What happened to the American dream?
What happened to the American dream?
communist jews enforced integration with the shitskins at gunpoint.
The civil war
The dream was created, then it turned into a nightmare. That nightmare became reality.
The immigration act of 1965
So many people came here hoping to accomplish it that they diluted it down to nothing
World War 2 establishing a Jewish society
Too many cooks in the kitchen i.e. women entering the workforce drove prices up and wages down. Immigrants entering the workforce drove prices up and wages down. Niggers being niggers inflated the state & welfare to ridiculous proportions.
The American Dream only existed in advertisements like yours. Most people were lured here by Jewish promises of family, financial success, and community, while being encouraged to take up traits and behaviors that ran counter to those very things.
fuck the american dream. western civilization deserves to die out among the rest of asia, europe, africa, south america, etc because hitler was right only authoritarianism works. look at how much control the media has over you fucks. it's time to kill everyone including whites.
The Fed, Big AJ tried to stop it
Capitalists shipped all the jobs abroad.
>ywn live the american dream in the 50s
why even live?
Only Jews deserve to live it.
pax britannica died quite suddenly. pax americana is dying a slow agonising death
It's always been a lie. That picture doesn't show the crippling work of 60 hours a week, with an hours commute each way, and only 2 weeks off a year. But you fat bastards believe the picture
Postmodernism happened.
I grew up in a nearly 100% white suburban neighborhood in the 90s with good schools and zero crime and my parents were middle class, so the dream was still alive then.
>durr what happened to these advertisements
Grow up, the "American dream" was a marketing concept to get people to buy shit. Go buy more shit if you want it.
It died in the 60s with feminism and the hippie free love crap.
Women voting.
Pig skins are damned.
slide thread, every thread that starts with "why is it that, What happened with" all fucking slide threads stop taking the bait you stupid niggers.
its coming true
>no internet or video games
I will pass
Mass immigration.
>the American dream lasted 20 years
Kill yourself
White niggers. Violent white niggers. "We" couldn't be trusted with immortality ("we" would make bioweapons) or space travel ("we" would engage in ortillery bombardments), so progress stalled.
No, wait. Demoralizing stalkers, with primitive minds and advanced technologies, convinced the technological elite that "we" don't deserve to live forever. That "we" are all incestuous primitives who "do nothing" and have "no integrity". So progress stalled as capable people being manipulated by surveillance techs shut out anyone who would protect the health and happiness of the public.
The death of a white nation, *sips wine*.
Fuck anyone who says money doesn't buy happiness. Like every other place in the world, America is great if you have money.