I'm tied between
What are the most free countries in the world?
This map looks retarded
I guess burgerland.
You dont have to pay community service and unschool your children amirite?
This is the exact map they use in the Pentagon War Room.
Come to Africa.
Liechtenstein. The villages even have a right to secede if they want to.
The best mind control is when people Truly believe that they are free.
In capitalism you are free. Nobody forces you to work like in second world shitholes, and we have robots, we dont even need slavery like the third world shitholes.
Japan. Adopted american liberty but with different and more social economics. You are free and have rights (as long as you are born there) but you dont have to wageslave like a dog to live. everyone complains about work hours, but americans actually work more. At least there it is a cohesive society where no job is looked down upon, and you might spend all day at work but theres a 2 hour break or you go out drinking with your coworkers the whole night. And with less hours on average than a burger. Only problem with japan is the judiciary system but america's is just as fucked even if it puts on the facade of being fair. Japan is easily the best country on earth right now, overall. Second most free probably America. third probably finland/sweden/netherlands. Mexico also pretty free actually very lax government
>nobody forces you to work
Yeah so you sit at home and starve?
Japan is expensive as fuck, of course you have to wageslave if you want to live a life that isn't a basement dweller- I do agree with mexico if it weren't for the gangs
6% Muslim? Your nation is already lost at this point
I work to my conditions.
In communism everybody starves at the same amount and everybody works the same amount.
japan is expensive yeah but it's a communal society, people don't leave their family's house and you have a deeper relationship with your job and coworkers, there's no roommate culture there. If you don't make much money you'd live at home. That seems better to me. Like in america people live paycheck to paycheck and have credit lines, i think theres less credit there but that's only natural. It just means people support each other more there and probably save more money. Japan's average family savings is 200,000 dollars. Meanwhile in america people dont save any money even if it means they have more stuff. I'd rather wageslave in japan desu
>everybody works the same amount
you mean they don't work at all because they still get the same amount of food
Capitalism is shit but not as shit as communism
Supply and demand isnt bad. Just get rid of the banking parasite.
by the way, comparatively the average american household saved 175 thousand. A difference of 25k and the japanese work less hours. metros are only slightly more expensive there, I'm sure it works out a lot better in japan when people don't move out as quickly and you can work any job and live because of the communal workforce. It's probably normal there to work one job after highschool or go straight to college and not leave home until late 20s or even early 30s. If you had only one job but started after highschool which is the norm there, you'd have 12 years experience or so. Meanwhile americans work a multitude of jobs and move out as soon as possible, renting for everything. the japanese purchase in cash more
That makes sense, in america people live paycheck to paycheck because they got themselves screwed over by crippling debt, so they take out loans that put them in even deeper debt. But in Japan the culture is kinda different and I think you get looked down upon if you don't wageslave whileas in america nobody I know gives a shit.
Yeah supply and demand makes sense, but theres that problem with monopolies that naturally come up
Unironicially northern Sweden and perhaps northern Finland (can’t 100% vouch for that), every resource including police work is being drained to the south, so there is quite literally NO police, you can do whatever you want (unless you hurt another person so they have to go up here) it’s impossible to enforce anything, it’s lawless land
Well capitalism doesnt mean have no rules and law and sheeeit. A free market is well regulated.
How do you regulate a free market without collapsing the invisible hand
Monopolies tend to corrupt the government, thats the problem, not monopolies by itself. You have to make sure your cartel office is working.
How about the anti competition that the airlines are able to do, and international price cooperation like OPEC?
Thats crap. Capitalism seems to work 50 years, then everything should be destroyed. The alternative however is shit.
The freedom test is whether or not you can say nigger
This. Every alternative to capitalism tried so far has ended in capitalism or destruction
Remove the Jews, enable eugenics, what will then happen? Stioo destruction and degeneracy?
What's your definition of freedom? Also unironically America.
Whichever country has the least technology
I thought it was whether or not you could question the 6 gorillion
Isnt the oppossite true? A caveman couldnt handle a pneumonia or broken legs, you have the freedom to choose, either life or fucking die.