Dude, $2000 / month welfare and no rent due!

>Dude, $2000 / month welfare and no rent due!
Not so fast, NEETs.

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>hands business billions
heh...nothin' personnel kiddo

Bums BTFO!

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what a kike faggot

Gibs me money cracka


Better than handing niggers and AOC voters billions.

No NEETbux for anyone. Fuck you if you lived paycheck to paycheck.

The currency is fucked anyway. It always has been. The virus is just and accelerant.

I already get SSI
they are going to need to do something though
the economy is going to shit and people are killing themselves from losing their jobs

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good fuck you subhumans who want us to spent another 6 trillion dollars for $2k. 6 trillion should be 20k for every man woman and child in the USA. someone is looting us. we are only getting 1/10 of what we will pay back

>they are going to need to do something though
Why does the government need to do something? This is literally what savings are for. People out of work can use their savings to pay for rent and food and just tighten their budget until they're back in the workforce again through some new job in the future. Handouts are never the answer.

People don't have savings. Financial literacy has plummeted in the past few generations, necessities became more expensive while incomes froze, huge personal debts became the norm and nobody wanted to stop it because stupid people taking fat loans to buy planned-depreciation assets like cars and iPhones makes tonnes of cash for billionaires and enslaves debtors within the system for life.

The government caused them to lose their jobs
if they don't do something then the people should
savings run out fast when you're paying all the bills from them

Good. Die.

What's the difference, they all get employed by airlines, banks, Starbucks, and Boeing anyways

I'm not going to die though
I have mine, that's what I'm saying
meanwhile people ARE dying, hardworking people who've been put out of work by their shitty state government's lockdown bullshit

If everyone gets a check then I don’t care. The military should shut the fuck up and buck up if it wants more money, 600 billion for what? Put it to work against China already. And send us our fucking tax money back

>rent is 1600 per month
>pay is 900 bì weekly

Oh yes just save the less than 200 a month you have for a fake pandemic instead of utilities for power and water

You're kind of dumb aren't you?

>next round

>next round
>still waiting for first round

wtf man, I voted for Trump to get UBI. This is bullshit.

That means you too, moron!

2000$ a month? Thats less than Hunter Biden makes by lunchtime in a day.

t. stupid fucking kike faggot boomer that thinks in the past 20 years in this socio-economic climate the majority of people arent living paycheck to paycheck

i really wish i could fucking strangle you to death in real life you fucking kike boomer. not in minecraft. in real fucking life, ban me.

Wait until negros figger out they are holding the short end of the gibs stick. When negros find out Uncle Sugar ain't kicking them any juice, that's when the real fun starts.

Based turtleman


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I'm fine with it. It was 1,200. Would you be more fine with it if after this pandemic is over it would be 1,000 from then on?

Boomers constantly dishing out more fucking cash to keep their asses out of the fire, knowing they'll not live long enough to have to pay for the consequences, are the fucking devil. No, good, glad he stopped this shit because milennials already carry '08 on their backs and know we get this shit too, zoomers are getting '08'd right now, all because boomers want to die in comfort and live like 70 is the new 20

faggot wants to bankrupt the states

Fuck your turtleman!

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I still don't even know when I'm getting the $1200 check

>giving jews money is better than --
Nah kys faggot

I'm going to die from withdrawals if I don't get moar Trump bux to buy beer. This is a life and death matter. This turtle mother fucker is playing with pipo's lives.

Well, on that same train of thought. We better not hear anymore shit about reparations after all the fucking bi-partisan bailouts of wallstreet/corporations/ bankers and the Fed "printing" trillions to give to their friends.

So what happens to those that actually saved money for years? Do we just get fucked over because BRRRRRR?

>They're going to need to do something
How about they stop doing shit and let people go about their lives. Cost of freedom. You're free to cower inside, I should be free to go back to work

You'll only qualify for welfare if you pay no taxes and make over 40 million a year.