America is a 3rd world country
prove me wrong
America is a 3rd world country
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Looks comfy
Still comfier than canadian commie buildings
Canada is owned by the Chinese
Prove me wrong
That’s West Virginia my home state. We’re a Celtic enclave. You have shitty areas like that then pic related a 30 minute hike from them
It is, stay far away. Gun violence everywhere, people die from no heathcare. It's horrible. Stay away.
They likely have disgusting running water. Our rural areas tend to have heavily contaminated water supplies
Why do non- Americans think every state is the same?
The classification of first world, second world and third world are actually defined by your alignment towards either the extinct USSR or america. By definition America is the foremost first world country in the world.
Your mom is a third world country.
Beautiful trad house in the hills. Oh how my heart ones for thee. Perfection.
Even people who live in bumfuck rural West Virginia have easy access to water, electricity, internet, cars and a quick drive to places like walmart or the grocery store. How the fuck is that third world by any stretch of the imagination? Poor people in hick trailer parks still have PS4s, a lot of food, guns and pets.
>tfw no poor redneck gf
Oh no, some Americans prefer living in shacks in mountainous woodlands like their pioneer ancestors instead of living in cramped urban apartments surrounded by niggers and faggots. How awful. So third world.
They only stay thin like that until 30.
Because they're as ignorant of our country as we are of their continents.
Just be the better person and pay them no mind. It's embarrassing to see them believing their own bullshit, and so confidently no less.
Oh look it’s electricity.
First world confirmed.
>chimney outside the house
Yep and retarded builders too.
>Access to Walmart defines the success of your nation
Uh what
Yup 3rd world for sure.
Because people from the city illegally dump toxic waste.
They have well water.. you can’t get more pure water than that.
Do some research before you talk nonsense faggot.
there's something about american suburban towns i find so comfy...maybe its because i grew up in one, so in some ways it feels like home
>be poor
>own a literal playground caked in shit
american poverty is hilarious
Where should it be?
>The state of the road
Fucking rundown american infrastructure never lets me down
I drove through the south a couple years back. Wtf is going on down there. They're all fat and prematurely aged before they're even 20.
>They only stay thin like that until 30.
Until 20 at most.
New study shows Seattle cases came from Canada. 500,000 Chinese in Vancouver. Thanks Canada
Such a 3rd world shit hole.
She is playing with doggo, not eating it.
>it's another Canada episode
damn, even belgium had better roads than that. And the're not even a country.
>prove me wrong
america invented internet
Or buried it legally, before it was illegal and it is still leeching to this day.
Ngl wish I had a shack like that but Chang already bought it.
Depends on the state of the water table. They aren't all "pure".
I would take that over my flat in the city any fucking day.
Although I would tell her to lose the Crocs.
You don't think Canada has its fair share of trailer trash?
Yea I can't believe rundown American infrastructure is still better than your shithole
It IS a thrid-world country because we've been importing third-world people. It's cute that you posted Appalachian Whites and not some ghetto nigger or urban spic or filthy Orthodox Jew.
More 3rd word
Your lucky if you even get to drive on pavement in the US
Not everywhere can have clean well water. Those that can, though do have better water than any cityfag will ever know.
eastern ky fag here, thats what it probably looks like in their back yard.
The defining difference between third and first world is the people living there. You can have a towering city or a small rural neighborhood like pic related. Either way, it may be hard to tell if it’s third or first world until you see the people. Is it a bunch of violent shitskins or southern Asians who leave shit and trash all over the street? Or is it polite whites or orientals who keep things peaceful and clean? This decides the fate of your country.
In the middle to maximize efficiency and minimize heat loss.
That image always makes me feel unwell...
In the center so it can warm your house.
Looks /comfy/ desu
>The Mid-West is a 3rd world country
Is that an alien? wtf
Honestly having a little home like that with a good family is all you need life isnt all about things you retards
It's a bigass country. There's wide variance in QoL
I have many tools available to me to create something that could dramatically change my life circumstances. The fact that I even have this opportunity by default and I don't have a normal 9-5 job lets you know that America is a 1st world country.
Stop polling first gen immigrants who fucked up about what it means to be an "American"
The only reason for that would be a contaminated water source. Most of these houses have drilled wells so someone probably buried garbage
Our individual states are the size of their entire countries.
You are part of the problem.
Bad water and shit food.
I'd still rather live there than in any city with a pop exceeding 350k.
Nigger I drank water that bubbled up out of the ground for the first 20 yrs of my life, no problems, a lot better than that chlorinated city shit.
This image is so comfy it almost hurts.
As a commie you should know there is an alternate Maoist definition
>The First world comprises the US and the USSR, the superpower countries respectively engaged in imperialism and in social imperialism. The Second world comprises Japan and Canada, Europe and the countries of the global North–South divide. The Third world comprises the countries of Africa, Latin America, and continental Asia.
No shame in poverty but this all looks dirty and unkempt.
looks like any major canadian city desu
At least we don't have a queen.
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
BOOYAH, take THAT, motherfucker.
>chlorinated city shit.
third world country confirmed
>they have well water, can't get more pure than that
Ask me how I know you're a city-larper. Well water is great unless your water table is shit.
imagine growing up in a place where your opportunities consist of either
>stay home and get molested by your male relatives
>find a pimp a nearby shitty hotel and work your way out
and either way you probably
>develop a hard drug addiction to cope and pass time
really if there was anything good in this country, white people killed it by living up to the stereotype and fucking their relatives. substance issues has a lot to do with that, too.
Well water is good stuff. You dumb?
except that the concept of being in the "First World" derives from being aligned with America, unlike the Soviet "Second World" or the nonaligned shitty "Third World," of course.
>this all looks dirty and unkempt.
Does not. And don't bother saying "does too" because I'll just say, "Does not times infinity."
The water table is heavily polluted in the US especially in the shithole states like New Jersey and Michigan
Yes, you are correct. It is impossible for America to be third world based on this original conception of the idea. But the fact that the third world, those countries not aligned with either America or the Soviets, was mostly comprised of impoverished shitholes in Latin America, Africa and Asia led to the association of that term with such poverty. And now, through ignorance, laziness, apathy, convenience or what have you, that's how the term has come to be used.
Tastiest water I've ever had was from a stream coming off a mountain. Everyone I was hiking with was like noooooo!! you'll get sick!!! was yummy and nothing happened to me.
Most black/Hispanic areas are third world tier. But most white areas (except for West Virginia) are fairly wealthy
Nah I have a pretty clear spring
Don't basic groceries in canacuck currently cost hundreds upon hundreds of dollars before even adding meat?
I would be hesitant to criticise from a country that elected the most effeminate, cucked, anti-white bastard offspring of a commie into power.
That shit is next level cringe.
>white areas
You mean Vermont and New Hampshire there aren't many white areas left in the US. Most of the rich suburbs are full of poojets and Nigerians
You realize inside that shack they could have a $3000 computer, expensive clothes, electronics, all that shit.
If your house looks like shit it doesn't mean your lifestyle will be too.
"Third world" is more of a mindset too, I'm sure whoever lives there are humble, down to earth Appilacians with christian values. Because they're white.
faggot that pic is literally Canada's Native communities life on a reserve.. gooo FUCK YOURSELF
Stop doxxing me
I really doubt there is 3000 dollar PC in that house
That's Canada, you can tell by the angle of the satellite dish.
Lol fuck off we all know muslims and jews are the incest kings and are just projecting
Fair enough
>Most of the rich suburbs are full of poojets and Nigerians
Where the fuck do you live?
appalachians are poor not because of lack of money, but because they are slobs
look at this yard: what stops them to tidy it up?
The fact that you started a bread about America and no one is starting one about Canada proves America is Tier 1 Overlord. Get rekt Canuck Faggot, nobody gives a fuck about your moose pasture.
One the defining political issues of our time is what to do about the millions of people who risk their lives and their children's lives to get into our country at any cost. Third world countries do not have that problem.
>If we stick our poor into 10x10 concrete rooms called apartments then we are more civilized than you
Photoshopped. Water doesn't look like that.
>America is a 3rd world country
>prove me wrong
>1 post by this ID
That's not what third world means
Third rate? Sure, but first world, third world, etc is a political term, not economic
It's a Third World Country as a society, but a First World Country economically.
its actually a massive problem in the american black community, too, but i'm just going off personal experience. it really is sick out there, i just don't understand how you have a kid and at some point, drunk or not (but they tend to be bad drinkers) decide "i'm just gonna go in their room and have my way with this terrified child and ruin their life"
We wuz first world and shiet? Based
Looks nice to me
Shheeeiiiitttt, if you never smoked weed and had wild gorilla monkey sex with your redhead German-Irish southern waitress QT GF on a rug in front of the fireplace while rain beat down on the tin roof of your shack with thunder crashing all around and the dogs and cats all huddled together in a pile by the hearth...hey, why is everybody crying?
I'm going to this is some worst case scenario type shit and it isn't all like this, but I take your point. I'm sure there's plenty of Appalachian people like that too.
They're also slow, dumb, talk slow and don't seem to have a concept of time.
I ended up in a cracker barrel, because 2 small hungry kids while road tripping. It was a fucking 2hr-long eating experience. Waitresses just standing around, chewing gum and chatting with one another. It was fucking 45mins just to get the food.
Boston is great. I love the aquarium. The coast is nice too like Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard etc.
That still make the USA first world by definition.
Now that china is engaged in social and financial imperialism I suppose we can call them first world
Found the guy from ''''''rural''''' New Jersey
I know you're a leaf so you can go outside and experience glorious nature for thousands of miles in every direction- but most countries do not have this. Many people would choose to live in a cheap shack like pic related, on a huge property with several acres of land to live on- than a nice mcmansion on 20 square feet of soil per plot.