Bog issues official kill order

>goldfish dreams
we'll all be sleeping with the fishes soon.

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pls spare me your mercy precious Bog overlords

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Dude fix your face.

What's he actually saying? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

We gonna get BOGGED

thats the face of a man who has HAD ENOUGH MALARKEY

He rules France with an iron but fair fist. Just lift the quarantine bro. And please don't call me.


Fuck jannies, Fuck Spics, fuck Kikes and Fuck Niggers.

>Hammer films and Stephen King books
Is this dork a 13yo?

kek knows

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I understand master Bog, i heed your call

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>the call that saved America

they have the cure
they are the cure

silence, earthling

Make the call boggers

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The Bog has had enough, self destruct sequence will start soon.

Hello fellow allium. Don't lobotomize me with your super advanced death ray pls. :F


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Never mind, Mr Bogdanoff - keep your chin up, etc

he lost some of the mass in his face.

What, you thought he had reached his final form?

He looks like moot in this picture haha haha

Can someone give me a brief explanation of who this guy is?

i think he looks better. hes slowly turning back into a human

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Fake Virus is over since our bog lords are pissed. Finally.

you dont wanna know the truth

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fucking glass joe looks pretty good for a 1-99 boxing career.

>end it.

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check this shit out. i found it on the internet

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user, I...

. A . P E R F E C T . G O L D F I S H . D R E A M .

seems legit

>spin it

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poor bog having mental breakdown, stay strong

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He is 1/2 the alien brothers that make the Rothschilds kneel, they rule the world.

you call it a mental breakdown. I call it enlightenment

what did he mean by this?

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I expected more from a Bog.

Prepare for a call, from an authority even higher than the Based Department.

Steven King murdered John Lennon.

>perfect goldfish dream


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thats big news

I cant fathom why a person would do this to theirself

Other worldly beings who have been able to successfully integrate into human society facilitated by character construction supported by the media. There are a handful like them who are slightly different in composure however they are the only two to have such exposure to the public. No, they are not in league with the Pleiadians but are identified as equal to those who live in DUMBs.

the Bogdanoffs will have the cure and exterminate Israel and China

how can a peasant farmer understand the thinking of a king? they cant

Bogs will cure the world then kill China and Israel

Why have we swapped flags L?

Kinda looks like my grandpa