/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3386

► Detected: 2,594,742 (+38,982) ► Died: 181,164 (+3,705) ► Day: 104 (-09:11:39)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.8x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,743 strains have been sequenced —


Yas Forums leaked passwords from WHO, CDC, Gates Foundation, Wuhan biolab

Latest leaks: Wuhan biolab had been splicing HIV and coronaviruses

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Antibody tests detect wrong antibodies, binders not neutralizers

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Coronavirus deaths in the US went unreported for weeks

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

5 year old kid dies in Britain

"Recovered" men show half the normal levels of testosterone

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets

▶ 3741 new cases and 730 new deaths in the United States
▶ 3 new cases in Aruba
▶ 452 new cases and 17 new deaths in Ecuador
▶ 29 new cases in Iraq
▶ 1016 new cases and 1 new death in Singapore
▶ 5 new cases in Cabo Verde
▶ 34 new cases and 4 new deaths in Norway
▶ 545 new cases and 39 new deaths in Canada
▶ 99 new cases and 10 new deaths in Algeria


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Other urls found in this thread:


2 more weeks
>2 more weeks
2 more weeks

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>2 weeks ago
>we reached the peak guys

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When are we going to hit 3 million cases?

rolling for ca nuked

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What does she listen to?

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I miss Gary

Pray for Ecuador

why would you do this

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Anyone here have any predictions of what is the next big domino to fall after oil?

Imagine living in an apartment and not a house with a garden

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Jesus fuck and so it is written

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are we not lined up for a famine?

You've not got the numbers showing for April 21
Also we're not hitting that 5 mil for April 25 :/
But I'd say that's a function of test logistics such as reagent supply, as opposed to a slowing in growth

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>last 2 weeks
>nothingburgers keep pointing to Sweden as proof corona not real
>Sweden now

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godbless, godbless

The biggest problem I'm facing is running out of beer after curfew then having to resort to moonshine.

F for Cali

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cityfags get what they deserve
While I get to play fetch with my dog in the backyard

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based, rolling for nuclear apocalypse

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how are other countries getting so anal blasted by this then?

rolling for world coincidentally ceasing to exist on my birthday

3 mil and 200k should be around the end of the week



/cvg/ post yfw you might actually die

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Don’t pray for Ecuador

w-when's your birthday user?

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China is willing to take the hit to inflict pain on others. We thought sandnignogs were bad but bugman has clearly outplayed them.

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Well done sir.

Around Monday.

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At the time this was done about 30 people had died in Santa Clara county. As of now 88 have. It is literally the flu if these numbers are correct and repeatable in other studies. Also keep in mind that they used people who responded to an ad and wanted to be tested, aka were more likely to be sick.

auto industry crash. No one's out buying new cars, no one's out signing new loans, no one's paying the loans

You gotta be specific user, dying of what exactly? I'd rather die than fall into the hands of a communist

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Can we add NYC to that?
Gotta get all the plague rats before they scurry off to the 110th country.

>Question about US funds.

Reminder that the way most countries have handled this has set it up to be the next spanish flu.

> The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much more deadly than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States,[102]the virus had mutated to a much more deadly form. October 1918 was the month with the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic

A widespread but relatively normal first wave

>This increased severity has been attributed to the circumstances of the First World War.[104]In civilian life,natural selectionfavors a mild strain. Those who get very ill stay home, and those mildly ill continue with their lives, preferentially spreading the mild strain. In the trenches, natural selection was reversed. Soldiers with a mild strain stayed where they were, while the severely ill were sent on crowded trains to crowded field hospitals, spreading the deadlier virus.

People with more mild strains are social distancing and not spreading it, people with the worse strains spread it to HCW's

> Modern analysis has shown the virus to be particularly deadly because it triggers acytokine storm(overreaction of the body's immune system), which ravages the stronger immune system of young adults.[5]

See you all in August

12. through his powerful, thick veins

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you have to go back
>/cvg/ post yfw you might actually die
have OC pic related

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different starting times. In the initial exponential growth phase, a difference of ten days means 10 times more cases now. If Swedens first community spread happened a week or two after other countries, then they will lag a bit.

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No point in prepping if you live with your essential working parents

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Chinese computer password people are STILL trying to log into our accounts wtf bros
>Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "Jiangyou, Sichuan, China".

LOL they bumped the estimated 60k deaths by August to 66,000 after they realized we are going to reach that within a week or two



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literally my past couple of days

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>sunny and nice out
>everyone’s flooding into parks to enjoy the nice weather, passing closely by dozens upon dozens of others walking in clusters
I hope these retards get wiped out

Healthy young Bojo goes to Chinatown, gets pumped with massive shots of bat blood, doesn't feel good and hates chinks - CORONA. Many such cases!

Happy early birthday, user!

what did ted mean when he used a corona type writer to typed the industrial revolution and its consequences, using a corona smith typewriter

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Housing is okay so far. The people losing their jobs are primarily financially illiterate wagies who never owned in the first place. All of those people complaining that ownership was out of reach now realize why. My foreclosure work has picked up a bit, but not by much (only FHA can do forbearance right now).

yeah , put a bullet in the WHO nigger and winnie the chink if you want to avenge someone , prayers do nothing helpful

Had arrhythmia since last April so my heart isnt 100%
Had most of the textbook Corona syntoms minus fever for a month, in the last 1-2 weeks iv developed a tightness in the chest. Can still breathe and my cheap o2 sensor still reads normal
Last few days iv had all kinds of strange mild problems and discomforts im my chest and sides (organ damage/blood flow prehaps?)
Last night woke up around 3-4am with what felt like a rock in the region of my right chest.
I could still breathe deep beaths (though with discomfort) i suspect heart valve but im no medfag.
>staying home meams death
>going to hospital means re/infection and death
Thanks chinks

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it is now turning into a nothing burger. It has slowed down a ton

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thank you. stay indoors on that day.

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>OP skips to hazmat KLK characters without finishing including every FLCL character in a hazmat
wtf OP, I thought your autism was better than this

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Thank you to whichever user sent me this.

>► Detected: 2,594,742 (+38,982) ► Died: 181,164 (+3,705) ► Day: 104 (-09:11:39)
This doesn't seem like much. The virus is definitely slowing down. This proves it wasn't much to begin with. We shouldn't have shut down everything for this.

>LOL they bumped the estimated 60k deaths by August to 66,000
>haha guys i was only pretending to be retarded
>t. US government
this is like Tesla's production numbers

Hopefully Silicon Valley ceases to exist.
Dog Bless

Nice tits Brazil

use a secure password faggot

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>what did Bill Gates mean when he was sitting in his mansion drinking Corona beer watching the sunset

You say that, until they reopen states and countries and infection rates skyrocket again

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Ontario premier predicts that ban will be lifted May 24th.

How soon do you think it'll be for gyms to reopen, and do you think they will in place another ban?


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kill the infected! kill the infected! aaaaaaaaaaa

>2 more weeks
I hope you can go outside with your friends and breathe in the fresh air soon

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Ebola-chan and Corona-chan killing WHO colleagues
top lel

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wow the memes are true zlovenians really are massive faggots

death grips

You shouldn't look at deaths for the peak, those always lag a week or two behind cases. If the new cases start going down, so will eventually the deaths. Besides, deaths are unreliable. For example last week we had higher numbers, but everyone and their mother were doing spring cleaning in their nursing homes. This week we so far only had legit weekly numbers.

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She likes synthwave.

Ecuador is literally collapsing, not long before it spreads to the neighboring countries and so on. Plus winter surge, patience all will happen. Hell we might even get WW3