Woman claims muzzie boyfriend bit off her nose


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I thought muslims couldn't eat pig?




Yeah m8. I'm sure she just did this to herself to throw a poor darkman under the bus.

Wouldn't want to accuse a precious immigrant before we've got the WHOLE story, now would we?

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She deserved it


Holy shit corona is turning them into zombies

hah fucking cunt

Fucking kek.

TbhI'm sure she's a vapid whore. But fuck headlines like this tip-toeing around the obvious are so flagrantly protective it pisses me off.

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>Named Nick Grewal

Welcome to your New World Order hellscape
>Jews think they can rule this when we are gone

>face like that
>anything but

hahahaha! also fpbp

>Be Liberal
>Defend this

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Doesn’t sound like a muzzie name

Fuckinh weird to me that the Bitch doesn't seem to have a care in the world that she'll forever look like she's been snorting a kilo a day for 10 years either.

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He is 100% a mutt from Muttland or maybe UK

muh nooooosiiieee
not the nooooossiiiieee

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holy fucking toll paid

Maybe he thought she was a demon. I do

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Id still let her suck my cock.

Hum user
She's literally making jokes of it, imagine the culture of this whore that she believes is funny to get her nose bit off by some sandnigger, imagine how fucked up she is and the nigresses who made that picture.
She deserved to die, she's too lucky to be alive, negro from the sand should have shot her.


Saint Nick

Wait until she says "achoo!"
It's going to suck.
Someone send her pepper and spices.

toll paid


lmao she still bother with her fake eye lashes and bs...

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>It's the self defense meme
If you wanna fuck someone up but don't wanna get shafted due to being in a position to run away or de-escalate, bite their nose off
>Even if you don't bite through, fixing noses is never perfect, disfigurement is almost permanent
>Can be used as a self-defense claim, is seen as an "absolutely last ditch maneuver" and rarely pre-meditated
