Americans are so fat, I would not travel there unless they paid me...

Americans are so fat, I would not travel there unless they paid me. Why would I wanna be around fatties that eat portion sizes 3-5 times what humans actually need. They walk around nonchalantly about their fat because being fat there is normal, when in fact they should all be ashamed. As if they weren't fat enough, according to projections they are slated to become even fatter in the coming years. These fatties would have you believe they have the best food, while they stuff their mouths full of mcDonalds greasy fast food. Nothing angers them more then pointing how out of shape they are, watch them cope ITT. A large soda drink size in your country is probably a small in the USA. They actually invented scooters because more and more Americans are getting so fat they can't even walk anymore. When you go at the beach in most countries you find the fitter people there and rarely see fatties unless they are elder people. In the USA however those fitter people are still fat. If you go to the U.S. on tourism and are trim they will tell you you should eat more. They've actually forgotten what a real human being should look like. Some of them came up with fat acceptance and rebel against conforming to look normally slim.

What makes Americans so unable to maintain a trim body compared to the rest of large countries anywhere else in the world? For instance Canada has a 26.7% obesity rate. The USA: 42.4% obesity rate.

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>a leaf thinking his opinion matters
Fuck off, faggot

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Embrace the American know you want it, stop denying it....

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I mean if all your food is processed empty carbs and sugar, hes not wrong

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You are not far behind Canuck

>For instance Canada has a 26.7% obesity rate. The USA: 42.4% obesity rate.
Yeah, we're quite far behind, in fact we'll never be that fat.


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>in fact we'll never be that fat.

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Of course, but he’s a leaf so his opinion doesn’t matter.

I like fat bellies on masculine guys though. They are very soft looking and seem like you can make a guy moan in ecstasy by just rubbing it.

Also America’s obesity numbers are so large because of non-whites, especially niggers & spics. If you removed all our fat nigger & spic bitches, and the 400lb spic NEETs we would be a much slimmer nation.

When you get rid of shitty (((boomers))) on top of that, we are even healthier and thinner. Millennials and Gen Z are all about healthy diet & exercise, and even a lot of Gen X’ers are hoping on.

"Fat American bad." -European NPC

>I'm a chubby chasing roastie that means everyone should be fat

Americans, everyone.

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>I wouldn't travel there if you paid me
It's okay. Literally no one cares. Just sit there and keep being irrelevant.

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whats the point of traveling here when all you fags live 5 miles over the border seething and staring into our back yard all day

generous of you to assume they're not a degenerate barafag.

thats because of niggers and spics. look at white americans OUTSIDE OF THE SOUTH and you will find that we are quite healthy on average.

>he doesn't understand you need to eat big to get bit

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Why do you let the chinks buy up all your houses?

I know pol is mostly shitposting, but holy fuck, how come mutts are triggered so easily and so HARD? like they can't even accept a fact, that they are sooooooo fat. Hahahahahaha

Everybody has always eaten carbs and very little else, with very few exceptions.

That's a lot of patriotism right there.

I'm lazy as fuck and love to eat but my Adderall doesn't let me get fat, my condo get dirty or my college GPA to drop under a 4.2.

I really want to illustrate something for you Europeans. Pretend on bizzaro Yas Forums you're scrolling and see a post that was passionate about their hatred for English's poor teeth. It's not wrong, it's gross. But then you see this shit fifty times a day, and it makes you wonder what the hell is going on in people's brains that they can't stop thinking about British people's teeth. Then you eventually realize it's not the teeth, they're just pissed at the UK for other reasons and are picking the teeth because it's an easy target. I literally don't even think about Europe if something isn't going on over there. I genuinely thank the Lord for not cursing me with the insecurity that you Europeans have. You guys genuinely write these posts and think you're owning us, when all it does is demonstrate how much we occupy your minds. Hell, we may think about Jews a lot but that's like not caring about the parasite that's eaten two of your organs. What exactly triggers the motivation to make these posts? Are they just bots or are Europeans really just this assblasted they aren't important?

A lot of regional differences. Colorado is fit, because it is glorious outside even in the winter and everyone wants to be out doing stuff. In the south it is miserable. Fucking 90 degrees and 70% humidity is conducive to sitting inside with a fan blowing on you, moving as little as possible. It rains more frequently, too. And we have a tradition of frying everything. And smoking saturated fat meat and drowning it in seasoned syrup. "Hun, yuwan sum sweetee withat?"
Add the fucking lowtest hormones in everything, kick-ass video games, and sheeeeiiitt, we got some fatties down here.

Itt: 90 percent triggered mutts. Holy fuck, how can you newfags get triggered by a copypasta you fucking fat mutts hahahaha

what does that say about Australians

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Cause they have a burger instead of a brain

I've had fast food 5x a week for the past two months, I don't feel like I'm really doing too bad. I do a lot of physical stuff so my weights good. Too bad my insides are probably shit and I don't have leafs health care so they won't give me my quadruple bypass and diabetes meds for free when it comes to it. (100% srs fast food almost daily)

But I will say from all my trips to Canada, and as a diesel mechanic right by the boarder, (deal with a lot of sk drivers) it really seems Canada's diet doesn't difer too much from that of America's...

it's because of the high carb diet that Jews pushed via their doctors and lying press.

eat no more than 20 carbs a day. meat and veggies and then you will be better.

carbohydrates are the Jew of macro nutrients.

every time you eat a doughnut, burger with the bun, or a pizza with bread crust, schlomo shekleburg rubs his hands and curses you with diabetus and a fat gut.

I actually am, but bara and fatties are different.

Americans by and large are lazy. Physically lazy and mentally lazy.
Why educate yourself when you can watch 30min short attention span sitcoms or sportsball
I think the American education system trains Americans not to question, it destroys curiousity for the sake of a more manageable class room. A more manageable population. Just take the test and more along as you have been told. Coke or Pepsi? Republican or Democrat. Stay at home, we know what’s best for your health, you can’t possibly know what is good for you.

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