Anyone else feeling shifts in reality?

Anyone else feeling shifts in reality?

Best described as the deja vu effect, but its more than that. Its not only the situation itself that feels familiar and almost destined, its also the emotional component. Like some sort of nostalgia. This is driving me crazy. Am i going insane or did i tap into some quantum level of reality?

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Who is said goddess pic. I must mate with her and make white offspring.

She needs to beat the shit out of me for using my mirror on shoe camera up pants assembly

take your meds you idiot bitch

I'm hoping that slag is feeling shifts in my cock lel

I've been feeling deja vu as well

I feel like this too for the past few years. Something's not right. Mandela effect or deja vu. I don't know. I avoided 3 car accidents because of the deja vu feeling.

Neal Stephenson had some fun with this idea in Anathem.
>we know quantum entanglement is real and can be used to send messages instantly across any distance
>the best mathematical models in physics suggest that there are infinite universes
>what if quantum entanglement enabled "communication" between parallel universes
>the more similar two universes are, the more probable that they share quantum links
>the more quantum links they share, the more likely they are to converge.
>feedback loop
anyway, the point is, you're just sensing things that have already happened in a similar parallel universe. See if you can get it to tell you what the price of oil will be in 3 months.

Depersonalization/derealization due to mental illness
If you started exercising regularly, eating healthier, drinking more water, and sleeping from 10-6 your mind and body would be too tired to put energy into those ridiculous trains of thought


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Too tired for thought. You'd like that wouldn't you schlomo?

>Anyone else feeling shifts in reality?

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Nah its just the 'rona fucking with everyones brains. That shit gets past the BBB easy.

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As we draw closer to nuclear war with China we will encounter greater concentrations of tachyons moving backwards in time from the nuclear detonations.
This is why you're feeling what you do.

>we know quantum entanglement is real and can be used to send messages instantly across any distance

From what little I've read and heard it's not really possible in the sense of sending IMs from one end of the galaxy to another.

sounds like youre experiencing a mild psychosis op, it may go away on it's own.

Shut the fuck up.

I've been getting this as well.

Yeah i feel weird

Part of the problem with this is confirmation bias and humanity's natural affinity for pattern recognition. These factors obviously play into delusions and hallucinations as well, though I'm not implying you in particular are experiencing that. I find the idea intriguing, but my child-of-the-1970s stoner druggie uncle also happens to think his LSD trips made him one with the whole universe as well. Again I find the idea intriguing, but there's a lack of objective evidence. It's a shame a person who had been one with the whole of existence can't bring back a bit of new information as they come down, like a Ph.D level of understanding of a given branch of physics for example, let alone a novel and demonstrable new scientific breakthrough.

Working out increases testosterone in women, which makes them assertive and dominant. It's no surprise that women tend to exercise their lower body and glutes - those are the biggest muscles in the body and produce more testosterone receptors when exercised.

However, when women achieve a higher level of fitness, they begin to see how the majority of white males are low in testosterone and far too weak to be a good mate. That's why women who work out and exercise choose strong virile black men for mates and partners. There's a reason so many women are going to the gym and getting big booties - women are moving on from white men and waking up to realize their true desires. B. B. C.

>This is driving me crazy. Am i going insane

you are manifesting shizotypal symptoms. dont worry, schizos are often based, but thts whats happening.

the pressures of the lockdown is affecting your mental health. i would guess you had shizotypal tendencies before, but it was under control. dont worry, everyone's going loopy in their own individual way.

>Am i going insane or did i tap into some quantum level of reality?

yeah, if you're trying to build a crypto-walkie-talkie, because of the cost/energy/time required to transport two deliberately entangled particles those distances. But he's talking about naturally entangled particles on a multiversal scale

i would worship those pits

need a few days of stubble and they would amazon goddess tier.

I know what you mean, I remember this album cover.

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shaved is god-tier
all else is fag tier

Nah, you're likely disassociating from reality and may, in fact, be a pre-schizophrenic.

OP go look at the internet, or any culture - you are OBVIOUSLY not the only one.

pic related

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we've left the clown world timeline
we are entering the nightmare world timeline
we are shifting away from the hilarious absurdity, and into the void.

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i feel the same way. i feel kind of disconnected from reality. deja vu. and a general feeling that im sort of just observing whats going on and not totally a part of it.

No kek this happens to me and I’ve got schizophrenia

If ur using drugs stop
Start exercising and getting loads of sleep
Go explore nature once a weak!

Make a 2nd post and I'll grant you the answer.