Jung: "The Jew, (...)has never yet created a cultural form of his own and never will...

Jung: "The Jew, (...)has never yet created a cultural form of his own and never will, since all his instincts and talents require a more or less civilized nation to act as host for their development."

No wonder he is Peterson's idol.

Also, name someone more based that Jung.

He wrote "Symbols of Transformation", a SCIENTIFIC work documenting and proving the essentiality of Christianity,
which allows humans to make the best use out of the collective unconscious.

Attached: CGJung.jpg (2604x3909, 3.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:


"The Jew" created Christianity. All western culture comes from Jewish culture.

>All western culture comes from Jewish culture.
Germans gave jews language (Yiddish)
Germans gave jews culture (Ashkenazi jews don't shake chickens around like the base beast form of jews)
Germans gave jews education.
Germans gave jews superior identities (Sugarmountain and Rubystone vs Chrlchsh chalchlach)
Germans gave jews a superior name. (Nobody associates Ashkenazi with anything but German due to our elevation of the jews.)

If you are jewish and proud?
Well, you're welcome.

But jealous of you?

We Germans did our best to elevate this bottom rung species of hominid as best as we could, but, not even us could truly fix them.

They're a failed experiment.

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Germans were living in caves and straw huts 2000 years ago, before Jews civilized them.


You are kind of oversimplifying. There are thousands of symbolic truths that are mixed withing all cultures. Also, symbols and cultural axioms don't just evolve and move among societies, they may as well appear spontaneously in a new culture as long as they're compatible with the archetypal structure.

>Germans were living in caves and straw huts 2000 years ago, before Jews civilized them.

>jews civilize the German
>when the only civilized jews all other jews are jealous of only come from Germany

Cope harder, creature.
You either thank me for your creation or you get dominated.

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Woah, based. You forgot the part about how you gave them too much of a nibble and tried to undo the mistake, but failed miserably.


Kikes were thieves and murderers before Egyptian kangz whipped 'em. Das rite.

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Marshall Mcluhan,

or Bundy

they are more relevant to today than Jung's archaic models

there is some interesting info in The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung.

based Hans

>The Jew, (...)has never yet created a cultural form of his own and never will
The Ten Commandments? They are the most libertarian mode of societal structure ever invented. Great building blocks for the legal code of any nation.
Skip to 27:46 for more on this youtu.be/WTWrFTFxGbk?t=1666

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>link ends on 666
Na man this is devilish jew Propaganda

Not entirely new. There were precedents in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Pic related, and the Code of Hammurabi is fairly well-known.

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The Hittites - who were Indo-Europeans and who you've never heard of - raped the shit of ancestral kikelings around 4,000 years ago, and kikes got much human blood during those events. Many cultural institutions thought of as Jewish today come from the Indo-Europeans. Including monotheism, and aniconism, kike.

Amalek will rise again.

He’s based. Jung coined the term synchronicity

He dosen't look jewish

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>Not entirely new
Not even partially new. Every one of the rules has analogues in far more ancient law codes, and those are just the ones written down. Law existed before writing. "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" and many other rule and statements in the bible come directly from the Code of Hammurabi and similar.

Based Ubermensch. Saving this for pasta

>"The Jew, (...)has never yet created a cultural form of his own and never will, since all his instincts and talents require a more or less civilized nation to act as host for their development."
Yawn. What is ancient Israel.

Jung is based as fuck anyone who disagrees is coping because they cant read or understand his works

Come on, the jews has a rich culture since several thousands years back in time, maybe 4000 or more (christian myself). Also Jesus was a jew.

>He wrote "Symbols of Transformation", a SCIENTIFIC work documenting and proving the essentiality of Christianity,
Jung is a gnostic. Read historians like Feliks Koneczny.

I guess Jung was cunt, a cunt with pms and he had no tampoons.

>"The Jew" created Christianity. All western culture comes from Jewish culture.
Anti-Christianity is quintessentially Jewish because Christ and his sacrifice mean that God extended the mantle of "God's chosen people" from smelly kikes who backstabbed the pact with God far too many times, to the far superior European Aryans who held true to the pact for many centuries, before being overrun with semitic psyops into abandoning the faith.

Christ makes Jews S E E T H E and that's why I believe in him. Thorough His sacrifice on the cross, Christ shed the Jewishness off him (as no Jew would EVER self-sacrifice, what with kikes being universally selfish and self serving beings) and became one with God.


From Wikipedia
>Jung stressed the importance of individual rights in a person's relation to the state and society.
>Parted ways with Freud because he felt Freud was sexually deviant
>Jung's interest in European mythology and folk psychology has led to accusations of Nazi sympathies
>MAY have aided the OSS during the war [classified].

At least he was not a modern Swede

This actually
Europeans were just pack of rapid wild pagan looters and barbarians before christianity (judaism for goys)

> MAY have aided the OSS during the war [classified].
He did psychological profiles of nazi leaders for Allen Dulles

most brilliant man who ever lived

Only the retarded parts that were and are artificially shoved into people.

Uhhh hello? Based department?

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>Europeans were just pack of rapid wild pagan looters and barbarians before christianity (judaism for goys)


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