Happy 150th birthday to comrade Lenin and a good day to all the proletarians of the world!

Happy 150th birthday to comrade Lenin and a good day to all the proletarians of the world!

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Happy Helicopter Appreciation Day!

150 yo? He must be older than the queen!

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>Some dead faggot
You worship failure

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That worthless kike is rotting in hell right now and you know it.

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Press H for happy birthday


Destroy the administrative state!

Funny, you worship capital despite it doing nothing but harming you. Curious!


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You begin dying that day you are born. Too much oxygen harms you retard. Work is not obligated, but agreed to. Not anyone's fault, but your own that you are only worth a bucket of chicken a hour.

Additional (You) for the brainlet.

>slave to capital grasping at straws to cope

Don't be a useless faggot all your life user. Especially if you care about society/wokers and all that larping bullshit.

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>Happy 150th birthday to comrade Lenin
Why are you celebrating a Jew's birthday?

> and a good day to all the proletarians of the world!
But you're anti-white...

>>slave to capital grasping at straws to cope
Said the slave to the Jews.

>Funny, you worship capital despite it doing nothing but harming you. Curious!
Funny, you worship Jews despite them doing nothing but harming you. Curious!

SEETHING white supremacist blames Jews for everything because they're too afraid to admit that capital is the issue. Many such cases!

Дa здpacтyвeт нaшa peвoлyция

Helicopters were invented by a Russian.

Seethe harder.

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> white supremacist
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>blames Jews for everything
I blame Jews for what Jews are responsible for. Like Communism.

>because they're too afraid to admit that capital is the issue.
You deny the racial basis for civilization and instead want Whites to be soulless materialists aka Judeo Communists.

>Many such cases!
Then explain why you're fine with the Jews residing in White nations.

Kadafi, Assad, and Saddam were all Soviet clients.

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>Helicopters were invented by a Russian.
Only White people can be Russians.
That means Jews cannot be Russian.

>Kadafi, Assad, and Saddam were all Soviet clients.
Why do you think White nations should have dealings with non-White nations?

I miss the 2.5 birth rate until 1990, full employment, no mass immigration or emigration and a national industry in every field from cars to submarines. We even went to space. It was pretty drab, commie industries were less effective but even the Warsaw Pact sisnt send us to fight in Afghanistan as opposed to nato.
I became so blackpilled recently with the whole immigration population replacement child drag queens 50 genders anti white jews behind everything stuff that goes on in the West that it made even the commies look good in comparison, especially the ones after Stalin died and they became significantly less repressive and stopped being genocidal. Guess I am now Nazbol or sth

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>materialism is when you worship material

>>materialism is when you worship material
Materialism is when material and money is the only thing that matters in life, like under Communism where you're a soulless worker automaton.

Still wondering though why you're ignoring the Jewish Question.

commies get the tommyies

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socialism doesn't work

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пoшeл нaхyй бляд

Happy birthday!!!
Let’s all celebrate Cumrods
Long live cumrades

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The real Baradel would have eaten the whole bunch already

Not gonna lie that time he dissed that woman advocating free live to her face and massacred the prostitutes was based

Helicopters are the combining result of several inventors over hundreds of years.

Jajaja pic

XXI will be the communist century!
screencap this

Happy belated birthday to comrade Che,
June 14, 1928

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>Happy belated birthday to comrade Che,
Why are you celebrating the birthday of communist a cigar nigger?

Good argument, you fucking brain dead non white kikel baby dick sucker. Go back to the cess pit you came from, tranny faggot

>still doesn't know what materialism is
No wonder you're a fascist, you don't know how to read!

Franco was a fookin allied puppet and a traitor
The rest are spot on, though

its not capitalism just jews

>No wonder you're a fascist,
You say Fascist as if it's a bad thing.

Why are you so afraid of the issue of racial reality?