Noble Prize redpill request

Widely considered to be the ultimate achievement in the academic pyramid of success (piece prize aside)
Awarded only to a small percentage of arguably the greatest minds of mankind
Winners selected by a (((comittee))) based on various (((factors)).
Realistically speaking, how achievable is this goal, and just how (if at all) is this system rigged? Is it a neutral non aligned academic entity or is it heavily infested with lizards and directly tied to the progression of world agenda?
A lot of anons talk about the idea of a gov. disclosure of secret advanced technology like flying saucers and shit, if such were ever to be the plan/case then do you think they would directly state such info to the public? Or would they wait/select an outside player to bring the technology to light in the form of some college dropout genius type that figures classified info independently and is presented to the public in a legit manner. While the glowies continue to deny that such info was ever in their hands, thus hiding their hidden leaps of technological advancement while boosting the legitimacy of the said NP winner.

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All modern public science is propaganda. The world you know is 80 years behind the science you're not allowed access to.

>Optical Tweesers
>Blue LED
What a scam

Jews rewarding other jews.

> tfw stemcuck working for science


So consecutive winners are more likely to be awarded based on the idea of advancing/twisting scientific propaganda? More or less 1 truth 2 lies

Paul Krugman appears to be really stupid and he won a nobel prize, which makes me skeptical of the nobel prize as a measure of academic achievement, but this alone is of course not nearly enough evidence to discredit it.

remember that they gave one of this to Obama... if that is not rigged well...

Geniuses don't work for reward of status

Also what a huge anticlimax.

Oh so you got your reward guess that's the pinnacle reached

now you can appear on TV!

Are you saying that Elon Musk is an alien?

well it's about creating academic celebrities of great achievement in the eyes of the sheep masses who then propagate various ideas with a massive ethos behind them
>inb4 DNA nobel winner states racial differences

I know some of them were stolen, others are stupid (economics, peace, literature ...).
They are also jews circlejerking other jews.

Status among their peers as a strong influence and the reward of changing human knowledge is usual.

And yes, they are gatekeepers and bypassing them is the only way to disclose stuff.
Sometimes it is legitimately rediscovered and they "intimidate" the inventor, capisci?

He got the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics, which was established in 1969. Not a real Nobel prize.

No, he is a jew.

Name one indepandant research organisation that has created any type of technology that isn't connected to DARPA, AARPA-E, IBM or funded by a FED connected source.

I'll wait.

They gave a peace prize to a useless nigger who literally bombed children at hospitals

You be the judge retard

Before (((WW2)))? Very few. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, capisci?

I meant after. Some europeans and asians bypass the (((system))) sometimes.

>just how (if at all) is this system rigged?
Just remember that obama received one and then spent the next 8 years dropping over 200,000 bombs in the middle east, precipitating the (((migrant crises))) of 2015-onwards.

THAT'S how fucking rigged.

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It's a great question. Yes, they'd kill you to steal your inventions if you were seen as a threat (Barry Sherman type of control). Additionally, if you became problematic, you'll be excommunicated, your legacy tarnished, and your honoraries rescinded (James Watson
and the racial IQ debatical) .

the ones for science are usually reasonable, literature is not as pozzed as you might think but it's not redpilled either, peace and economics are joke categories not to be taken seriously

I mentioned piece brize aside, which is a separate meme agency. I'm more interested in exploring the connection between true (hidden) knowledge of mankind vs. disclosed/public knowledge and the role that nobel winners might play as actors in the grand scheme of things
bypass, or are granted access?

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Breakthrough prize is more money and was introduced by a based Russian billionaire conspiracy theorist.

the more you know

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What is your thesis here? That fed money pays armies of researchers to duplicate work that was already done secretly, as a way to identify the top 0.1% of researchers to pull into black projects? And that all new tech is released in a controlled way for political reasons?

I'll try:
> Rockets (Robert Goddard)
> Flight (Wright Brothers)
> Chemical engineering (Lord Boyle)
> Internet sales
> File sharing
> Imageboard culture
> Green revolution (hybrid rice and grain)
> Muscle cars
> Fertility blocker pills
> (((General Magic))) (first cell phone)
> Jet engines (general electric)
> (((Online dating)))
> Tunnel digging machines

what does imageboard culture have to do with anything thread related?

>Rockets: Dod weapons launch platform developed by captured german scientists during WWII-->Operation paper clip

> Flight (Wright Brothers)
That's much older than 80 years. Modern planes are antiques.

>Chemical Engineering
over 80 years ago

>Internet Sales
The internet is a DoD creation and CERN created the WWW

>Imageboard culture
That is psychology--not hard science

>Green revolution
Cars have been getting the same mileage since the 60s. The techonlogy certainly isn't new: the only real change is batteries got lighter and machining got more precise. Everything in a "green car" is old tech just made better.

Think about post WWII. Science got consolidated.

imageboards are an invention

Lost all credibility when Obama won one !

But would you want peers who believe in the nobel prize?

Seems a little pedestrian