/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3387

► Detected: 2,606,614 (+50,854) ► Died: 181,569 (+4,110) ► Day: 104 (-08:12:49)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.8x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,163 strains have been sequenced —


Yas Forums leaked passwords from WHO, CDC, Gates Foundation, Wuhan biolab

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Latest leaks: Wuhan biolab had been splicing HIV and coronaviruses

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

CDC researchers ruined virus tests not following protocol

Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

Survivors will be immunocompromised

Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

White House admits they lack tests

Spain had 11,600 nursing home deaths, most not included in toll

▶ 18 new cases in Sri Lanka
▶ 1383 new cases and 132 new deaths in Canada
▶ 7 new cases in Jordan
▶ 10648 new cases and 831 new deaths in the United States
▶ 36 new cases and 2 new deaths in Luxembourg
▶ 631 new cases and 39 new deaths in Ireland
▶ 468 new cases and 21 new deaths in Romania
▶ 2 new cases and 4 new deaths in Channel Islands
▶ 948 new cases and 79 new deaths in Germany


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Other urls found in this thread:


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>be a communist
>your country fucks shit up
>ignore it
>shit is getting out of hand, the damage is spreading
>downplay it
>shit is getting really fucking bad, even your neighbors get affected by it
>try to downplay it harder, start wondering if you should, maybe, probably, try to fix this situation?
>shit ton of people die, even more are fucking sick, you are hated by everyone for your incompetence and bullshit
>ignore all the criticisms and pretend you did your best while your citizens die a slow and painful death
Man, that Chernobyl incident was pretty weird, huh?
Pic unrelated.

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2 days 3 days how long it has been ?

Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

You people used to name the jew, You used to ask the uncomfortable questions and buck the established narrative. Now all you do is tune in for updates from state media, and suck the black african cock of WHO Kang. All they had to do was say "The sky is falling, trust us we have a (test) for it." and you all jumped on the hype train like every other normie NPC.

I am disappointed in you Yas Forums. When did you become such a faggot?

Gridlock watching stream

Earth Day 2020. 50 year anniversary of Earth Day. What the left doesn't want you to know: Liberal tree hugger and countercultue guru Ira Einhorn, Earth day founder, murdered and composted his ex-gf in 1978. Ira Samuel Einhorn, known as "The Unicorn Killer", was an American environmental activist and convicted murderer. He was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux. He died in prison on April 3, 2020, just 3 weeks ago.

Rest in piss.


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Chernobyl had the excuse of being a power plant.
I find no reason as to why chinks were meddling with biological shit beyond their capacities.

2 day since oil become less than worthless

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>I find no reason

To attack the west with. This was all planned out years ago.

Have Italian numbers been posted yet?

Will this lead to war?

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Nothing burgers and happooners alike can we all just admit how fucking cool it is to live in this timeline?

go work faggot stick it to the jews

>China sends faulty tests to Spain
>Spain pays for a replacement
>Replacement are also faulty
>Ended up paying twice for chink shit

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Media shill detected

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Its fucking slowing down. RELAX. Jesus fuck people. do you not realize its slwoing down?> WE ARE FINE

It's been cool seeing it happen, but it stops being cool when it directly affects you.

This shit is insane. I feel like I am taking crazy pills and the people have become completely disconnected from reality.
If you are going to protest at least demand something. Universal healthcare, higher wages, something. Demanding to take the risk for nothing extra is beyond stupid.

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This is nothing cow patty. I going to sleep

>be a communist
>your country fucks shit up
>ignore it
>shit is getting out of hand, the damage is spreading
>downplay it
>tell everyone to get back to work while deaths are increasing
Pretty weird, huh?

who /virgin/ here?

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I have never been this comfy

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Yes. 3370 new cases and 437 new deaths.

Death to slovenia

House down the street just had 3 ambulances arrive

Don't forget ludes to go with the pasta, shills hate it. No seriously, when trading corona ludes at 0300 us there are never shills present.

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Why are you posting here instead of working? It's Wednesday.

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This. They finally have the power for reform but they want to go back to wage slaving,living paycheck to paycheck and forever being in debt. Gotta love our American education

#1 United States 829,392 (46,149) #2 Spain 208,389 (21,717) #3 Italy 187,327 (25,085) #4 France 158,050 (20,796) #5 Germany 149,401 (5,165) #6 United Kingdom 133,495 (18,100) #7 Turkey 98,674 (2,376) #8 Iran 85,996 (5,391) #9 China 82,788 (4,632) #10 Russia 57,999 (513) #11 Brazil 43,592 (2,769) #12 Belgium 41,889 (6,262) #13 Canada 39,805 (1,966) #14 Netherlands 34,842 (4,054) #15 Switzerland 28,268 (1,509) #16 Portugal 21,982 (785) #17 India 20,471 (652) #18 Peru 17,837 (484) #19 Ireland 16,671 (769) #20 Sweden 16,004 (1,937) #21 Austria 14,925 (510) #22 Israel 14,326 (187) #23 Saudi Arabia 12,772 (114) #24 Japan 11,512 (281) #25 Chile 11,296 (160) #26 Ecuador 10,850 (537) #27 South Korea 10,694 (238) #28 Poland 10,169 (426) #29 Singapore 10,141 (12) #30 Pakistan 10,076 (212) #31 Romania 9,710 (519) #32 Mexico 9,501 (857) #33 United Arab Emirates 8,238 (52) #34 Denmark 7,912 (384) #35 Indonesia 7,418 (635)…

#1 United States +10,648 (+831) #2 Russia +5,236 (+57) #3 United Kingdom +4,451 (+763) #4 Spain +4,211 (+435) #5 Italy +3,370 (+437) #6 Turkey +3,083 (+117) #7 Canada +1,383 (+132) #8 Iran +1,194 (+94) #9 Saudi Arabia +1,141 (+5) #10 Singapore +1,016 (+1) #11 Germany +948 (+79) #12 Belgium +933 (+264) #13 Mexico +729 (+145) #14 Netherlands +708 (+138) #15 Sweden +682 (+172) #16 Ireland +631 (+39) #17 Qatar +608 (+1) #18 Portugal +603 (+23) #19 Belarus +558 (+3) #20 Brazil +513 (+28) #21 Pakistan +511 (+11) #22 United Arab Emirates +483 (+6) #23 Romania +468 (+21) #24 Ukraine +467 (+13) #25 Chile +464 (+13) #26 Ecuador +452 (+17) #27 India +391 (+7) #28 Bangladesh +390 (+10) #29 Israel +384 (+3) #30 Poland +313 (+25) #31 Indonesia +283 (+19) #32 Dominican Republic +256 (+15) #33 Serbia +224 (+4) #34 Denmark +217 (+14) #35 Switzerland +205 (+31)…

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America attack the slanted eyed chinks already

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>be a capitalist
>your country funds the research that eventually fucks your shit up
>ignore it
>shits is getting out of hand, the damage is spreading
>downplay it
>tell everyone to get back to work while deaths are increasing
It works for both China and US

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/cvg/ barely has any overlap with Yas Forums

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fuck yes

I'd imagine it would get even cooler then
I know everybody hates blogs but I quit in January when this shit was begging. The place has over 10 infected people and they won't close and are getting death threats.

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War soon.


Digits and yes.
Expect interesting actions against the usual Trio - Russia, Iran, China and add to that Memezuela and Syria just for lulz.
Even though oil is literally worthless, the golem wants to have control over every uncontrolled wells, and China is in just for shits and giggles.
China narrative is ready - IDZ DE VERUZ
Iran narrative is rdy - their FLYING boats required to be SHOT DOWN
Russia - its the elections, and why the F they helped Italy unless to usurp power during the pandemic
For the rest - I don't think there is any narrative required .
It is gonna be fun, that is certain.

Wew. You took out the reddit spacing after insulted you for it last thread. Please tell us what they're end game is? Why are they keeping everyone inside and crashing the economy for?

aloha nigga


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and yes I fucking hope so, I am so bored of this life. I want a stalker existence

i can’t believe they protest for a haircut of all things

only (you)

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what is the meaning of this?
>A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients

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I know femanons lurk this general, therefore I request a voice over OP in this thread
The numbers were rolled so its a must

I was about to kill myself anyway, i've delayed that just to see how things play out.

Difference is we never realised the bioweapon. The retards did downplay it and still are but only some states want to open

well , you could argue that they need big boi toys like nukes , planes and bioweapons to be taken seriously when they make their stupid arguments or decissions , the same as israel , indians or best korea.

add to that the chink work discipline of " copy everything, be as cheap as possible, tweak 2 things and call it an original donutsteel"

you can see examples with chink aviation , some planes are just russian licenses , othres are just copy paste of american desings , the j-10 if i recall is " totally not an f-16 with the wings swapped back in the fuselage"

now you remember that uni prof. that got caught in canada about to smuggle samples to china and was beign payed by chink army money thru college grants... and you get a better picture of the whole situation

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IT'S OVER!!!!!!!

Hydroxychloroquine confirmed a scam but Israeli scientists have cured coronavirus with a 100% recovery rate!!!!!!!!!!

Coronavirus a complete and total nothingburger confirmed, and Yas Forums's nemesis was the one who cured it. Apologize RIGHT NOW!!!!!

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Checked and yes.
Fun until they randomly ban you for it. Was the full colored pic posted yet?

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>universal healthcare
user, please. I'm begging you. Don't fall for the scam. You're still gonna be browbeaten into buying insurance and big Pharma will just fuck you over even harder as doctors can no longer be sued for making unnecessary and unneeded medications.

you're the drawfag?
t. man


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▶ 54 new cases in Bahrain

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They are STILL claiming the peak was a week ago lol

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Only in matters of the heart user, not in matters of flesh.

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Singapoor is calling you on the other line, they wanna have a chat.
Also even though the LIMPDICS were LOST , Shizo Ape is still cooking numbers harder than CCP - now because of cultural retardation and that everlasting fear of fucking taking responsibility and living with the consequences without SUDOKU.

Kek wills it

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what the fuck am I watching

It does crazy shit to your hemoglobin and probably white blood cells (ACE) I'm not a scientist. The covid toes thing is concerning. This is probably deadly to everyone in the long term.

Went to protest the lockdown a few days ago. If I catch corona, I catch corona, but I won't. It's just a flu, bros.

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fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me

I was supposed to lose it over the summer to my US gf but corona-chan cockblocked me.

Faulty rapid testing kits in India as well. All from China. Now I am even more skeptical about the antibody tests.

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Its not a mystery its well known. Corona-chan causes thrombosis and that is why the Chinese protocol recommended heparin. They also suggested IV vitamin C too clear up the things causing oxidative stress and help with oxygenation but I don't know if any US doctors are using it

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>"b-but its a nothingburger"


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Not the hamerinoooes!!!!!!

As the antibody studies come out, it's clear the virus does not warrant a shutdown. It's obvious what they want - to listen to better scientists.

Peak tranny should be charted also

>OP actually listens to some autist and uses Canti as OP pic
based argie

I wouldn't normally do this but I'm chequeing my back to back Mason

rent free lmao


>soon there will be no burgers

I guess if you just want to watch the world burn it's all good.

I think only the US allows that kind of bullshit. Jesus Christ.

>There is no such thing as a right to not get infected by x, y, or z.
>There is no such thing as a right to not get hit by bullets when I mag dump from the back porch
I ask again, to follow this analogy, does that mean you want to take all guns from everyone? There is no such thing as a right to not get infected by x, y, or z because whether you like it or not, diseases exist and that's out of the control of man's hands.

"Shocking video shows mobile phones belonging to dead Wuhan Coronavirus patients being dumped"


New Wuhan video reignites 21 million missing phone users row over actual coronavirus deaths

Attached: Thousands of mobile phones belonging to Coronavirus patients.jpg (480x854, 61.81K)

>be a Republican
>your country's president fucks shit up
>ignore it
>shit is getting out of hand, the damage is spreading
>downplay it
>shit is getting really fucking bad, even your neighboring states get affected by it
>try to downplay it harder, start wondering if you should, maybe, probably, try to fix this situation?
>shit ton of people die, even more are fucking sick, you are hated by everyone for your incompetence and bullshit
>ignore all the criticisms and pretend you did your best while your citizens die a slow and painful death

Me but I'm still happy

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>antibody studies
Call me when you can find one not riddled with errors

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>The U.S. reportedly shut down the publication of a statement by Group of 20 (G20) health ministers because it committed to strengthening the role of the embattled World Health Organization (WHO) as the coordinator of a global coronavirus response -- even as it has been dogged by controversy for its alleged pro-China bias.
>According to the U.K. Daily Telegraph, a communique backed by 19 nations including China called for a global response and backed the WHO -- but it was replaced by a short summary text on Sunday after U.S. objections.
The CCP is still trying to get more money via WHO

but hes really not. do your research... im not even a nip

Are you talking about that one socal one that is obviously wrong because it would mean 95+% of NY was infected?

When you keep pulling this shit during a crisis, at what point does it become an act of aggression?

Hmmm, you know, I'll wait 2 weeks after lockdown lifts/things ease up, just to confirm second wave, since you reddit spaced this meme last thread and showed your true colors.

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I'm not saying only user should post pasta and ludes but rather anons should take it upon themselves. To do their part to keep these threads comfy.


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MFW I realize /cvg/ is a containment thread for schizos, Low IQ Normies, slide shills, and (agency) posters.

Nothing to see here Yas Forums (for the 3387th time) go about your business.

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Isn't it obvious they are faking the shit out of these videos? We have millions of infections in the USA and yet we don't have seizure vids coming out every day.

Go protest then you dumb faggot no one is stopping you unless you are afraid you will get sick.

Mate, why is your dog in another country anyway?

Just wait for the second wave, both contexts

I don't fear your image, I fear the trips.

Detecting the correct antibodies is only possible in about 60% of tests, making them of very low value. If you test enough people you can still get statistically significant information though.

Good at least trump is useful for something. The whole global response by the WHO was part of the Agenda 201 strategy

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>autistic chuck e cheese horror image
fuck off tranny

▶ 544 new deaths in France

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>six patients
>valid sample size
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

No thats trump general, and how many posts on Yas Forums do you make a day? I always see the stupidest posts coming from canada so I assume its mostly one moronic alt righter that hasnt had a job since clinton was in office

> underlying conditions - unknown
basically this means
> this guy shouldnt have died but he did so he had some invisible problems
> medicine, AD 2020

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Will this virus wipe out China entirely? I mean they aren't really doing a good job at stopping it, on the contrary they're forcing everybody to open everything up and pretend like it was handled exemplary. It's only a matter of time until every chink eventually gets it, right?

you have no excuse to be inside right now go protest


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Makes sense you're here then. Please explain why they want to keep everyone inside and crash their economy over such a nothingburger as you would call it?

you should also fear the 2 others replied to him

Corona does all kinds of weird shit
>give you a temporary form of aids by nuking t-cells
>hides in any kind of kind of ace2 cell
>can hide in the brain and spine
>can cause sores on toes
>usually causes pneumonia of varying severity
>blocks 02 transfer to and from RBCs
>can damage all organs due to lack of 02
>can cause heart problems and heart attacks
>can cause men to become sterile
>can cause loss of taste by infecting sinus node
>can cause ADE
>can causes cytokine storms
>it can go unoticed while it kills you or it can kill you extremely quickly

Why are you seething

Didn't shave beard 0/10