EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER: Depopulation agenda is real

is he right, Yas Forums?
is this the real plan and real Coronavirus agenda?

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I mean. They're right, and what's so wrong with a depopulation agenda anyway?

>what's so wrong with a depopulation agenda anyway
you and your family will probably end up being eliminated.

Nothing. But still fuck Bill Gates and his microchip.

You're incredibly naive if you think they'll depopulate to 100M and just stop there. They'll kill everyone they're psychotic

You don't have to kill anyone if you just prevent them from breeding.

This, so much this. Have a (you).

That is a perfectly viable way to eliminate a family.

That goes against God's will that we be fruitful and multiply.

At this point the Cabal has won, for they have control. For a time. Until The Revelation.

Off yourself first if you think deportation is so great you retard

Seems like a feasible game theoretic.

>what's so wrong with a depopulation agenda anyway?
you first

so your life is then worthless

let's not forget that this agenda has been in play for a while... BillyG has been at it for several decades now.

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>Hasn't prevented niggers, chinks, and poos and dunecoons from multiplying

Doesn't work.

flawless logic, except, people are sitting at home, bored out of their minds. Making babies is number 1 activity in corona times.


No such thing.
You are in it for life.

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Its been attempted. Zika failed and yes Bill was involved.

>flawless logic, except, people are sitting at home, bored out of their minds. Making babies is number 1 activity in corona times.
they'll die because corona-chan will kill them, meme flaggot.

He's not some retiree though, he's a schizo who tried to blow up your minister of economy with an RPG cause he though he was a judo-reptiloid, destroying Russia for the benefit of ZOG.

>our* minister of economy
Heh, Freud's typo

Why does the reporter have such a funny accent?

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This isn't the 20s user most if not all are on BC now

Former officers are worse than crack whores.

>to blow up our minister of economy with an RPG cause he though he was a judo-reptiloid, destroying Russia for the benefit of ZOG.

If this was in the 90s then he was correct

then it obviously is not working. population boom still happens here.

Russian disinfo as usual.

He was right, but Zog was on US leash. Reason why they hate Russia so much for ruining their plans. Perhaps the only chance they have back then.

had back then*

oy vey!


This condition does not exist any more than ex-prostitute. Once a spook always a spook. The only question is who is he working for now?

Russians are behind maybe 80% of jewish based conspiracy theories. Got a friend who has access to FSB and KGB files for his degree and he told me this.

It was in the early 2000th. 03 or 05


>conspiracy theories

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