In Phoenix. State vs. Smart Car. Who will win?

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Did motorcycle man just turn around to flick him off for creepin' in the left lane?

Not a smart idea

Is this for real?
I was buying a new commuter car and went and looked at new smart cars.
Holy fuck they're death traps.
Literally the size of a gocart you take the kids to next to the mini golf.

You can't go out for more than 5 minutes in Phoenix with out seeing one of these

Chase over
Thanks for nothing fag

Yeah, they're a meme. No better fuel mileage than any other car on the road. It's basically seats and a steering wheel

>know his identity
>will let him go
The absolute state of the police force these days.

gotta go guard the local pride parade

>>know his identity
>>will let him go
Must've seen the name was Shekelberg and gave up

Gotta go home to my family

>by any means necessary

do you guys have sound on this?

Don't know if Shekelberg would drive a Mini.
Probably the Sheriff on one of his drunk roadtrips again.

Only the occasional narration of the tv moderator. It's silent atm.

>When you car is so gay the police won’t even bother chasing it

thanks. Is the dude on a motorcycle a cop?


They're some of the safest cars due to the small size. They basically have a built in roll cage that can hold the weight of truck on it.

Police called it off so newslady has muted and gone back to her wine bottle.

Attached: 8a16ebf54917c3db3eb06dda9f832421[1].jpg (300x229, 17.11K)

I hope Antonio is OK

...aaaaand it's gone.


Ahahhaha what the fuck is that, a bumper cart?

AZfag here. No cops use the BMW GS style of motorcycle. 1200cc cruisers. There are lots of really good undercovers though, no "G" on license plate and near impossible to spot.

>Smart Car
You guys have them over there!? I wouldn't have thought there would be much of a market for them. Fuck driving them on your freeways, I'd get nervous driving one on some of our smaller motorways.

This is retarded. You get crushed in accidents in those things, cage done matter

whats going on

WTF, is that a 23B11 sticker on the fender?

only faggots drive them here. Like you said, there's no reason to ever have one unless you lived in NYC.

10$ says he crashes and that ''car'' becomes a coffin on wheel

This is the most soothing car chase ever

What is the red flag?
I've never seen it before

Arizona is the real deal

Attached: WATCH LIVE POLICE CHASE HAPPENING NOW- -SMOKE N- SCAN IS ON - -GOLIVE -420 -POLICE -CHAT -DABS - YouTube 4-22-2020 1-28-22 PM.png (1131x682, 585.64K)

We've had them for like 15-20 years.

Looks like a marine corp flag.

Gloomtube is awesome
Music and gpx are so he doesn't get copyright'd