Can the mentally ill be cured, Yas Forums?

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In all fields - don't you get bored of posting this shit multiple times a day.

I wont see your reply due to filters, so seeth away kike

But they can be legally boxed to keep their degeneracy between their walls
Which statistically almost always ends up in suicide
Solves itself


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yes, in Netherlands


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of course all you need is bullet and gun


how do they allow this on Twitter?

This is a man's son. Instead of being fit and well groom and with a woman, he's doing this: flailing around in custom made baby clothes and playing with baby toys whilst wearing a shit filled diaper

Attached: D_e-OutW4AAypyu.jpg (1200x899, 138.84K)

It's allowed if you censor it was NSFW so you have to manually click the 'Show' button.

>white people

You can
>A) Shoot him in the head and be done with it
>B) Shoot in his groin as punishment for his deeds and so he lives as even less of a man than he already was
>C) Shoot him so he bleeds out but has enough time to contemplate and reflect on the error of his ways. He will know truth and clarity before death takes him

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>up for 21 minutes
no wonder you faggot jannies don't get paid

>drumpftards will now save and look at diaper porn and scat porn for no reason other to just seethe

great job

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The guy called Kubby Kar referenced here is black. A black guy tore a hole in that diaper and fucked that faggot in the ass through layers of diaper and literal shit.

I really don't understand why you'd share this and be proud of it.


>you'd share this
The horrified reactions people have amuse me.

The diaper dude probably is a janny himself.

With a bullet

>Come debate political theory with us, user. There's enough room on the couch for all of us.

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>flailing around in custom made baby clothes and playing with baby toys whilst wearing a shit filled diaper
God, I wish that were me(except for the whle cock cage thing)
Also, those clothes aren't custom made

Not you, I mean the person who put it on twitter.
Does he just not care what people think of him or what impact this may have on him in the future?

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>what impact this may have on him in the future?
Hopefully in the form of his community demonising him as a sick pervert and pedo (the implications are inherent when it comes to baby LAPRing that also involves the use of dildos and shit) and a bunch of Chads beating the shit of him and burning all of his furfag bullshit in front of him. Watch those salty tears flow as he's forced to watch everything associated with his faggot furry identity destroyed before he's kneed one more time in the face and loses consciousness.

Also, even none shit-furry related shit he uploads is vile. This is a grossly fat pig of a man; beat him and force him into a brutal boot camp program. I really cannot conceive of allowing myself to get so fat that physics forces the damn fat to sag down.

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This is what your forefathers fought hitler for america. Never forget.

Former Diaper fag here.
the cure to this shit is to completely purge degeneracy from your life.

You have to strengthen your mind will and discipline by nofap. A fetish is a perverse poison if the mind. Like pedophilla. Remember its strongest when its starved or about to die.

When ever you get horny or some shit. Go work out and focus on that or pick up a hobby thats creative.

If you go reddit /ABDL its a fucking lefties encouraging degeneracy its fucking disgusting.

Do it for Hitler anons.
I believe in you.

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>Former Diaper fag here.
No such a thing, you are bad day away from ending up as OP

Maybe the jews are right and white people do need to be bred out.

Freud would have a field day

you just never found your mommy

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