Who to hate more?

Dystopian China or Kike serving America?

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I hate eurotrash.

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Yea fuck you euro trash fuck off my board


circumcised subhumans
die for Israel

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Why not both? To be fair, the corn people have served their purpose well, acting as the military arm of Europe. Think of them as liability free insurance against the sand people and the mongoloids. They can do our dirty work and we can join their victims in condemning them for their brutality


Better dead than red.


Kike-serving America is the reason dystopias exist, so that. At least China is somewhat homogeneous.

We’re also servants to Europe as well with all the fucking money we put in NATO and how little we get in return. And when we do ask for something in return, we’re called a fucking cartel or mafia over it. Eurofags are as equal of a fucking waste of oxygen for Americans as Jews are.

Who cares who "pol" think. Pol many of virgin crying because American century over. You american angry fat kid netizen do nothing. American army do nothing. American dollar do nothing. Chinese century maybe 1000 year start now. Nothing you do but cry.

Soon Bitch pig american work like dog in factory with kill self net for bad worker but in America worker are fat so net make from high grade steel cable. Soon american work hard make microprocessor and iPhone while chinese man relax eat ham burger and bud wiser and watch black guy play orange ball. Alibaba already better than Amazon. American time to learn Chinese way or give up because we coming.

Time for america over now

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Your shit opinion is why the US is pulling out from global affairs. At least the UK is nowhere as parasitic as other places and have been giving the US stuff in return.


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So you're saying your hatred for Russia isn't enough and you want to hate some other people too?

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Ok Chang

Russia is fine tho

Yes, you're good treasonous dogs. Now go to war with Iran.


Yeah it definitely wasn't Germany, the country who had the greatest spergout in history which resulted in right wing politics becoming taboo in the West for over half a century

As you can see only ZOGbots find this funny

Well, Americans are waking the fuck up to the JQ and chinks are just being chinks so....


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Frankly, it’s a tough call.

China is shitty and authoritarian in a frightening way. But at least you more or less know what they are about, and they seem to at least be competent.

I don’t even know what is going on in America anymore. That whole ship is being run by a weird creepy cabal. The people seem to be degenerating at 1000 miles an hour. I feel bad, because it’s thier own leaders inflicting the misery on them. It’s too sick for words. Frankly I don’t even understand what is happening there and I doubt there are many Americans who know WTF is going on. It’s like layer upon layer of secrecy, palace intrigue and venal fuckery.

I can’t see a positive outcome on the horizon in any scenario.

>they seem to at least be competent.
>Thinking China does not have any super secret fucked up organ harvesting and pedos among the cannibalism of the Cultural Revolution
That reddit spacing too. Basically going to go with China future, China best last hope, Muhrica bad, right?

1989 tiananmen square massacre
Free Hong Kong
Taiwan is an independent nation

wooow jews

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You didn’t even read the comment did you. That’s OK, whatever.

we contain the fruits of the church we win rather just bomb the world banks though in minecraft of course


China is jewed too. False dichotomy.
Foolish wumao, you are dooming our race.