What's your excuse for not taking the monarchist pill yet user? Now's your chance to get in here and discuss the best ideology that stands the test of time. ITT we also discuss how to push monarchism into today's times, such as debating on how to depose bad monarchs while not ruining the monarchy as a whole, as well as any other ideas that are points of interests.

>But monarchy is literally cuckolding!
Wrong. Corona Chan has proven that republics can take your rights away when it's convenient, they only do so with the false pretense of people having a say in the government.

>Monarchies are oppressive!
More often than not leaders voted in who obtain new power who don't know how to use it are the biggest cunts. It's the same reason why people who win the lottery almost always end up poor again. Monarchs are put into a high position from birth and so they are good leaders.

>One monarch can literally just ruin everything!
That's a pretty big what if and a rare one at that. Surely a system where the son of the leader being trained from his birth by his father and his loyal advisors to be king is far more stable than the poorly informed voters deciding who to rule through a popularity contest? Here there is an important distinction between monarchies and dictatorships, as dictators seize power after the next dictator, like Stalin seizing power at Lenin's death despite the fact that Trotsky was supposed to rule.

>But my vote counts!
Except it doesn't. Suppose that you are a well read intellectual. Now watch as Tyrone and his gang's vote are just as equal as yours. NOW watch as the wealthy oligarchs who rule you hardly care for shit that doesn't benefit them.

>Monarchs are kikes!
Most expulsions of jews were under monarchies. Meanwhile the U.S loves daddy Israel, because republics are open to foreign intervention from people like glowniggers as a result of being unstable.


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Democratic leaders spend the first part of their term adjusting to their new position, and then later getting cucked by Congress until they spend all their time campaigning again. The leaders of a republic are not accountable to their actions as a single man is and they do not care for the long term health and prosperity of the nation, while monarchies must. Take Napoleon III as an example, he remodeled Paris into a modern city and fostered tons of long term projects such as railroads and parks that benefited France tremendously. There is no way this could have happened under a republic, as politicians stuffed into office by the mobs through a popularity contest would be too indecisive and their final term would be the end of any vision they had for France even if their work was approved by the congressional body, as the newly elected head of state could simply decide to do a complete 180 in policy.

Monarchies are extremely stable since there are no 180s every 4-8 years and the people will always know who is next in line to become king. And speaking of Kings, they are trained from birth from their father and his loyal advisors to ensure greatness for the nation. The monarchy is entwined with the history and culture of the nation in many countries, and they can inspire nationalism and a sense of unity between the people of a country, and thus to take monarchies away is like destroying a country's culture. It is not wrong to say that deposing a monarch is like taking the father away from a family, as his people is his children.

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Now here's some quotes, although admittedly a lot of them are more so anti democracy than actually pro monarchy.

“The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other. ” - Walter Bagehot

"Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison." - C.S. Lewis

"The president of a republic is as though you pick a player from one of two teams and make him umpire." - Czar Simeon II of Bulgaria

"Democracy is the counting of heads, not what’s in them!" - Padraig Deignan

"Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." - John Adams

"Democracy is more vindictive than Cabinets. The wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings." - Winston Churchill

"When America set out to destroy Kings and Lords and Masters, and the whole paraphernalia of European superiority, it pushed a pin right through its own body, and on that pin it still flaps and buzzes and twists in misery. The pin of democratic equality. Freedom. There’ll never be any life in America till you pull the pin out and admit natural inequality. Natural superiority, natural inferiority. Till such time, Americans just buzz round like various sorts of propellers, pinned down by their freedom and equality." - D.H. Lawrence

And of course, many other philosophers like monarchy, such as Aristotle.

Now here's a video


Forgot pic

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how to monarchy if in our case they were colonizers.

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Isn't there a restoration movement in Brazil that advocates for the heir of the Brazilian imperial family to be monarch?

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As Hoppe said, if a state MUST exist, the monarchy is preferable to democracy.

I don't understand why people think monarchies were so authoritarian. If anything, monarchs were much more hands off than modern nation-state democracies. Their taxation rates were way lower. And in most matters of law, people did not defer to the monarch but rather to local arbitrators, bishops, etc

People seem to think monarchs ruled with an iron first, but rather under monarchies there was a very complex system of hierarchies, so people were mostly concerned with what was going on in their own town and didn't feel the presence of the monarch much in their lives. And because everyone knew the monarch was a private owner, there was no misconception that they were doing anything for the "public good" so they couldn't just make laws as they pleased without being blamed

Monarchy and fascism are VERY different though and have very little in common. Fascist like Mussolini are interested in controlling most aspects of the nation state; in a sense it was still "for the people". Monarchs on the other hand were mostly just concerned with improving their own resource acquisition and enriching their monarchy, so often had a very hands off approach toward their subjects. Nationalism was not needed because wars involved fewer soldiers and didn't recruit everyone.

a small one like all the separatist movements and shit, but here the "Brazilian imperial family" is seen as portugueses and so the colonizers.

Hi, I’m the Duke of California. Please instate the nobility so we can build environmentalist techno-castles and eject the spics.

>Believes some inbred family should unironically govern the population without restriction.

Monarchism is one of the most cucked political ideologies in existence.

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Monarchs don't interbreed anymore, retard. I'm not an absolutist either.
>monarchism is one of the most cucked political ideologies in existence.
I guess you're okay with millions of random people across the country voting to decide how you live? But at least Ahmed is fucking my wife democratically!

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Imagine being an American and being a monarchist.
Where's your dynasty mutt?
That's right, you ain't got one.
Only Europeans get to have monarchies.

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>Order and hierarchy are for cucks
Go deepthroat Boris Johnson you fucking faggot.

>where's your dynasty
It's coming when the American Caesar wants one, balkannigger.

I don't know about your country but in mine former dynasties have all became cucks. The only fact that they are doing nothing to bring back monarchy is already enough to disqualify them imo

Problem would be that many countries don't have monarchies anymore. Who's going to be the king of France or Poland for instance? Do we have an election?

Serbia is the coolest country in Europe. Can I move there?

>It's coming when the American Caesar wants one
>America switches to a monarchy
>The first king is a kang
kek I could see that happening
Well of course they aren't gonna try when 99% of Frenchmen would start reeeeing like a bunch of retards if they did.
Republicanism and democracy are cringe and bluepilled.
Monarchism is based and redpilled.

Poland's nicer, you should go there.

Who do you think should be the king of Serbia?


This Anglo nigger is the current prince or whatever, so definitely not him.
But maybe one of his grandsons.

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Are we talking 100% absolutist monarchy where the King decides everything or some kind of constitutional limitations on that power?

I agree, but only if I get to be the king, otherwise no, I wouldn't support it

the kind where the monarch is actually a monarch.

So then what? They should just wait for the French to beg them to come back? That will never happen on it's own. No one should be expected to be a better royalist than the king.

Yeah fine fine and what will you do when the monarch dies ? Right, youre fucked. That‘s the big problem.

You needs someone people are willing to follow but you also need the people to not be cucked faggots.
Even if you had someone worthy of being a monarch, and this isn't exclusive to France, the people would start reeeeing about liberte, egalite, fraternite.
The fucking Enlightenment was a mistake.

the state, in democracy, governs with far less restriction because its justified under "the public good"

I took it years ago.
>tfw Hans Herman Hoppe pilled, also Hobbs
>pic related is egalitarianism in a nutshell

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eugenics works, sure, but you just gotta make sure the next in line to the throne is always the ideal candidate.

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Only good ability monarchy is cute loli princesses. Kill all royals except the cute loli princesses, put them in petting zoos and make them not become old hags

Its called dynasty, do not mistake it for some facist "we'll be fine, don't worry about it"

also, hi folks

Future monarchs should be chosen based on eugenics. A good king would embody the national character physically as well as being genetically high IQ and strong. We can't have the inbreeding ruin it again.

PS fuck Windsor.

That's pretty easy to do. Just select the most eugenic woman in the country, and make sure they're raised right.

I hope that once this pandemic is over that my country is going to pick up trading and colonialism again

European monarchies are exclusively Rh-. Are there any good studies on the blood type, aside from the fact that it is an ancient bloodline that spanned the entire globe before Ice age?