It hurts bros his name has been dragged through the dirt by the Jews.
Hopefully hitler 2.0 will come around in a few years!
It hurts bros his name has been dragged through the dirt by the Jews.
Hopefully hitler 2.0 will come around in a few years!
Blame your Emperor Churchill for dragging the Anglosphere to destroy the German people.
And blame your Royal family who cowed when they needed to step up
Churchill was based tho. He wanted to minimize casualties. Zionist shill Hitler was on a mission to kill as many whites as possible.
a loser cannot be the most based man
Gas yourself mario
Is it opposite day?
I’m so fucking tired of seeing this losers fucking face. HE LOST
says the country that fucked him in the ass
force me.
He was an autistic clown who died like the worst loser ever.
Goering had much more style, he tricked the court by suiciding himself
Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Church was a faggot kike
Nazis were outnumbered 10 to 1
Goering was also raised by a jew. His mother kicked his dad out and married a jew who raised him and taught him everything.
>to kill as many whites as possible.
>Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Yes goyim read the Goldberg's book.
>Goering was also raised by a jew. His mother kicked his dad out and married a jew who raised him and taught him everything.
Why are you lying filthy subhuman?
I admit there is something strange about the whole Aryan master race yet Hitler himself isn't Aryan?
>Churchill shill
>Checks flag
K then
Mein Kampf isnt a historical document. That's like saying The Illiad is a historical document, or the Quran. You dont even follow your own faith and would have been killed for blasphemy by the Christian Zionists you worship. You probably think Mein Kampf mentions all the different sects of Judaism that was around at the time. Doesnt mention even a 1/3 of them. A Nazi is a watered down jew dog. Jews wrote Mein Kampf, you worship it. Hitler was a jew, you worship him. You hate Jews, but you worship them. You're a retard, plain and simple. No YouTube video or pol copy pasta is going to change that.
fuck off he was the only chad of the autistic parade
It was written by a total dissident who also wrote Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and FDR you retard. Shitler was 110% a zionist puppet.
Based and mega redpilled. The reality is all leaders of every great white empire or white movement has secretly been loyal to Jewish agenda. This is why Jews have kept winning and destroying our civilizations since the Egyptian times. The Jew is too smart. Everybody is a puppet to them. Even people like Trump and Hitler.
ritter hermann von epenstein
I know you are a jealous shitskin, you want white to hate nationalsocialism and Hitler because you dont want the white race to succeed.
You want the to fail like the rest of your subhuman race.
So was Churchill you fucking moron
Spanish people aren't white
National socialism itself was a pale imitation of bolshevism. Remember Hitler started out his political career in the bavarian soviet republic and was a diehard communist for the rest of his life.
What the hell are you saying? you didnt read the Mein Kampf,The conomic doctrine, the Gottfried Feder works and fundamentals...
And you are here talking like if you were an expert, wtf!
based, Salazar was right about Hitler and the germans.
But Goering remains a chad
If he agrees with you, he's betraying his nation and is anti-nationalist
If he disagrees with you, he's also ostensibly anti-nationalist
You are from an ex-Facist country, so you can believe in it without it affecting your psyche.