States. You double charge people and Jack insurance rates up. Although I see the need for medicine I also see the hypocrisy of seeing a doctor that puts profits ahead of health.