Win the culture war

we need to invent some terminology, similar to to simp, that describes people who suck up to china. Its the only way to redpill people on the gook problem.

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How about traitors? Oh and they get the bullet.

We have a word for people who sympathize and collaborate with an enemy bent on the subjugation or destruction of our people and way of life for personal gain. it's "traitor". I suggest we start applying it.

do you really think that'll catch on as much as SIMP?


Goddamn CIA really wants war with China. Maybe you should clean your fucking room.


fuck you nigger, you're obviously so black you're blue.

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there are more niggers in your country of 10 million than in their country of over a billion
you do not have the standing to criticize them

collaborator, traitor, sympathiser, cuck, it all works

Cry more glownigger

Implying chinks aren't worse than niggers
seems like someone caught the yellow fever


stop projecting

simp is more relevant to the male experience, ergo just under 50% of the population

the concept of selling out to chinkland isn't relevant, or even of concern, to that many people maybe less than 15% of any given adult population

razor glass == raise a glass to china == chink


It is relevant to the entire population. remove your proxy yellownigger

>chinks in china are worse than niggers in your own country
wow, i knew you loved niggers sven but damn

not what I said but ok

there isnt a psyop you can use. china is dominating you both economically and psychologically.

Nice try Shekelstain.

In all actuality it's relevant to the entire world population, but as far as peoples' general concerns, traitorous microdick cock suckers are of very little concern in most peoples small conscious minds

Clean your room Silberberg.

mainlanders are not real Han/Chinese though



Sundadonts are the true historical Chinese, all others are just literal Mongloid rape babies.

>people who suck up to china
America is far more anti white than China. I have no reason to hate them


Actually "Ximp"


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Just call them Chang and ask how much theyre being paid