Do Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18? What the fuck?
Do Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18? What the fuck?
Northern races expect Male children to move and start their own families.
Kept conflict diwn in historically vary materially oriented races.
two retards raising a teenager, why should I care
Yes. It's a Boomer mentality passed onto Gen X. They think cause it happened to them then it should happen to their kids too, despite the reality making it completely impossible.
t. Was kicked out of the house the year I turned 18, had to cancel college plans to get two full time jobs to pay rent at a shitty motel because I couldn't get approved for an apartment without credit, and all the "for rent" ads were either creepy shitskins or thousands of dollars to live in some dude's closet. Thanks kikes.
If college is what the son wants to do then there is no reason he cant start basics for the first year and work a job.
I will help my children until they are able to handle life on their own. If this means allowing my children to live with me until 24 so they can finish school and have a stable job then so be it. As long as the child is making progress there is no reason to make someone's life harder. The majority of responsible people that age will take more responsibilities around the house and help by paying for some of their own expenses. If your child starts to regress and refuses to take on adult responsibilities, then yes kick them out of the house.
Mom could lying about her little baby being a good boy dindu nuffin, and maybe dad is based and sees failure in the future.
because we are taught self-reliance and personal responsibility from childhood
at 18 we are expected to be financially and socially responsible to be able to live by ourselves
now answer me this, why do spics live with their parents until their 30s?
and don't say it's not the cultural norm in spic families. I personally know some latinos coming from Mexico, central America and Brazil and they all find normal for their kids to live with parents until their mid 30s
The father's attitude is a sign of an inflexible mind. "What was good for me is good for thee" while ignoring the 180 American society has taken over the last 30 years. Usually a sign of never facing OBJECTIVE hardships.
Yep. Maybe not the day they turn 18. I left a few weeks after I graduated HS. Faggot step dad kept starting shit, I knew he wanted me out. It all boiled over one day and I landed like 20 uppercuts to his face and headbutted him before moving out. Stayed at a friends until i got a better job in the city and could afford the nearly $1000 rent for a 1 bedroom apt in my city. Feels good having him know I can fuck him up at any time.
this happened to me and caused financial damage it took a decade to recover from
and more importantly when it's nursing home time I will not forget
No, the atomized family is only a recent invention post WWII. Before that people lived in multigenerational homes.
>Thanks kikes
It's actually your grandfather's and father's fault for ditching you. Don't blame me me for being poor. If you're able bodied, you could have joined the military and quit after a few years.
There's no such thing as a free lunch, kiddo.
either get out or pay rent and utilities
I left my parents house when I turned 17, joined the Navy, been on my own almost 30 years. If he’s capable of attending college, holding a job and contributing money wise to his parents household I see no reason why he should leave until he graduates and can sort of establish himself. Now if he’s 40 and still living there they have a problem!
>Start their own families
Not working, LMAO.
If my parents did this to me I'd disown them and then put them in the shittiest fucking nigger run nursing home when they're old
The alternative is to have the kid sit at home all day and play video games.
>only one child
>gets rid of him at earliest opportunity.
but the kid's the lazy/immature one?
Nothing inbetween. Kids working and saving up money while living with their parents don't exist, you absolute fucking mongoloid.
Yup, not realizing that mass immigration makes land unaffordable favoring the Indian or Chinese model of the multigenerational household.
I moved out at 18 but it was into a uni residence so it wasn't like I was completely on my own, it was more like a hotel. Then I rented in my last two years. When I graduated I moved back in with my parents so I could pay off my loan quickly, I'm still there. I was gonna move out this spring but now this corona shit happened
I actually agree with the dad, if you don't do anything after high school you will lose momentum quickly. The kid can't get too comfy or he'll end up as a NEET. Even if he doesn't go to college he needs to learn how to fend for himself
I bet you live in a trailer park and seethe when your step son plays video games.
The American's unwavering loyalty to the Jew is truly unbelievable.
>what? go fight goyim, if you want to eat
Why are you people allergic to helping your own? The Jew has so successfully turned you against one another.
Just wait until it's nursing home time pops, you talk a big game until you're shitting your diaper and Latifah is in charge
You want to be an adult until it's time to be responsible.
America is defined by its "rugged individualism", the same rugged individualism that fueled George Fucking Washington to survey half of the United States of America.
Unironically take your meds. I'm Jewish and I take care of my own quite fine. Maybe it's you who needs a wake up call.
>Do Americans really kick their children out when they turn 18?
Some families do
Most of the time when families kick you out at 18 what they're trying to tell you is go join the military
A minority truly hate their children and don't give a single fuck if something happens to them
Yes. My parents started telling me when I was about 12/13 years old that I would be out of "their house" when I was 18.
It was a standard rule for myself and my three siblings.
However, they got a divorce the moment we were gone. My parents are and were self centered abusive assholes and still are to this day.
>will receive 100k from my mother in law, so my wife and I can buy a 700k home. When mother in law is old enough, will move in with us.
>use saving generated all those years to buy vacation property in another country.
Boomers boom
>live with 2 essential parents that care about me
>I'm supposed to get out so I can pay $1000/month for a place full of strangers and share kitchen and bathroom with them
good goy!
Hi, I'm hispanic and I lived with my mom and pops until 35, once i hit 35 i finally saved up enough money to live in my dream house off of ocean view drive, beautiful aqua blue water everywhere, my parents decided to move close by to me as well to help with kids. I don't understand white people who kick their kids out so early, it's a very stupid thought process and decision from my perspective, you have my compassion and sympathy.
How can you let being kicked out by your parents if you don't want to leave? My father's girlfriend tried to convice him to kick me out, and I forbade her for entering our house because of that. Now my father has to go to her place.
Generational homes were common in the U.S. before the (((nuclear family))) was a concept. The whole kick your kids out at 18 is a jewish concept forced on whites to weaken them as a whole.
This is why Indians and Chinese are taking over your country, retard. This faux masculinity that you put on is why you are losing. How do you think these minorities are able to afford so many houses? Because they stick together and help their kin, something that used to be a white construct.
Also, explain to me how, in this day and age of bullshit coddling from the public schools children are forced to attend, how someone just out of high school can fend for themselves. Parents these days do a half assed approach at parenting, and then expect their children to "succeed" like they did. The economy is in the shitter, and it's going to get a lot worse.
Just wait until these people get older, and need help from their children. These old folks better not need more than 18 years worth of assisted living, because that's all they deserve from their children.
I'm lucky I fucked up my body to disbelief right after high school and ended up milking a year and a half at home before going off to protect the interests of Israel
>Faggot step dad kept starting shit, I knew he wanted me out. It all boiled over one day and I landed like 20 uppercuts to his face and headbutted him before moving out
>step dad
Lol, no wonder you're violent, your mom is a whore.
kicking your only child out at 18 lol
> they fail? dead or in jail, your family line ends
> if they succeed? you have a younger, stronger mortal enemy
some do, some don't. The ones who "break out on their own" by going away to college instead of commuting? they're the ones who rack up six-figure student loan debt AND wind up libshit retards
You sound like a kike in denial. Why are you playing devil's advocate? I'm sorry you had a rough childhood.
>hurr durr kike military
This is why everyone calls you Leafs room temp iq cucks.
Fix your eyebrow.
>Northern races
>tfw 27yo lonely neet incel shut-in living with mommy
Kinda wish my mom had kicked me out when i was 18. Now life's over.
One day far down the line of time when the average lifespan is 200 years old I truly wonder how the average person will deal with this?
Well no shit jews take care of their own. It's goyim to have to drink from the poison well.
Anyone have that screenshot of that post by the dude who says he pays the niggers to abuse his boomer parents?
I fucked Japanese girls in japan when I was in the military. Man I’m such a goy
The alternative is to have the kid sit at home all day and play video games.
They do. It’s barbaric.
Did you consider your parents find you insufferable?
>was in college
>great recession, no jobs at all
>living at home because cant afford anything, literally would not have been able to pay $200 a month for anything let alone $800 for rent
>asshole father tried to charge me rent
>never paid him, just stared him down and told him i dont have money and he fucking knows that
>next term got loans and went to a dorm
>60k in debt for a degree
>moved out of state, no longer talk to father
>he has no idea why
america is the worst shithole imagineable. i'm still god damned fucking angry about that. i live on my own and am doing alright, i might have the debt paid off by the time i'm 40.
Do you see Mexicans in the U.S. kicking their kids out at 18? No they have generational homes and it enables them to reproduce faster than whites and they have a stronger support network. You dumb boomer faggot
>kick his son out when he only has a high school diploma
>expects him to fully support himself
That kid will be lucky to make ends not meet on three min wage jobs working 80 hours a week, will be screwed his whole life, and his father will still insist he's lazy and unfocused.
>at 18 we are expected to be financially and socially responsible to be able to live by ourselves
That’s insane. At 18 you should be concentrating on getting good grades.
Not any more because they can't get jobs since handshakes were banned.
You have every right to be angry user, but remember he will die before you do, try to forgive him before he dies, even if that means waiting until his deathbed, I'm sure the sudden realization will hit him hard at that point in his life.