I’m going to explain something very simple to you white niggers

Jews are successful not because of nepotism or any of your other conspiracy bullshit. Jews are successful because Jewish culture is built around education and winning. Starting at a very young age, Jews raise their children to be critical thinkers, and work their asses off in school. Instead of spending hours and hours playing vidya or watching tv like white kids, Jewish kids are studying and reading. They don’t waste their time on frivolous bullshit, and instead become highly functioning people who are willing to sacrifice immediate pleasure for a greater payoff down the road. If whites were truly the master race, maybe they’d take a leaf out of the Jews’ book, and actually be willing to spend time on shit that matters and stop wasting their lives. Stop fucking around on Yas Forums and go do something worthwhile. Maybe then, you’d be as successful as Jews are.
>Waaaaahh ur a joo!
>B-but muh master race
>cope for why you’re a loser

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Jews are successful because Jewish culture is built around education and winning.

Nah, it's because the most of the world worships rabbi Jesus and thus believe heebs are the master people

Attached: We have his back.jpg (1284x683, 319.72K)


These two articles prove it:



>implying education means shit
>implying it's not all about connections and networking in this world?
HAHAHAHAHA user be honest are you underage or just never left your house?

>Christians and Muslims persecute Jews for thousands of years
>this somehow helps Jews
This is your mind on Yas Forums

>80 IQ brainlet fails to realize that if done properly, education is about learning critical thinking skills that help you succeed in the real world

You really believe that?

All that sacrifice is the reason they have anxiety and fear about losing it all, this fear drives their blatant selfish behavior. They fear death most of all because they haven't ever lived.

>>Christians and Muslims persecute Jews for thousands of years
Europeans and Arabs did. The non-christcucks and the non-muslims who went against what the Church and Islam commanded them to do to protect themselves from jewish tricks.

Christcucks and muslims on the other hand, gave jews monopoly on banking and that's a fact.

Attached: christcuckery tldr.jpg (1347x1017, 442.66K)

I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m not personally Jewish, but I grew up in an area with a lot of Jews, and the difference between how most of their parents raise them and how the parents of white/black/Hispanic parents raise their children is night and day.

Attached: 1558653158323.png (916x1844, 728.3K)

Kek, you're an idiot if you think you can convince these schizos. They're fucking insignificant. Most of these people wouldn't get noticed outside their families unless they committed some heinous crime. Don't get offended and keep winning. Shalom.

Good point poo

It's because they're nepotistic, ruthless, greedy, and conniving.

have you been to a western college recently? They don’t teach any shit like that

>Jews raise their children to be critical thinkers
and here is where gentiles come to do the same. Are you lost? Reddit dot com is thattaway.

>and here is where gentiles come to do the same
in a mongolian imageboard infested with BBC and CP content?

>Jews raise their children to work their asses off

Lmao.... By work you mean weasel their way into a leech tier profession where they skim off the work of others and don't produce anything of value right?

Your browsing habits aren't an indictment of the rest of us, dune coon.

>frankfurter judengasse

So I guess Israel doesn't need all that aid money then?

go and make another built for BBC thread you mutt


>200 IQ megamind unironically thinks he's been taught that in college
>also unironically thinks the stuff you get taught in college isn't restricted and you are getting all the knowledge available to humans

oh would you look at the time, you have to redose on your bluepill

go and take another BBC in your ass, bacha bazi

>the Gayreek shitskin thinks all the world is just like his corrupted shithole where relying on connections and nepotism is necessary to success in life

>relying on connections and nepotism is necessary to success in life
its like that in every country

>take another BBC in your ass
that's what your wife is whispering in the ear of her Black boyfriend to do to her

yes keep swallowing on the blue pill, it has worked very well for you in life I'm sure.

yes, with devotion hard work and confidence i was enable to get a decent job at ISIS

If Jews only used their intelligence for science, philosophy and such sort of subject nobody would mind, but the Jews use their intelligence to undermine society.

Its the same with leftists in general, they are extra dangerous because they are undermining our society. There is no reason for Jews to promote massimmigration for example, they will be the main victims, because jews are urban and hated by muslims.

But still they promote it, so does the left, they also promote even though it will destroy their ideology.

Why do they do this, out of spite? Who cares, our society can not exist with Jews and leftists in them.

jews are 75% of top hollywood and news media execs because of nepotism, period.

who do you think chooses the nobel laureates/winners?