Igor Juric, father of a raped and murdered child has been on a crusade ever since to uncover pedophile ring in Serbia through his foundation has since revealed information leading to the arrest of a number of people, and has lately hinted at having information on politicians involved in the ring

His latest posts mention Marina Abramovic who I believe needs no special introduction on Yas Forums.




Attached: marinaabramovic.jpg (723x912, 42.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for justice

I wish i could read this article

How has he avoided being disappeared?

Literally just right click and translate, also look into the man's foundation, just use google bro what are you a boomer. It's gonna come crashing down soon.

Bump for vigilante justice

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Based and gibberish pilled

Played it smart and keeps himself exposed to media at all times.
Read upon the kidnapping and murder of his daughter, her name was Tijana Juric, I'm sure you can find english articles.

This can seriously lead to exposing a lot of shit, from the disappearance of babies from the 70s onwards

bump for JUSTICE

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bump for a good cause

Thanks for the help and the info, user
t.30yo boomer

If that isn't a shop, how can she wonder why she's getting so much shit lately?

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Her "art" has been funded by the government so Igor Juric implies it has been indirectly funded by taxpayers, and he is asking why the populace should be complicit, and he has been gaining a lot of national attention. It's really going to fucking happen it's all going to come crashing down. Arrests of low level people have already been made.

may God help him and protect him Amen

kick ass

Bump for great justice

Marina Abramovic looked like THAT?!


I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction: Nothing will happen.



Bump for justice. We must defeat Satan and his witch. Fuck those degenerates. Death to the Elite.

"We have paid millions of citizens' money to a woman who openly supports and promotes pedophilia," he wrote in the caption of the photo.

Thanks for posting a source though unlike most faggot threads lately. Even if it is in a language no one here speaks.

>Played it smart and keeps himself exposed to media at all times.
that worked for epstein right

Based Igor. Doing gods work.

A bold prediction: Anti semitism will continue to grow until history repeats

Still waiting on his massive and yuge if veritable drop on some prominent pedos

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>Marina Abramovic
Is it possible to get a quick rundown on her?

Also based Igor Juric for bringing justice to your part of the world

God strengthen and protect him


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Fuck she's so beautiful

I want to bathe her in my blood and cum


Hope youre right, mane.

It's just art, you don't understand

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Difference is that Epstein was involved in the circles.
This guy is just a regular man and he set it up so that people know exactly what happened if he disappears

i'd take that retarded abstract art thats just a line than this

soo to be disappeared

How the fuck are (((they))) geting away with this shit

Nothing ever happens, unfortunately


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What are you going to do about it, goy? Whine on the internet all day?

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yes he was involved in the circles and still got got
we all know what happened to epstein, even my grandma knows he didn't kill himself
and yet, nothing has come of it

like every other commoner with dirt he's keeping the worst of it as a life insurance policy
his cowardice will get him killed before it gets released, it's what always happens

I like their style

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that creature is an androgyne.
only a 10yr old girl has a chest like that & it's head is as big as a moose.

because the west and the world is degenerate enough to not care and not believe anything.
They'll keep their ears plugged until destruction hits them, when it's too late.

Well Epstein wasnt innocent so people werent exactly upset to see him die.

This guy has potential locally to stir up a lot of shit if they try to even bend his hairstrands


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Bump for the dream

He's posted before that in case something happens to him his friends are instructed to leak the information he already has. The dude is not fucking around. He lost his daughter and has taken precautions. His accusations lead to arrests, no one prominent yet but he says he's collecting evidence. The public trusts him, he has his Samson option if he gets suicided. The man is not backing down this will lead to some serious shit

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I am personally afraid that any kind of Yas Forums posting lunatic with a gun will come and shoot me, because they think I’m a Satanist -Marina Abramovic

When what happened to the stylist and doctor who was arrested, it will happen to the politician

Two days ago, founder of the Tijana Juric Foundation, Igor Juric, posted a photo of Marina Abramovich from 2007 holding a naked child during a "performance."
Source: B92 Wednesday, 04/22/2020. | 19:03

"We have paid millions of citizens' money to a woman who openly supports and promotes pedophilia," he wrote in the caption of the photo.

Juric said that publishing such a photo is tantamount to promoting pedophilia.

"My message is one that I send to parents every day, which is to spread pedophilia by spreading such photos. You have to be aware when you post such a photo, especially when celebrities are concerned, that it affects people that they can afford a lot when they are about children, "Juric said, adding that the announcement was prompted by the artist's testimony regarding the work of Marina Abramovich.

He denies that he directly accused her of pedophilia.

"I did not directly accuse her. I did say that she supported pedophilia with her actions. I am sorry that some media outlets have portrayed this sensationally, but that is a story we have told," he said.

"Any evidence I have that can serve the arrest of any person when it comes to child abuse, I will take it where it needs to be and these people will be arrested. A lot of people, I think influential people, know about pedophiles in more prominent circles and about I want to end this. Igor Juric once he gets enough evidence he will come out with it and these people will be arrested. Today let's talk about what will happen, when it will be, I can't talk about it

He said that, at this point, there is not enough evidence to arrest one of the people suspected of pedophilia. When what happened in Novi Sad with a stylist and a doctor arrested, the same thing will happen with a politician,"




Honestly, i don't know why it's taken this long for this to happen..

You mean to tell me there's no former SOF guys out there that are lusting for blood and wouldn't wanna go apeshit on tons of well-to-do pedophiles that routinely shit on the constitution?

It's unfortunate that the father is about to commit suicide with five gun shots to the back of the head after a brutal barbell accident. Many such cases.

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Also, Igor Juric's petitioning has already had the law changed in Serbia, the proposed bill called "Tijanin Zakon" named after his daughter was voted into law. You can google it, also Serbia has reinstated the penalty of lifetime imprisonment for murderers of children.

We should not be shutting up about it.

People should be mass protesting about Epstein. Even if he DID kill himself, there's more to his story that the government knows that they aren't telling us. It's time for people to stand up and refuse to back down on this issue. If we aren't willing to fight for kids, we aren't men.

Based Serb, have a bump