Mom is Libyan

>mom is Libyan
>dad is Egyptian
And some of you have the nerve to claim North Africans aren't White.

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Who dis?

Her teeth fucked up.

teeth are fucked up
also she looks like a kike

Yeah, you dont look white.

that doesn't pass as white
not even in america
not with that nappy hair
not with them teeth

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Not white
But it it makes you feel better you look like an American

Whiter than you, achmed


You're nothing but a unibrowed SHITSKIN AND YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111

Whites only have Germanic and Celtic ancestry. You wouldn't call a Japanese man whie because he's lighter than Alicia Vikander, nor would an albino black gentleman pass as such.

boipucci when?


>And some of you have the nerve to claim North Africans aren't White.

Thankfully you lads have the US bureau of Census to ensure they are properly classified, eh?

Attached: huwites.jpg (679x219, 61.4K)

Teeth were broken from falling off a wall.
My skin is white and being able to grow eyebrows is an evolutionary achievement.
Asians are Asians while North African/Arab peoples are Caucasians as are Europeans.

>from falling off a wall.
so you are also gay then

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>falling off a wall
homosexual confirmed, post your ass or GTFO

Are you a fucking tranny or an ugly girl?

Let's see those eyes

Holy fuck ur hot, post dick and ass mr.femboy

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also this

i'm lebanese and i'm lighter than you, some of my uncles have curly red hair and freckles. Some arabs are indeed white.

You look like a guy, tho

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yeah they aren't white except maybe 5% of us.

I don't get it.

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dude either transition and take my BWC or stop posting yourself

It's always hilarious to watch arabs start competing on whose the whitest, when none of them are.

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Ah, of course. No, you are not white by Yas Forums standards.
Transition or never post again

white is not just light colored skin

We like Nasim. So youre good.

Show me ur boipussy

You can take off your upper lip and slap it on a bike and you'll be able to steer it with that ULTRA jew sneer.

pretty cute eyes

don't listen to cute boys are better when they're boys

are you a girl with a feminine penis?

>mutt thinks that's white

This is what passes for white these days

Looks French all right


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You’d make a qt trap.

Lebanese are whiter obviously, they're farther North in a less harsh environment.
Arabs are Caucasian and have white features and sometimes white skin.

I have good faith in the US census.

I am well traveled. Tunisians look just like Italians.

The people who run Tunisia look whiter than Italians.


we live in crazy times user... that's all I can say :)

post your boipussy and do middle eastern boys look this feminine?

Arabs are not white, period. I'm half Algerian, half Irish and still don't pass as white.
Btw show me ur penis

no worries
also, no you're not white, but you are Caucasian
the arab world has gotten fucked over the years by the more poo skin types from below and the east, but the underlying structure still remains. there is literally no shame in that. just don't go we wuz phoenician n sheit

Still would

What% is OP's photo?

>there is literally no shame in that
obviously i mean in being who you are and where you're from

dis a boy or girl?

>black hair
>probably shitstain eyes
Yeah you ain't white

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I'm not posting my butt and I don't know, I only have one Egyptian friend and he's like a normal guy with a beard.
I don't have shame over being called African or Arab, but I think it's silly when people say Arabs(being Caucasian peoples) are not close to Europeans and the negative attitudes that come from it.

Whiter than me and I’m Lebanese

>I don't have shame over being called African or Arab, but I think it's silly when people say Arabs(being Caucasian peoples) are not close to Europeans and the negative attitudes that come from it.
fair enough, man
you seem like a wholesome lad, hope you have a good, healthy life

Doesn't look White to me

he looks french

Looks pretty white to me lad, but why do you care? The ones who are fixated with "whiteness" are mutts.

And she looks like a fuckin Turk so no, she’s not white.

Yea, Tunisians are defiantly white and most other ethnic Groups in North Africa look Southern European.
