Yas Forums's thoughts on lady maga?
Yas Forums's thoughts on lady maga?
Looks like a tranny.
Why didn’t they go with a qt trap for the boomer psyop? Why did they go with that thing instead? It’s exactly what the big voter base don’t want around their grandkids.
She should kil herself
Fucking disgusting. Typical “conservative “, literally not conserving anything
Would love to see boipucci. Based and fagpilled.
Made for superior BBC
Kill this kike.
Just proof that blue and red team are just two sides of goy games. Boomers will now be pro tranny because of this and in 10 years when red team is pushing for child trannys while blue team for legal pedophilia they will support that too. I’m sure there are some q boomers on the board right now that could tell you how based lady miga is.
gets the bullet first
quite cringe
A cute! A CUTE.
A beautiful woman. What else is there to say?
She's basically our MOAB in the culture war.
Why can't guys just be happy with being guys? Its pretty great.
You become what you cant have.
No fucking way. Burn it at the stake with the rest of the gays.
More like, the MOAB to our side
>Yas Forums's thoughts on lady maga?
Neither a lady nor MAGA.
>Looks like a tranny.
That's because it is.
Jews love posting this abomination in demoralization attacks. Thats all I know.
Absolute peak kosher conservatism
Subversive tranny used to derail and water down nationalistic movements. Ever notice how when whites start waking up a little, kikes fill the "conservative" party with fags, niggers, and women?
Thats life, If I can't have a cute gf now, I'll wait, I have things to do, like take care of animals.
>based trannies saving the right and winning the culture war against nazis and bigots
its a cross dresser not a tranny aka he's happy being male he just do this sometimes as a hobby
>He's not always like that
ah, Okay, I do remember trannies being like that. but that was before they starting pushing their dicks in our faces.
If he's not totally delusional than I guess thats something...