Pol done fucked up now

Pol done fucked up now

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Other urls found in this thread:


bill gates should have been put in jail like 30 years ago. When society collapses and that fag tries to flee.. we will get him.

The hacker known as Yas Forums strikes again.


When everyone you don't like is a Nazi.

But I'm not a neo-Nazi. Where do they get off spreading such libel? If I was a Jew, I'd get my Uncle Moshe to sue.

Yas Forums just made a thread where they have his foundations passwords, along with WHO and others.

I assumed neo nazis would love Bills sterilize useless africans philanthropy.

I think this place just gets fed and talked through muh l33t h4x by the shadowmen...most of Yas Forums couldn't program a microwave

Expect us. Only released proofs so far.



Bill looks bad for his age.

Too much BBC

this is how you look when you are robber baron scum that cheats and lies and intimidates to get rich



neo nazis lol

How on earth are we neonazis if >50% of this board arent genetically white nor wants white supremacy? When nazi posts are made is due Jewry hates, conspiracy larp, and technological/adm admiration.

Any chance of posting the source link and archive?

Attached: CNN ride never ends.jpg (994x1053, 239.23K)

Anonymoose strikes agin. You butter loogowt

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Has anything useful been found ?

>neo nazis
>right wing activists
Kek nazis are progressives.

Yas Forums is literally just irony come to life, when will the media realize it’s all a giant joke

Well technically according to the colon in the headline it's the Researchers saying Neon Nazis

None of that shit is true

Clearly you haven't been here since this site started. It gained the hacker rep for scriptkiddy shit and habbo hotel shennigans. No feds needed, just bored teenagers on ircs.

Now this place gets used for leaks so it keeps the elite haxor rep but... yeah, newfags and normies keep thinking this is some cyberpunk anime aryan cafe

the funny thing is 99% of Yas Forums incels don't even know how to use that word in the correct context.

That """hack""" was Gates and the WHO spreading misinformation on purpose. Theirs no way they could both get hacked in the same day, at this time of year, by anyone. This is literally the man who programmed the worlds most popular operating system.

I hacked the entire mainframe of a city by changing my wallpaper once.

Attached: 1767867878.png (600x515, 63.19K)

I don't know what page to use for archive. It's business insider just search neo Nazis gates if someone else wants to


Attached: hatemachine.png (461x421, 66.8K)

no, now go glow somewhere else fed fag

Attached: the hacker 4chan.png (500x501, 54.77K)

It's really sad how far these schizos will go to harass innocent people. Don't bother looking into any of it I already did and there's literally nothing there. Time for everyone to go back to sleep.

this was meant for whoever was saying it was the media, but let's not kid ourselves, what's the difference?

First hack the Gates VPN and then the 2FA. No, this didn't happen.

>neo nazis
so where does this nazi hacker meme come from?
who was doing the hack in the end?

Shit, wait this isn’t the cyberpunk anime Aryan cafe? Must’ve gone to the wrong place, sorry!

He looks alright for a foreskin golem.

I did the same by pressing ESC and CTRL X loads of times

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Anything interesting found yet?

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The best part of the leak:
>Login: [email protected]
>Password: Nigga1

It's a group of Austrian hackers called fascia

Awwww shiet how are these Nazis so powerful, they're literally everywhere, all the time, yet no one even knows one. Almost like a boogeyman.

>trending on twitter
100% fake

checked. I guess you are hackerman

It's being completely scrubbed off. @USAHACKERS on twitter

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 161.86K)

The fact that every news outlet is prefacing the leak with "neo-nazis" tells you we're onto something big

On the bright side, everyone gets to be a neo-nazi.

Nah fishing then grasshopper. They all had accounts on each others exchanges. Same passwords.


Evidence. This shit was in 2007. This rep will never be lost lmao

It's a common mistake!


I once hacked a police department by taping a 5.25" floppy to the back of a patrol car.

>Neo-Nazis are low IQ
>Neo-Nazis broke into the WHO and the Gates Foundation

Which is it?

That is fucken hilarious
Never change, media
>MySpace is their favorite target

He looks like a carton a day smoker.

>still pretending the people cataloging everyone for their eugenics games aren't the nazis.
so they hacked themselves?

Goddamn I love being a neo nazi.

Where do they get off calling all fascists nazis?

What are they going to do with said credentials? Leak all the documents discussing how these people intend to help humanity?

And are they nazis or not?

Can't wait to bring back the snailmail goatse and exploding van tricks back in 2020.

>help humanity?

Attached: yeah_sure.jpg (480x897, 84.33K)

Glownigger supreme

>neo nazis
what a bunch of horseshit
preventing your nation from being overthrow, the people enslaved and your race genocided does not a "neo nazi" make

This was yet another false flag aimed at us
>still haven't seen any of those leaked documents
fucking scumbags

>tfw you no longer see neo-nazi as a negative context and detach it from white-trash tattooed skinheads and understand that your non-bigoted anti-semitism is eternal

Attached: du.jpg (700x369, 77.47K)

Apologise for calling me a Nazi right now or i'm going to release all the pics of Bill rimming a 6 year old boy

It’s all fake. Nobody got shit. The leaks are gonna be “omg its more dangerous than we thought”.

You figured it out. It's the oldest trick in the book. Play the victim

Jew detected

Just wait till the next false flag comes and this site gets into trouble again...