/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #5

>181K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 million people die every year

Meaning that:
At the moment, Coronavirus has killed only 30k more than the daily average, IN 5 MONTHS.

>inb4 muhh exponential
Been below the peak for what, 19 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.
You'll find them seething in this thread, giving no arguments.


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,646,202 / 57,104

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:


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It's interesting to me that the change from "it's happening" and 500 reply /cvg/ threads had gradually turned into more and more sceptics, and in the end resulted in this general, where peopl estraight up believe that the world had come to a stop because the international comminity cried wolf.
It makes me wonder if the same effect will take place when Trump loses the elections this Autumn. Or do you think /pgt/ will keep existing after he's out?

real nigga Yas Forums gen right here. fuck mask normies and fuck soulless toothpastes

But it's not Trump's fault, right? It's always "The Democrats".

its almost like we arent npcs and can change opinion. our whole identity isnt tied to a narrative, we are here for truth


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Every single one of you nothingburger fags deserve death. To spout your bullshit you must either be retarded, in which case you should be euthanized for the betterment of humanity, or you must be shilling for an evil agenda, in which case you should be executed for your crimes. If I am ever fortunate enough to be in the position to get away with killing one of you, I will gladly do it. I will murder you and sleep like a baby.

>letting yourself get touched by nothingburgers
no thanks

Why is Yas Forums so completely braindead nowadays?

2016 influx of braindead election tourists.

Go back where you belong cuckrona shills


>desperately shills his dead thread on /cvg/ constantly

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that's horseshit. Yas Forums is just a counter-culture echo chamber. there's no real thought in the nothingburger stuff, it's just that when it was mainstream that it was nothing, Yas Forums said it was the end of the world. now that it's mainstream that it's something, Yas Forums says it's nothing. combine that with good old fashion normalcy bias and a dash of navel gazing, and you get the state of the board, with a few exceptions who have just given up trying to talk sense or logic.

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>desperately shills
One post is desperate? Lol, there you go exaggerating stuff like always, hapooner.

You're making these threads everyday with some urgent need to show everyone it's a nuffinberger.

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>You're making these threads everyday
>5 threads
>/cvg/ at what? 3500 and 5000 split threads
Kek, keep freaking out over a flu

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Will do.

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it's a confluence of stuff. for one, normies are bored at home, and heard about the hacker known as Yas Forums. then there's the anons who are just shitposting super hardcore, and are just indistinguishable from the former. Also, /r/the_donald got shut down, so we got an influx of those users the past two weeks.
on top of this, apparently Yas Forums users aren't immune to propaganda, as I had hoped, and they're subject to the same fears of the unknown, despite having cheered for this for literally years. last but not least, the Chinese have actual paid shills. and our usual riff raff.

>Yas Forums until 2020
>anything the media says is immediately scrutinized
>literally any news article on the planet is now the truth as long as it says more people are going to die
what the fuck happened to this place?

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Yeah, if Obama hadn't funded the pandemic response team Trump wouldn't have needed to defund it.

>Or do you think /pgt/ will keep existing after he's out?

user, if he loses there will be 500 reee MAGA threads insisting that he really won, it was illegal immigrants that flipped Texas and Florida, Warren cheated, votes for Democrats were unconstitutional because raising taxes is a declaration of war and therefore Dem politicians aren't citizens anymore, and some pig farming blog in the Phillippines says Warren had an email server therefore she's disqualified.

>we are here for truth
Some of us are. Some of us are just here to be contrary. Some of us are here for the shitposts. Some of us are here to make the world burn and thought that panic (then) and spreading the coof (now) would do the maximum damage. Some of us are here to spread a narrative.

Early on the coof didn't have a strong Republican political slant attached, so the shills and the dupes weren't in lockstep on it and our natural tendency towards panic won out.


It is a nothingburger and do you know what is in a nothingburger?

1. Top Bun
2. Racism!
3. Bottom Bun

That's right, all these coronavirus threads were so RACIST.

I was once a RACIST and a VIRGIN and also I had NO FRIENDS. Like you.

But it doesn't have to be this way! Embrace a RESPECTFUL lifestyle and love all God's lesser races and colours.

And you TOO can be popular and LAID.

/cvg/ was long aware before any news from the west came out regarding the Wuhan flu, newfriend.
I don't think you were here around January.

>>Kek, keep freaking out over a flu
>espouses how he's such a freethinker, and the rest of Yas Forums is dumb
>still using social pressure to try and push the idea
it's so tiresome. the difference is that I don't need you to tell me I'm right. I don't even give a fuck if you believe it. no one in /cvg/ did either. that's why it became it's own general, because no one else wanted to hear it.
and you know what? they were right. every step of the way. reinfection. ADE. the president dropped one of those little kernels each time he's done a speech, just so it wouldn't overwhelm the normies. but we're crazy. just a flu.

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>noo you can't make 5 threads
fuck off, the argie cunt alone made 1980 threads

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I dunno dude I don't remember anyone saying happening style shit was fake like troop movements near borders or shootings in progress
It's when shit is said to not be happening that it gets scrutinized

saying /cvg/ was right about this virus is like saying horoscopes are right. if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is bound to stick.

If this post is singles the whole corona virus is a big nothingburger and this goes down in history as the time the whole world chimped out over the fucking flu for nothing.

>they were right. every step of the way. reinfection. ADE.
No they weren't you delusional schizo wtf hahahahahahahahaha are you fucking joking?

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>t. totally not a scriptkiddie

nice script faggot

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this. the retards now wouldn't know OSINT if it smacked them in the fucking face. We were spoofing IPs in wuhan and getting info from slant faggots on Grindr, because no one was covering it.
but sure. we were just reading news articles and taking them at face value.


optimal Jew-like strategy for me is to tell the rubes it's a nothing burger, so the cattle gain herd immunity, while I hide in some luxurious bunker for the rich.
death rate is 0,5%, but I'm not getting my lungs destroyed.

man to think i even saved this image to my ssd a few weeks ago

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simple rural folk who refuse to believe anything until it happens right in front of their eye refuse to believe the existence of viruses.

doesn't help coronaviruses prey on community mammals hence the transmission factor/impact increases dramatically with urban density

literally everything /cvg/ spouts the media parrots 1-3 weeks later

happeningfagging found a catalyst

k. then the president just mentioned it for funzies, right? I'm sure he would mention it like he has been for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

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thats just wrong and you know it. also, you are admiting /cvg/ is powered by bots

some degree of happeningfagging was justified when no one was caring and we were seeing chinks drop dead in the streets, but now happeningfags claim ridiculous shit about a second wave that will never or how millions will still die

Again, for your reading pleasure:


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he won't lose and you probably already know it Jew

it the very least if he loses anti semitism will go they the roof and we will get the leader we really want.

Million dead by last month, remember?

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There's a thread full of NYAnons right now all talking about how blown out of proportion this is.
The epicenter of this fake and gay happening is talking about how fake and gay it is and sending their mayor dick pics and Hitler stuff. Stuff a dildo in it.

>my super deadly memevirus didn't do fuckall
>I'll murder you over this
This hoax has really brought you bootlicking retards out into the light.

Who cares?

>/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #5

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I wanted it to be singles as much or more than all of you.
I just want life to go back to normal. I liked my life before all this shit started to happen.

Go back, schizo

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Go back.

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Don hertzfeldt..

Argentino basado.

I don't, but it really makes you think don't it?

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Your right, too have had a bad reaction after my 15th wave of symptoms. I am a young 23 year old professional that eats healthy. I am in shape and my doctor said I am pretty much a God. When I was diagnosed with COVID-19, I thought it would be fine. The symptoms at first were manageable ; Cold like symptoms, a bit of a headache. Each passing wave got worse as time went on. Soon it was diarrhea and cotton mouth and as time passed on my wife left me. I type with from my upper-class LA Pod, but my wife took her son with her and I have nobody to leave my belongings to. Please, take this virus seriously and give up your guns. Thank you.

Edit: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger.

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>two more weeks
>end of civ
I WISH! you take the mark of the beast, i dont give a fuck. if it ends it ends. i saw /tg/, not /ptg/ lift off. i was here for first /ptg/ thread. if you think /cvg/ is organic you are a braindead npc.

Very much yes.

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that's funny, i'm in NY and 2 of my neighbors are in the ICU from it both middle aged (55 and 60), not fat/diabetic/asthmatic, i also saw lines of people sunday literally lined up to buy tombstones at a cemetery in queens


i think i'll listen to epidemiologists and health experts than (((economists))) and (((business figures))) trying to downplay it as a nothingburger so they can make money while they stay holed up in their vacation homes far away from civilization.

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based cowboys walk up to my governor's mansion and plant a sign on his lawn saying he's a disgrace

> It's interesting to me that the change from "it's happening" and 500 reply /cvg/ threads had gradually turned into more and more sceptics, and in the end resulted in this general, where peopl estraight up believe that the world had come to a stop because the international comminity cried wolf.
I went From:
>huh, this could be something. China is really hush hush about it
>ok, now shit is happening. Better stock up
>holy shit people are dying
>why are all these nurses acting like cunts and going on social media power trips telling me to “stay the fuck home”
Late March
>shit, I’m coughing and have a fever
>test positive
>heavy smoker
>I’m gonna die
>5 days later
>it’s gone
>no “fucked up irreversibly damaged lungs”
>actually decide to start running again because cabin fever
>faggot healthcare workers still being cunts on social media
Now I’m a nothingburgerpal. I’m convinced the majority of us all have had it. The only people dying are people with SEVERE health issues.

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